Exchange of Letters Between the U.S. Department of Commerce-NTIA and Mexico's Ministry of Communications and Transportation Amending the Protocol for the Allotment and Use of the 380-399.9 MHz Band for Certain Radiocommunication Services

July 17, 2006


[Unofficial translation Spanish to English]
Mexico City, July 17, 2006

Mr. John M.R. Kneuer
Acting Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
Department of Commerce and
Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Department of Commerce

Dear Mr. Kneuer:

This is in reply to your letter dated July 17, 2006 and consistent with Articles IV and V of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican States Concerning the Allocation and Use of Frequency Bands by Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Radiocommunication Services Along the Common Border signed at Williamsburg, Virginia on June 16, 1994, (the "Agreement"), the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation ("SCT"), the designated Administration for the Mexican Government under Article II, paragraph 1 of the Protocol Between the Department of State of the United States of America and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States Concerning the Allotment and Use of the 380-399.9 MHz Band for Fixed and Mobile Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Services Along the Common Border", signed at Mexico City on July 27, 2005 (the "2005 Protocol"), has the honor of informing you of our acceptance of the amendments to the 2005 Protocol that you present to us in the referenced letter which are the same as those that resulted from the negotiations that were completed at the Bilateral Working Level of the High Level Consultative Commission on Telecommunications (HLCC).

Additionally, I am pleased to confirm to you that your letter mentioned above and the present reply constitute an Agreement between the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation to amend the 2005 Protocol which shall enter into force on the present date.

I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest and distinguished consideration.

The Under Secretary


Cc: Mr. Pedro Cerisola Y Weber, Secretary of Communications and Transportation

"2006 Ano del Bicentenario del natalicio del Benemento de las Americas, don Benito Juarez Garcia"
Mexico, D. F., a 17 de julio de 2006

Sr. John M.R. Kneuer
Acting Assistant Secretary for Communications and lnformation
Department of Commerce and
Administrador of National Telecommunications
and Information Administration
P r e s e n t e

Estimado Sr. Kneuer:

En respuesta a su escrito de fecha 17 de julio de 2006 y consistentes con 10s Articulos IV y V del "Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de 10s Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el Gobierno de 10s Estados Unidos de America, relativo a la Atribucion y Uso de /as Bandas de  Frecuencia por 10s Servicios Terrenales de Radiocomunicaciones, Excepto Radiodifusion a lo Largo de la Frontera Comun", firmado en Williamsburg, Virginia el 16 de j~.~nio de 1994, (el "Acuerdo"), la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes, como Adrninistracion designada por el Gobierno Mexicano conforme al Articulo II, parrafo 1 del "Protocolo entre la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes de 10s Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el Department of State de 10s Estados Unidos de America, relativo a la Adjudicacion y Uso de la Banda de 380-399.9 MHz para 10s Servicios Fijo y Movil Terrenal Excepto Radiodifusion a lo Largo de la Frontera Comun", firmado en la Ciudad de Mexico el 27 de julio de 2005 (el "Protocolo de 2005"), tiene el honor de comunicarle nuestra aceptacion a las enmiendas del Protocolo de 2005 que nos presenta en su referido escrito, rrrismas que son
el resultado de las negociaciones realizadas en el Grupo de Trabajo Bilateral de la Comison Consultiva de Alto Nivel en Materia de Comunicaciones (CCAN).

Adicionalmente, me es grato confirrnarle que su escrito antes mencionado y la presente respuesta, constituyen un Acuerdo entre la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes de 10s Estados Unidos Mexicanos y la National Telecommunications and lnformation
Administration del Departamento de Comercio de 10s Estados Unidos de America para enmendar el Protocolo de 2005, el cual iniciara su vigencia a partir de la presente fecha.

Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterarle las seguridades de mi mas alta y distinguida consideracion.

El Subsecretario


Ccp. Arq. Pedro Cerisola Y Weber, Secretario de Comunicaciones y Transportes



Mr. Jorge Alvarez Hoth
Subsecretario de Comunicaciones
Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes
Xola y Avenida Universidad
Cuerpo "C" Primer Piso
C.P. 03020 Mexico, D.F.

Dear Mr. Alvarez Hoth:

Consistent with Articles IV and V of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican States Concerning the Allocation and Use of Frequency Bands by Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Radiocommunication Services Along the Common Border signed at Williamsburg, Virginia on June 16, 1994, (the "Agreement"), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America ("NTIA"), the designated Administration for the United States under Article II, paragraph 1 of the Protocol Between the Department of State of the United States of America and the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes of the United Mexican States Concerning the Allotment and Use of the 380-399.9 MHz Band for Fixed and Mobile Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Services Along the Common Border, signed at Mexico City on July 27, 2005 (the "2005 Protocol"), has the honor to propose that the 2005 Protocol be amended as follows:

1. In Article I, paragraph l, a semicolon and an "and" is added at the end of subparagraph b. and the following is inserted thereafter:

"c. To allow for temporary cross-border communications on an interim basis as set forth under Article IV, paragraph 3, herein."

