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Family issues   Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA)   Foreign trade   France

Family issues

(See also Women.)
1989 employee benefits address family concerns (PDF 392K).—Jun. 1990.
American families: 75 years of changeMar. 1990.
Boom in day care industry the result of many social changes.Aug. 1995.
Century of family budgets in the United States, A.May. 2001.
Changing family in international perspective, The.Mar. 1990.
Changing impact of marriage and children on women’s labor force participation, The.Feb. 2009.
Child-care: arrangements and costs.Oct. 1991.
Child-care problems: an obstacle to work.Oct. 1991.
Child care services: a national picture.Dec. 1983.
Children of the NLSY79: a unique data resource.Feb. 2005.
Comparing childcare measures in the ATUS and earlier time diary studies.May 2007.
Earnings of husbands and wives in dual-earner families.Apr. 1998.
Effect of working wives on the incidence of poverty, The.Mar. 1998.
Employment situation for military wives, The (PDF).—Feb. 1981.
Expenditures of single parents: how does gender figure in?Jul. 2002
Families and work in transition in 12 countries, 1980–2001Sept. 2003.
Family and medical leave: evidence from the 2000 surveys.—Sept. 2001.
Family leave coverage in the 1990s.Oct. 1999.
Family leave coverage in the 1990s.Oct. 1999.
Family members in the work force.Mar. 1990.
Family-related benefits in the workplace.—Mar. 1990.
Health insurance coverage for families with children.Aug. 1995.
Helping employees with family care.Sept. 1990.
How family spending has changed the U.S.Mar. 1990.
Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data (PDF).—Feb. 1981.
Interrelation of child support, visitation, and hours of work.Jun. 1992.
Labor force statistics from a family perspective.Dec. 1983.
Labor force status of families: a visual essay.Jul./Aug. 2007.
Married couples: work and income patterns.Dec. 1983.
Married women, work, and valuesAug 2000.
Measuring the complexity of hours at work: the weekly work gridApr. 2002.
Most women who head families receive poor job market returns.Dec. 1983.
New household survey and the CPS: labor force differences.Sept. 1985.
Profile of husbands in today's labor marketOct. 1987.
Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty.Jul. 1990.
'Sandwich generation': women caring for parents and children, The.Sept. 2006.
State labor legislation enacted in 1999.Jan. 2000.
State labor legislation enacted in 2000.Jan. 2001.
Synchronicity in the work schedules of working couplesApr. 2002.
Time use of working parents: a visual essay.Jun. 2008.
Trends in employment and unemployment in families.Dec. 1983.
Trends in labor force participation of married mothers of infants.Feb. 2007.
Unemployment and its effect on family income in 1980..—Apr. 1982.
Variations in time use at stages of the life cycle..—Sept. 2005.
Wage differentials associated with working at home.Mar. 2007.
Welfare reform data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.—Jul. 2001.
Welfare reform impacts in SIPP.—Nov. 2002.
Women paid low wages: who they are and where they work.—Sept. 2000.
Women's work expectations and actual experienceNov. 1987.
Work and family: impact of legislation.—Mar. 1990.
Work at home: data from the CPS.Feb. 1994.
Work experience, earnings, and family income in 1981.Apr. 1983.
Working wives and mothers: what happens to family life? (PDF).—Sept. 1981.

Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA)

Special issue commemorating 75 years of the Federal Employees' Compensation, A. Act.—Sept. 1991.
Federal Employees' Compensation Act.
Role of workers' compensation in developing safer workplaces.
Sound medical evidence: key to FECA claims.
U.S. worker rehabilitation in international perspective.

Foreign trade

1982 Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment, The.Oct. 1985.
1987-88 surge in exports and the rise in factory jobs, The.May 1990.
Analysis of U.S. industries sensitive to foreign trade, 1982-87, An.Feb. 1993.
Are producer prices good proxies for export prices?Oct. 1997.
Chemical trade prospers in the 1980's.Jun. 1991.
Dollar's fall boosts U.S. machinery exports, 1985-90.Jul. 1991.
Factors affecting the international softwood lumber market, 1987-93.Feb. 1994.
Foreign trade alternatives for employment and occupations, 2005.Nov. 1994.
Geographic concentration of trade-sensitive employment.Jun. 1993.
Import and export price trends, 2007.Feb. 2009.
Import and export prices gain ease in 1989.Jun. 1990.
Import price declines in 1986 reflected reduced oil pricesApr. 1987.
Import price indexes for crude petroleum.Nov. 1982.
Import price rise in 2005 due to continued high energy prices.Nov. 2006.
Imports and domestic employment: identifying affecting affected industries.Aug. 1982.
IPP introduces additional Locality of Origin import price indexes.Dec. 2005.
Labor costs of manufacturing employees in China: an update to 2003–04.Nov. 2006.
Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China.Aug. 2005.
Manufacturing employment in China.Jul. 2005.
New international price series published by Nation and region.Jun. 1992.
Prices of U.S. imports and exports declined in 1984.Apr. 1985.
Strong dollar, recovery mark international prices in 1983.Apr. 1984.
Trade and displacement in manufacturing.Apr. 1995.
Trade-sensitive employment: who are the affected workers? (PDF)—Feb. 1981.
U.S. foreign trade prices in 1982: import and export indexes.May 1983.
U.S. import and export prices in 2003.Sept. 2004.
U.S. import and export prices in 2004.Jul. 2005.
U.S. import and export price indexes show declines in first half.Jan. 1983.


Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.Feb. 1995.
Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.Oct. 1993.
International comparisons of unemployment indicators.Mar. 1993.
International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.Aug. 1995.
Manufacturing multifactor productivity in three countries.Jul. 1995.
Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.Jul. 1995.
Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.Dec. 1991.
Measuring the complexity of hours at work: the weekly work gridApr. 2002.
Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.Aug. 1985.
U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.Feb. 1997.

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