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Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Amphibians, Anatomy and physiology, Animal tracking, Aquatic ecosystems, Atmospheric composition, Bibliographies, Biogeography, Biological population management, Birds, Blizzards, Botany, Capturing (animals), Carnivores, Catalogs and indexes, Checklists, Climatology, Computational methods, Controlled fires, Directories, Ecology, Ecosystem management, Ecosystem monitoring, Entomology, Field inventory and monitoring, Field methods, Fires, Flowering plants, Food web, Forest ecosystems, Grassland ecosystems, Greenhouse gases, Habitats, Herbivores, Herpetology, Human impacts, Insects, Instrument design and development, Invertebrate zoology, Mammals, Manuals, Maps and atlases, Marine biology, Migratory species, Native species, Natural resource management, Natural resources, Organism growth and development, Ornithology, Plant and animal tagging, Plot sampling, Pollination, Population and community ecology, Precipitation (atmospheric), Remediation, Science centers, Shrubland ecosystems, Specimen collecting, Storms, Systematics and taxonomy, Telemetry, Tornadoes, Vertebrate zoology, Video monitoring, Wetland ecosystems, Wetland functions, Wildlife, Wildlife biology, Wildlife population management, Wind, Worms, Forests, Grasslands, Habitats, Plains, Shrublands, Wetlands

Bibliography of fire effects and related literature applicable to the ecosystems and species of Wisconsin [More info]
The bibliography provides citations pertinent to the effects of fire and its prescribed use on the ecosystems and species of Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. Three separate subject indexes are provided: general, species, and geographic location.
Bird checklists of the United States [More info]
Geographical access to multiple bird checklists developed by others that indicate the seasonal occurrence of birds in a given area. A Record Documentation Form to document supporting details of rare bird observations is also available.
Climate of North Dakota: blizzards [More info]
Reviews the causes and frequency of blizzards in North Dakota.
Climate of North Dakota: severe storms [More info]
Reviews frequency and distribution of tornadoes, windstorms, and hailstorms in North Dakota.
Determinants of breeding distributions of ducks [More info]
Article from Wildlife Monographs no. 100 (1988) on the relationships of wetland habitat dynamics and life history to the breeding distributions of the various species of ducks with information on research methods and references.
Earthworms of North Dakota [More info]
Species maps, aggregate map, earthworm diagram, species photos, and bibliography of earthworm species found in North Dakota
Giant Canada goose flocks in the United States [More info]
Review of the size of breeding populations of Giant Canada geese by states in the Mississippi, Atlantic, Central, and Pacific flyways and the management problems caused by rapid increases of local breeding populations.
Mayflies of the United States [More info]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of mayflies in the United States with links to other information websites on mayflies and reference list.
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center [More info]
Homepage for the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND, with links to announcements, science prgorams, biological resources finder, publications search option, contacts, and answers to common questions about the Center
Northern prairie biological resources [More info]
Retrieval system to locate websites on publications and compilations on biological resources. Searches can be made by type, such as checklists, distribution, and regional overviews, by taxon, and by geography, including global, U.S., and Canada.
Stoneflies of the United States [More info]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of stoneflies in the United States with links to other information websites on stoneflies and reference list.
Tiger beetles of the United States [More info]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of tiger beetles in the United States with links to photographs, other information websites on invertebrates, and reference list.
Wetland restoration bibliography [More info]
This bibliography is intended to provide scientists, managers, educational institutions (or students), and policy-makers with online access to current information on wetland restoration.
Forum on Wildlife Telemetry - Innovations, Evaluations, and Research Needs [More info]
Papers from Forum on Wildlife Telemetry, Snowmass Village, CO, 1997 about innovations in transmitting and receiving systems, attachment techniques, collection of data using telemetry, data processing and analysis. Available as *.zip file to download.
Potential effects of anthropogenic greenhouse gases on avian habitats and populations in the Northern Great Plains [More info]
Report on effects of the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide on plants and animals, especially birds, in the Great Plains including effects of carbon dioxide fertilization, ultraviolet radiation, climate change, and harmful effects on bird habitats.
Radio-tracking amphibians: lessons from implant and external attachment procedures [More info]
Paper from Forum on Wildlife Telemetry, Snowmass Village, CO, 1997, describes technique for implanting radio-transmitters for tracking amphibians such as frogs with telemetry.
Sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.): a literature review [More info]
Literature review of sago pondweed, a submersed angiosperm that attracts waterfowl, but is also a nuisance plant that clogs irrigation systems. Includes classification, distribution, habitat, physiology, management, and economics.
Maps of distribution and abundance of selected species of birds on uncultivated native upland grasslands and shrubsteppe in the northern Great Plains [More info]
Links to maps of breeding distributions of bird species on grasslands and shrublands in the northern Great Plains. Maps can also be downloaded from *.zip files in HTML format.
Identifying predators and fates of grassland passerine nests using miniature video cameras [More info]
Description of the use of a miniature video-camera system deployed at nests of passerine species in North Dakota to videotape predation of eggs or nestlings by animals such as mice, ground squirrels, deer, cowbirds and others.
North Dakota furtakers: educational manual [More info]
Trapping education manual for the beginning or inexperienced trapper intended to provide information on North Dakota's predators and furbearing animals and the basics on how to trap them using good trapping skills and sound fur management.
The challenges of capturing and tagging manatees along west coastal Florida [More info]
Description of method of capturing and tagging manatees in western Florida for tracking by satellite telemetry. Presented at a forum on telemetry.
Managing habitat for grassland birds: a guide for Wisconsin [More info]
Guide to identification, selection, and management of grassland habitats in Wisconsin to conserve the populations of grassland birds. Includes glossary, references, bird lists, graphs, and maps.
Forest and rangeland birds of the United States: natural history and habitat use [More info]
Catalog of bird species common to forest and rangeland habitats in the U.S. with natural histories including taxonomic information, range, and habitat descriptions to assist land managers in resource management. Text available as a *.zip file.

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