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April 2008, Vol. 131, No. 4

An analysis of Southern energy expenditures and prices, 1984–2006

Cheryl Abbot
Rregional Economist, Economic Analysis and Information Unit in the Southwest Regional Office of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
E-mail: abbot.cheryl@bls.gov

In the South, where heavy usage of electricity and gasoline causes consumers to spend a larger share of their budget on energy-related goods and services than does any other region of the United States, energy prices have increased sharply in recent years; on the whole, however, energy expenses actually made up a smaller share of Southern budgets in 2006 than they did in 1984.

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Consumer Expenditure Survey
Consumer Price Index

Inflation cross-currents: energy, food, and homeownership (PDF).—Jun. 1981.

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