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Image Gallery : Image Details
 72 DPI Image 
 150 DPI Image 
 300 DPI Image 
Title: New JILA Apparatus Measures Fast Nanoscale Motions
Description: This slow-motion simulation of the JILA nanoscale motion detector shows the wiggling of a floppy metal beam, just 100 nanometers thick, as it is struck by an electric current at the dot. Red indicates the greatest change in position from the rest state.

See video


See also
Subjects (names):
Topics/Categories: Quantum Physics--Nanoscale Assembly
Type: Graphic/illustration/video
Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Credit Line as it should
appear in print:
K. Lehnert/JILA
AV Number: 07PHY010
Date Created: March 15, 2007
Date Entered: 3/16/2007

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