The future viability of ORNL's nuclear science & technology programs depends on developing and maintaining worthwhile technical interactions with the domestic and global science & engineering community. Further, recruitment and retention of outstanding and diverse science & engineering talent to ORNL's programs will require actively managed relations with universities that have outstanding science & engineering research & education programs.


ORNL will ensure that its nuclear science & technology capability will remain world class by recruiting and retaining diversity in its intellectual ideas and talent through its nuclear science & technology interaction program.


  • Enhance the technical community's understanding and appreciation of ORNL's nuclear science and technology programs.
  • Increase our technical interaction with universities and other institutions of education and research.
  • Increase diversity in the field of nuclear science and technology by assisting the development of nuclear technology programs at HBCUs and increasing participation of women and minorities in nuclear disciplines.
  • Identify and recruit top candidates.
  • Employ targeted recruitment strategies.