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Industrial Noise Control Manual

December 1978
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 79-117

This Criteria Document is contained in PDF files, for ease of handling. The following table of contents allows you to open or download the files containing the sections of the document you want to see.

Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tables
1. Introduction
79-117-a.pdf (18 pages, 407K)
2. Noise Problem Analysis - Part 179-117-b.pdf (25 pages, 862K)
2. Noise Problem Analysis - Part 279-117-c.pdf (25 pages, 795K)
3. Noise Control79-117-d.pdf (26 pages, 870K)
4. Noise Control Materials
5. Selecting and Using a Consultant
79-117-e.pdf (14 pages, 506K)
6. Case Histories
Techniques That Involve Minimal Equipment Modification
Case History 1: Paper Machine, Wet End
Case History 2: Gas Turbine Test Station
Case History 3: 800-Ton Blanking Press
Case History 4: Nail-Making Machine
Case History 5: Pneumatic Scrap Handling
Case History 6: Parts Conveying Chute
Case History 7: Plastics Scrap Grinder
79-117-f.pdf (27 pages, 594K)
Case History 8: Hopper Noise
Case History 9: Electric-Powered Towing Machine
Case History 10: Blanking Press
Case History 11: Spinning Frame
Case History 12: Boxboard Sheeter
Case History 13: Carding Machines
79-117-g.pdf (18 pages, 487K)
Techniques That Involve Significant Equipment Modification
Case History 14: Folding Carton Packing Stations, Air Hammer Noise
Case History 15: Printing and Cutting Press
Case History 16: Straight-and-Cut Machines
Case History 17: Impact Trimming Machines
Case History 18: Transformer
Case History 19: Transformer
Case History 20: Surface Grinders
Case History 21: Printer
Case History 22: Metal Cut-Off
Case History 23: Wood-Planer
Case History 24: Punch Press
79-117-h.pdf (30 pages, 706K)
Case History 25: Punch Press
Case History 26: Punch Press
Case History 27: Braiding Machine
Case History 28: Refrigeration Trucks
Case History 29: Spiral Vibratory Elevator
Case History 30: Motor Generator Set
Case History 31: Filling Machines
Case History 32: Gearbox
Case History 33: Steam Generator Feed Pump
Case History 34: Muffler Shell Noise
79-117-i.pdf (31 pages, 914K)
Case History 35: Concrete Block-Making Machines
Case History 36: Jordan Refiners
Case History 37: Pneumatic Scrap Handling Ducts
Case History 38: Blood Plasma Centrifuge
Case History 39: Pneumatic Motors
Case History 40: Dewatering Vacuum Pump
79-117-j.pdf (25 pages, 615K)
Case History 41: Induced-Draft Fan
Case History 42: Process Steam Boiler Fans
Case History 43: Gas Turbine Generator
Case History 44: Jet Engine Compressor Test Cell
Case History 45: Jet Engine Test Cell
Case History 46: Pneumatic Grinder
79-117-k.pdf (18 pages, 462K)
Equipment Redesign Treatments
Case History 47: Wood Planer
Case History 48: Textile Braiding Machines
Case History 49: Steam Line Regulators
Case History 50: Speed Control Device
79-117-l.pdf (32 pages, 742K)
Combinations of Treatments
Case History 51: Steel Wire Fabric Machine
Case History 52: Barley Mill
Case History 53: Punch Press
Case History 54: Cut-Punch Press
Case History 55: Punch Press
Case History 56: Newspaper Printing Press
Case History 57: Letterpress Rotary Printing Machine
79-117-m.pdf (33 pages, 860K)
Case History 58:Chemical Process Plants
Case History 59: Vibration Table
Case History 60: Teletype Machine
Case History 61: Process Plant Noise Control at the Plant Design Stage
79-117-n.pdf (17 pages, 383K)
Bibliography79-117-o.pdf (41 pages, 991K)

  • Page last reviewed: June 6, 2014
  • Page last updated: June 6, 2014
  • Content source: