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South Carolina coastal erosion study

USGS project to understand coastal evolution and modern beach behavior; to identify and model the physical processes affecting coastal ocean circulation and sediment transport; and to identify sediment sources and construct a regional sediment budget.

by Denny, Jane F.; Baldwin, Wayne E.; Schwab, William C.; Warner, John C.; DeVoe, M. Richard; and U.S. Geological Survey (Sponsor)
U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2005-3041
This publication is available only as a PDF document.
Related topics:
Acoustic doppler current profiling, Coastal processes, Erosion, Geomorphology, Marine geology, Ocean currents, Ocean sciences, Ocean waves, Sea-floor characteristics, Sediment transport, Sedimentology, Seismic reflection method, Side-scan sonar methods, Beaches, Coastal zones, Continental margins
States or counties
South Carolina

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