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Nonpopulation Census Records: Alaska

Updated January 21, 2003


NARA microfilm publication M1871, Nonpopulation Census Schedules for Alaska, 1929: Agriculture (1 roll) reproduces general agricultural and livestock schedules reporting farm products in Alaska during the year ending October 1, 1929. These records are part of the Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group (RG) 29.


The Bureau of the Census was established in the Department of Commerce and Labor by order of the Secretary of that Department on July 1, 1903. Previously, temporary census offices conducted and compiled census enumerations.

The first enumeration of agricultural products was undertaken in conjunction with the taking of the seventh population census in 1840 and then repeated with each decennial enumeration thereafter. For more information, see Carroll D. Wright, History and Growth of the United States Census (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1900). Since 1950, agricultural censuses have been taken in 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1987, 1992, and 1997.

Records Description

These records consist of two series: (1) a "general" schedule for farms and ranges and (2) a schedule for "livestock not on farms and ranges." In Alaska the official census day for the taking of the fifteenth decennial census ("1930 census") was October 1, 1929.

The schedules are arranged by record series, then by judicial district number, and then by enumeration district number. A sequential mechanically stamped page number is in the upper-right corner of the front side of each schedule.

Series 1: Form 15-7, General Schedule for Farms and Ranges--Alaska

Form 15-7, General Schedule for Farms and Ranges-Alaska, measures about 10.5 by 8.5 inches, with different questions on the front and reverse sides. One schedule was used for each farm. For the purposes of this schedule, a "farm" was defined as

....all the land directly farmed by one person, either by his own labor alone or with the assistance of members of his household, or hired persons. The farm ... may produce field crops, vegetables, and fruits, as well as livestock and livestock products. No report is required of a farm of less than three acres unless there were produced on the tract during the previous twelve months products to the value of $250 or more.

The questions asked on this schedule are shown in Appendix I.

Series 2: Form 15-8, Livestock not on Farms or Ranges--Alaska

Form 15-8, Livestock not on Farms and Ranges-Alaska, measures about 18 by 11 inches, with space for twenty-five proprietors of livestock on each side. The reverse side was filmed only if it contained information about livestock. This schedule was used to report livestock "kept in stables, barns, corrals, feed lots, house yards, or on near-by lots in or near cities and villages" but not those on farms or public ranges. The questions asked on this schedule are shown in Appendix II.

On pages 1-10 of Judicial District 4, the form's printed title is crossed out and "Reindeer on ranges or in inclosures" annotated. Each page also indicates that the information came "from Akiak Reindeer Records."

Schedules having information on the reverse side are

  • First Judicial District - none
  • Second Judicial District - pages 1, 11-12, 21-22, 26-28, 30-33, 35, 39, 43, 45-53, 57, and 63
  • Third Judicial District - pages 11, 16-17, 22, 25-27, 30, 44-48, 53, and 55
  • Fourth Judicial District - pages 1-10, 12, 14-15, 17, 23, 25, 32, 37, 40, 43, 45-49, 51-54, 56-57, 63-64, 69-71, 73-76, 82, 84, 87, 91-92, 94, 100-102
Roll List (Jurisdiction and Page Range)
Series 1: Form 15-7, General Schedule for Farms and Ranges-Alaska

First Judicial District, 1-202
Second Judicial District, 1-2
Third Judicial District, 1-187
Fourth Judicial District, 1-110

Series 2: Form 15-8, Livestock not on Farms or Ranges-Alaska

First Judicial District, 1-43
Second Judicial District, 1-64
Third Judicial District, 1-60
Fourth Judicial District, 1-108

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Appendix I--Summary of Questions Asked on Form 15-7, General Schedule for Farms and Ranges--Alaksa

Part I--Farm Operator
1. Name
2. Post Office Address
3. Country of birth
4. How long have you operated this farm?
5. Is farming your main occupation?

Part II--Farm Acreage
6. Total number of acres
7. Number of acres of improved land
8. Number of acres of woodland
9. All other unimproved land

Part III--Farm Tenure
10. Do you own all or part of this farm?
11. Do you rent all of this farm from others?
12. Do you manage this farm for others?

Part IV--Farm Values
13. Total value of this farm
14. Value of all buildings on this farm
15. Value of implements and machinery belonging to this farm

Part V--Farm Expenses
16. Amount expended during last 12 months for hay, grain, mill feed, and other products (not raised on this farm) for use as feed for domestic animals and poultry
17. Amount expended in cash during last 12 months for farm labor (exclusive of housework)

Part VI--Livestock on this Farm
Number of--
18. Horses and colts
19. Mules and mule colts
20. Calves under 1 year old
21. Cows kept mainly for milk
22. All other cattle (all ages)
23. Sheep and lambs
24. Goats and kids
25 Hogs and pigs
26. Reindeer
27. Dogs used as work animals
28. Chickens
29. Ducks
30. Geese
Number of Fur-Bearing Animals in Captivity--
31. Blue foxes
32. Silver foxes
33. All other foxes
34. Mink
35. All other fur-bearing animals

Part VII--Livestock Products during Last 12 Months--
36. Number of cows milked
37. Gallons of milk produced
38. Gallons of whole milk sold
39. Gallons of cream sold
40. Pounds of butter made
41. Pounds of butter sold
42. Number of sheep and lambs shorn
43. Pounds of wool shorn
44. Number of dozens of eggs produced
45. Number of dozens of eggs sold
46. Number of all poultry sold

Part VIII--Crops Harvested on this Farm During Last 12 Months
Cereals cut for grain (number of acres and bushels harvested)--
47. Wheat
48. Oats
49. Barley
50. All other small grains
Other grains and seeds (number of acres and bushels harvested)--
51. Peas
52. Vetch

Hay and forage, including silage (number of acres and tons harvested)--
53. Oats cut for forage (include hay and silage)
54. Oats and peas cut for forage
55. Vetch cut for hay
56. Oats and vetch cut for forage
57. All other tame or cultivated grasses cut for hay
58. Wild, salt, or prairie grasses cut
59. Root crops for forage
60. Mature crops grazed or hogged off (acres reported only)
61. All other hay and forage crops
62. All hay sold (tons reported only)

Potatoes (number of acres and bushels harvested)--
63. Potatoes harvested
64. Potatoes sold

Farm garden for home use only (dollar amount)--
65. Value of all vegetables excluding potatoes grown for home use only

Vegetables harvested for sale, not for home use (acres harvested)--
66. Cabbages and cauliflower
67. Carrots
68. Celery
69. Onions
70. Turnips
71. Rutabagas
72. All other vegetables except potatoes
73. Value of all vegetables sold, except potatoes (dollar amount)

Orchard Fruits (number of "bearing" and "not bearing" trees, and number of bushels harvested)--
74. Apples, cherries, and all other orchard fruits

Small Fruits (number of acres and quarts harvested)--
75. Strawberries
76. Raspberries
77. Currants and gooseberries
78. All other berries
79. Value of all orchard fruits and berries sold (dollar amount)

Greenhouse and hothouse products--
80. Total square feet under glass
81. Receipts from sales of vegetables, plants, and flowers

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Appendix II, Summary of Questions Asked on Form 15-8, Livestock not on Farms or Ranges--Alaska
Name of proprietor of stable, barn, inclosure, feed lot, corral, etc.
Post Office address
Number of--
Geese Dogs
Sheep and lambs
Goats and kids
Hogs and pigs
Fur-Bearing Animals in Captivity--
Blue foxes
Silver foxes
All other foxes
All other fur-bearing animals in captivity

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