Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSMI)

Information updated on March 2, 2010, 8:27 pm GMT

General Data Description

The Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) is a seven-channel, four-frequency, orthogonally polarized, passive microwave radiometric system that measures atmospheric, ocean, and terrain microwave brightness temperatures at 19.35, 22.2, 37.0, and 85.5 GHz, with a spatial resolution of 25 km for the first three channels and 12.5 km for the 85 GHz channel. The SSM/I is carried on Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites F8, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14 and F15.
The data include wind speed, water vapor, liquid water and rain ratee and are produced by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS).

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Data Stream Names

Measurement Description

Wind Speed at 10 meters (m/sec)
Precipitable Water Vapor (mm)
Total Cloud Liquid Water Amount (mm)
Precipitation Rate (mm/hr)

Temporal Coverage

F08 SSM/I Jul 1987 to Dec 1991
F10 SSM/I Dec 1990 to Nov 1997
F11 SSM/I Dec 1991 to May 2000
F13 SSM/I May 1995 to November 2009
F14 SSM/I May 1997 to August 2008
F15 SSM/I Dec 1999 to present

Area Covered

All ocean areas.

Data Stream Inputs


Notification Form Link


Data Source

Reprocessing History

  • Reason Reprocessing
  • SSM/I data was updated from Version-4 to Version-5 on August 21, 2002. Then SSM/I data was updated from Version-5 to Version-6 on September 13, 2006. XDC began to send the version-6 of SSM/I data to the Archive on 05/01/2008.
    The gecssmi15X1.c1 data starting on 8/14/2006 should be used with caution due to interference from a RADCAL beacon. On 4/19/2009, corrections were made to the data and the data were reprocessed. However the data provider, Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), still states: "DO NOT use F15 data from 2006-Aug-14 forward for climate research." A support representative from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), said that the F15 data is "adequate for observational use. We still recommend not using it for climate research.". For data between August, 2006 - November, 2009, users may use F13 or F14 datastreams. Availability for theses datastreams are as follows: F13 SSM/I May 1995 to November 2009 (11/18/2009) F14 SSM/I May 1997 to August 2008 (8/7/2008) For more detailed information on the F15 beacon correction see: http://www.ssmi.com/ssmi/ssmi_F15_RADCAL_beacon_correction.html http://www.ssmi.com/papers/RSS_TR051209_RADCAL.pdf

Quicklook Links


GEC     Global Earth Coverage
RSS     Remote Sensing Systems
SSMI    SSpecial Sensor Microwave/Imager