• Better Buildings Summit

    New State, Municipal and Education Partners announced at the Better Buildings Summit for State and Local Communities on June 26, 2012.

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  • Better Buildings

    Leading companies, universities, & communities working to improve their bottom line by saving energy.

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  • Better Buildings Better Plants

    Leading companies are working to improve their bottom line by saving energy in their manufacturing plants.

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  • Allies

    Organizations committed to helping reduce energy use through innovative energy efficiency products, services, technologies, and partnerships.

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  • Showcase Projects

    Partners are taking immediate, concrete actions resulting in significant and real savings through Showcase Projects.

    List of Showcase Projects >>

  • Partner Map

    Explore the Better Buildings Challenge Partners and Allies in your area.

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2 Billion

Square Feet Committed

$2 Billion

in Financing through Allies


Manufacturing Facilities

Partner Map
List of Showcase Projects

Better Buildings

State and Municipal Partners

Better Buildings,
Better Plants

Leading companies are working to better their bottom line by saving energy in their manufacturing plants.