2. In Article II, the title of Article II is amended to read as follows: "Designation of Administrations and Definitions." Also, in Article 11, paragraph l is amended to read as follows: "The National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce United States of America and the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes of the United Mexican States are hereby designated the Administrations responsible for the implementation of this Protocol for the United States of America (hereinafter "United States") and the United Mexican States (hereinafter "Mexico"), respectively, as provided for in Article IV of the Agreement."

3. In Article IV, at the end of paragraph 2, a new paragraph 3 is inserted thereafter as follows:

"3. Notwithstanding Article IV, paragraph 1 herein, which limits new assignments to primary allotments for each Administration, new assignments on the frequencies and their associated bandwidths shown in Appendix III are allowed on a temporary basis at certain stations in the United States so that those U.S. stations may engage in cross-border communications with counter-part stations in Mexico. Those U.S. stations are located in the State of Arizona in the United States and are identified in Appendix IV of this Protocol. Appendix IV also lists the counter-part stations in Mexico. Such temporary new assignments are not allowed on other U.S. stations in any of the border states of the United States.

a. The U.S. Administration may make new temporary assignments to the U.S. stations listed in Appendix IV under the exception set forth in this paragraph only on the condition that no harmful interference is caused to stations in, Mexico. In the case of harmful interference to the U.S. stations listed in Appendix IV from Mexican stations, the U.S. Administration will request cooperation from the Mexican Administration in order to ensure viable direct cross-border communications between the stations in each country.

b. The limited temporary use permitted under the terms set forth in the prior provisions of this paragraph may continue only until the two Administrations either find and agree upon an alternative radio-frequency band for the assigned use or until July 1, 2008, whichever occurs first. If the two Administrations agree upon an alternative radio-frequency band for the assigned use for any U.S. station prior to July 1, 2008, the limited temporary use of the frequencies by that U.S. station shall end when cross-border operations are deployed and transmissions by that U.S. station begins on the alternative frequency band.

4. Article V is amended to read as follows: "Appendices I, II, III and IV are an integral part of this Protocol."

5. Appendix I, Table II, Decimal Degrees in the Right Column for Point 1 is amended to read: "32.2378N"

6. Following Appendix II, new Appendices III and IV are inserted thereafter as follows:


Temporary Cross-Border Frequencies5,6

382.3000         392.3000

Each frequency employs an associated bandwidth of plus and minus 12.5 kHz relative to the center carrier frequency, i.e. 382.2875-382.3125 MHz and 392.2875-392.3125 MHz.


List of Certain U.S. and Associated Mexican Stations.
The U.S. Stations May Be Assigned Frequencies Set Forth in Appendix III on a Limited Temporary Basis under Article IV, Paragraph 3

In the State of Arizona:

1) U.S. Customs & Border Protection Station, Nogales

2) U.S. Customs & Border Protection Station, Naco

3) U.S. Customs & Border Protection Station, Douglas

4) U.S. Border Patrol Sector Communications Center, Yuma

5) County of Santa Cruz, Office of Emergency Management, Nogales

6) Police Department of City ofNogales, Nogales

7) Cochise County Sheriff's Department, Bisbee

8) Police Department of City of Douglas, Douglas

9) Police Department of City of San Luis, San Luis

10) Police Department of City of Somerton, Somerton

In the State of Sonora:

I) C4 Station, Nogales

2) C4 Station, Naco

3) C4 Station, Agua Prieta (site at Prima Loma)

4) C4 Station, San Luis Rio Colorado

5) C4 Station, Nogales

6) C4 Station, Nogales

7) C4 Station, Agua Prieta (site at Prima Loma)

8) C4 Station, Agua Prieta (site at Prima Loma)"

9) C4 Station, San Luis Rio Colorado

10) C4 Station, San Luis Rio Colorado

If the above proposed amendments to the 2005 Protocol are acceptable to the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of Mexico, this letter and your affirmative letter in reply shall constitute an agreement between the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States, which shall enter into force on the date of your letter in reply.


John M.R. Kneuer
Acting Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information

5 All frequencies in MHz

6 These two frequencies and their associated bandwidths are designated as primary for new assignments by Mexico and may also be assigned for temporary cross-border use only as set forth in Article IV, paragraph 3, to the U.S. stations listed in Appendix IV of this Protocol."

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