
A bar graph with the headline Residential Building Upgrades Performed Since Program Launch. The first bar is 2010 and has 2,332. The second bar is 2011 and has 15,115. The third bar is January through March 2012 and has 4,595. The fourth bar is April through June 2012 and has 4,537. The fifth bar is the total, 26,579. A bar graph with the headline Commercial Building Space Upgraded Since Program Launch. The first bar is 2010 and has 20,000. The second bar is 2011 and has 11,670,685. The third bar is January through March 2012 and has 4,086,171. The fourth bar is April through June 2012 and has 6,232,620. The fifth bar is the total, 22,009,476.

DOE's Better Buildings Neighborhood Program hit the ground running in mid-2010. Since September 2010, all of the partners have launched local programs – testing program delivery business models that will work for their communities. The ultimate goal remains the same: to make energy efficiency more accessible to homes and businesses from coast to coast. More than 26,500 homes and 22 million square feet of commercial building space were upgraded through June 2012.

By the end of 2013, Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners are working to:

  • Develop sustainable energy efficiency upgrade programs
  • Upgrade more than 100,000 residential and commercial buildings to be more energy efficient
  • Save consumers approximately $65 million annually on their energy bills
  • Achieve 15% to 30% energy savings from energy efficiency upgrades
  • Reduce the cost of energy efficiency program delivery by 20% or more
  • Engage 10,000 to 30,000 contractors in work on energy efficiency upgrades
  • Leverage $1 to $3 billion in additional resources.

Through the use of innovative approaches to achieve energy and financial savings, Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners are showing real progress and success in meeting these goals while promoting increased comfort for homeowners, lower operating costs for businesses, and local job growth.

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Learn how Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners are training and expanding their local contractor workforce and supporting professional jobs in their communities.

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