Electronic Records Archives (ERA)

Current Status of the ERA Project

Did You Know...
The Total Electronic Records Holdings in ERA is currently over 103 Terabytes!

As of April 2011

NARA is in the final year of development (ending September 30, 2011) for the ERA System. Beginning in October 2011 the ERA Program will move into an Operations & Maintenance phase. NARA is currently conducting an acquisition to select a contractor for this new operational phase.

Development Work Through the End of September 2011

New capabilities, and enhancements to existing functionality, are under development during Fiscal Year 2011 to support the processes for scheduling records, transferring records to NARA, ingesting and processing electronic records, and providing access to publically available electronic records through the Online Public Access prototype.

The focus of this last year of development is on capabilities that will ensure successful adoption of the ERA System by all agencies of the Federal government by the end of 2012. At that time, all Federal agencies will be required to use ERA to schedule and transfer to the National Archives all permanent electronic and non-electronic records. To facilitate the government-wide adoption, NARA is working closely with agencies to schedule orientation and training in order to prepare them to use ERA.

Next Steps for the ERA Program

To be sure, the ERA system will need to evolve and scale to handle new electronic record formats, as well as the substantial growth in the volumes of electronic records we expect to receive. When NARA will revisit further development of new capabilities is unclear at this time, and will be dependent on availability of funding and agency priorities.

Electronic Records Archives (ERA) >

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272