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Monthly Labor Review Online

April 2011, Vol. 134, No. 4



Employment loss and the 2007� recession: an overview
Christopher J. Goodman and Steven M. Mance
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Employment in health care: a crutch for the ailing economy during the 2007� recession
Catherine A. Wood
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Mining employment trends of 2007�: a question of prices
Brian Davidson
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Construction employment peaks before the recession and falls sharply throughout it
Adam Hadi
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Manufacturing employment hard hit during the 2007� recession
Megan M. Barker
Summary | Full text in PDF

Professional and business services: employment trends in the 2007� recession
Frank Conlon
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Employment in financial activities: double billed by housing and financial crises
George Prassas
Summary | Full text in PDF

Deep drop in retail trade employment during the 2007� recession
Michael D. McCall
Summary | Full text in PDF

Employment in leisure and hospitality departs from historical trends during 2007� recession
Eliot Davila
Summary | Full text in PDF

The decline in work hours during the 2007� recession
Steven Kroll
Summary | Full text in PDF

Conference Report

Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users� Workshop, July 2010
Geoffrey Paulin
Summary | Full text in PDF


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