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Ocean sciences
Sciences involved in the study of geological, biological, chemical, and physical characteristics and processes of the oceans.
Paleoceanography (7 items)
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Results 1 - 10 of 51 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF Beyond the Golden Gate--oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones [More info]
A geologic and oceanographic study of the waters and Continental Shelf of Gulf of the Farallones adjacent to the San Francisco Bay region. The results of the study provide a scientific basis to evaluate and monitor human impact on the marine environment.
PDF Effects of Ocean Acidification and Sea-Level Rise on Coral Reefs [More info]
By measuring the current and historical growth rates of coral skeletons, and using field experiments, we intend to find out whether rising atmospheric CO2 and rising sea levels will cause coral reefs to erode and cease to function.
Moderate-resolution sea surface temperature data and seasonal pattern analysis for the Arctic Ocean ecoregions [More info]
GIS data as grids, images, and shapefiles for monthly averages at 4km resolution from 1981 through 2009.
Oceanographic time series data [More info]
Oceanographic time-series data obtained from moored instruments, generally provided in NetCDF format.
Studying ocean acidification in the Arctic Ocean [More info]
New synoptic data from samples collected in the Arctic Ocean and insights into the patterns and extent of ocean acidification. This foundational geochemical information will help us to understand potential risks to Arctic resources.
Topics in coastal and marine sciences: Coastal erosion [More info]
Topics in Coastal and Marine Sciences provides background science materials, definitions, and links to give a common context for users from a variety of backgrounds. Coastal erosion was chosen as the first topic.
PDF A science strategy to support management decisions related to hypoxia in the northern Gulf Of Mexico and excess nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin [More info]
The report describes a strategy for monitoring, modeling, and research activities to support management decisions to improve water-quality conditions in the Mississippi River Basin, reduce hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and improve conditions for
PDF A westward extension of the tropical Pacific warm pool leads to March through June drying in Kenya and Ethiopia [More info]
Analysis of sea-surface temperature in the Indian Ocean shows that warming correlates with east African rainfall; the effect on atmospheric convection and precipitation over the Indian Ocean is greater than that associated with El NiƱo (ENSO).
Bedform sedimentology [More info]
Bedform sedimentology home page with links to information on sedimentary structures including, explanatory text, computer-generated images and movies, photographs, and bedform simulation software.
Bering and Chukchi Sea databases bathymetry coverages [More info]
Downloadable files of digital bathymetry of U.S. waters, the Bering and Chukchi Seas, Bering Strait, and Gulf of Anadyr in polygon ARC/INFO. Coverage generated from both digital and paper bathymetry sources developed to support marine research.
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