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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Training and Development Policy

Training Policy Handbook

Training of Non-Government Employees

The following is guidance on training non-Government employees.


Since contractors are selected for their expertise in a subject-area, contractors may only be trained in skills they are not required to bring to the job. Contractors may be trained in rules, practices, procedures and/or systems that are unique to the employing agency and essential to the performance of the contractor's assigned duties, such as agency computer security procedures. However, the authority for training of contractors is not in training law. It is in the authority to administer contracts. Training of contractors is subject to the decision of the chief contracting official.

Employees of International Organizations

The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Pub. L. 87-195, 75 Stat. 424 (1961), as amended at 22 USC 2357 (a), authorizes Federal agencies to admit employees of international organizations to agency training programs on a reimbursable basis. Agencies may retain the money received.

Private Citizens

A private citizen can be admitted to Government training programs under the following conditions set forth in 42 Comp. Gen. 673 (1963):

  1. that person's attendance is incidental to the necessary and authorized training of Government employees, and

  2. the tuition fee covering that person's attendance is deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.

Under Title 31 USC §3302(b), any money received from outside the Government for the use of the Government must be deposited into the Treasury General Fund as miscellaneous receipts.

An agency retaining and crediting to its own appropriation monies which should have been deposited into the General Fund has improperly augmented its appropriations.

State and Local Government Employees

The Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) of 1970, Pub. L. 91-648 (1970), authorizes agencies to train state and local government employees and accept reimbursements and payment for the training. See Title 42 USC §4742. The IPA authorizes the Federal agencies to:

  1. admit employees of state and local governments to their training programs;

  2. waive payments for training costs, if the agency wishes to; and

  3. provide for temporary assignment of personnel between the Federal Government and non-Federal organizations, State and local governments, Indian tribal governments, certain nonprofit organizations, and domestic colleges and univeristies. (See Title 5 CFR Part 334). Payments received for training employees of state and local governments are credited to the appropriation or fund used to pay the training costs.

Payments received for training employees of State and local governments are credited to the appropriation or fund used to pay the training costs.


Volunteers may only be trained in procedures and/or systems that are unique to their assigned agency and essential to conducting their assigned responsibilities. Training in these areas is usually part of a volunteer's orientation into the agency.

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