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Native American and Alaska Native Children in School Program

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2011 List of NAM Grantees (PDF, 40K)

2011 NAM Abstracts (PDF, 4MB)

2011 NAM Funded Applications The 13 applications recommended for funding scored between 86.00 and 105.00, and are in rank order.

Of the 13 applications recommended for funding, 10 met Competitive Priority 1-Novice Applicants, 13 addressed Competitive Priority 2-Increasing Postsecondary Success, and 11 applications addressed Competitive Priority 3-Enabling More Data-based Decision-Making. In addition, of the 13 applications recommended for funding,7 addressed Invitational Priority 1-Parental Involvement to Improve School Readiness and Success, and 8 addressed Invitational Priority 2-Supporting Native American Language Instruction.


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Last Modified: 01/13/2012