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Schedule 03FAC User FAQ


  1. How is construction handled under the GSA Facilities Maintenance and Management Schedule 03FAC?
  2. What is a Contractor Team Arrangement under GSA Schedule 03FAC?
  3. How do I know I am getting the best price?
  4. What does the Maximum Order Threshold mean to an MAS user?
  5. What options are there for performance based contracting under either a time and material or fixed price GSA Schedule order?
  6. What must I do when administering a time-and-materials order under a GSA Schedule contract?
  7. I need help using GSA Schedule 03FAC. Where can I get assistance?
  8. I have specific questions about BPA's.


1. How is construction handled under GSA Schedule 03FAC? 

Construction services are not allowed under a GSA Schedule contract. The solution is what we refer to as Repair and Alterations (R&A) ancillary to existing services under this Schedule. 

These Projects Include:

  • Projects that are solely associated with the repair, alternation, delivery or installation of products or services also purchased under this Schedule;
  • Routine and non-complex projects in nature, such as painting or carpeting, simple hanging of drywall, basic electrical or plumbing work, landscaping; and, 
  • Other similar noncomplex services. 


These Projects Exclude:

  • Major or new construction of buildings, roads, parking lots and other facilities; 
  • Complex R&A of entire facilities or significant portions of facilities; and, 
  • Architect-Engineering Services subject to Public Law 92-582 (Brooks Act). 


The work performed under this Schedule may be associated with existing projects that are part of the scope of this Schedule. Ancillary Repair and Alterations may not be the primary purpose of the work ordered but be an integral part of the total solution offered. Ancillary Repair and Alteration services may only be ordered in conjunction with or in support of products or services purchased under this Federal Supply Schedule contract. This includes all regulatory guidance outlined in accordance with FAR 36, including the Davis Bacon Act and the Miller Act.

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2. What is a Contractor Team Arrangement under GSA Schedule 03FAC?

A GSA Schedule Contractor Team Arrangement (CTA) is an arrangement between two or more GSA Schedule contractors to work together to meet agency requirements. The CTA allows the contractor to meet the government agency needs by providing a total solution that combines the supplies and/or services from the team members' separate GSA Schedule contracts. It permits contractors to complement each other's capabilities to compete for orders for which they may not independently qualify. A customer benefits from a CTA by buying a solution rather than making separate buys from various contractors.

For more information visit Contractor Team Arrangements (CTA)).

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3. How do I know I am getting the best price?

GSA's goal is to be the best value supplier of choice. GSA Schedule contracts are negotiated with the intent of achieving the contractors' "most favored customer" pricing/discounts under similar conditions. In order to ensure that they receive the best value at the lowest overall cost when using GSA Schedule contracts, agencies are encouraged and empowered to seek price reductions not only for orders over the maximum order threshold, but also when circumstances warrant (see FAR 8.405-4).

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4. What does the Maximum Order Threshold mean to an MAS user?

This commercial practice brings more value and more choices to our customers. Customer orders are not restricted by a maximum order limit. In accordance with FAR 8.404(b) (3), the Maximum Order Threshold represents the point where it is advantageous for customers to seek a price reduction. In fact, after a customer reviews the price list(s) or GSA Advantage!®, the FAR instructs customers to generally seek price reductions for orders exceeding this threshold from Schedule contractor(s) appearing to provide the best value (considering price and other factors).  

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5. What options are there for performance based contracting under either a time and material or fixed price GSA Schedule order? 

Under FAR 8.405-2(b) to the maximum extent practicable, agency requirements may be performance-based statements (see Subpart 37.6).

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6. What must I do when administering a time-and-materials order under a GSA Schedule contract?

Prior to placing a time-and-materials order, the ordering activity must ensure that it has and will maintain appropriate order administration capabilities, to give the government reasonable assurances that efficient methods and effective cost controls are being used by the Schedule contractor. 

The contractor's accounting system should support the ability to closely track funding expenditures, since hours worked equate to hours to be paid. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that services are performed by those persons belonging to the appropriate labor categories, with specified qualifications as stipulated in the order, and that the billing accurately reflects the correct rates. 

A ceiling price must be established at the time of order placement. Contractors exceeding the ceiling price do so at their own risk. Any subsequent changes to the ceiling price must be justified and documented. 

Question 25 on the  GSA Schedules FAQ web page, contains more information.

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7. I need help using GSA Schedule 03FAC.  Where can I get assistance?

Acquisition professionals from the FMHAC are available to provide guidance and assistance in the use of the GSA Multiple Award Schedules. Please contact the FMHAC Hotline (Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST) at (816) 926-6760 or by email at

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8. I have specific questions about BPA's. 

The Blanket Purchase Agreement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide a variety of information regarding the use of BPAs under GSA Schedule contracts.

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Schedule 03FAC FAQ, Facilities, Repair and Alterations (R&A), Maximum Order Threshold, time-and-materials order