Example Demolition: TA-21

Location of TA-21

Water sprayed during demolition to protect air quality
Water sprayed during demolition to protect air quality

The buildings at TA-21

  • Were built as long ago as the 1940s
  • Replaced Manhattan-era facilities
  • Housed labs, offices, and production facilities from the Manhattan Project and Cold War eras

Decontamination and Demolition at TA-21

  • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funded decontamination and demolition of 24 buildings.
  • Before demolition, each building stripped of equipment, pipes and other fixtures, minimizing the amount of waste sent to landfills.
  • When possible, metal from the buildings was recycled and equipment was salvaged.

Waste transportation in DOT-certified covered bins
Waste transportation in DOT-certified covered bins

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act:
The Completion

In record time, LANL demolished 24 Cold War–era buildings, forever changing the skyline at TA-21.
» Watch the video

TSTA Decontamination and Demolition

The Office of Science funded the decontamination and demolition of the Tritium Science Test Assembly Facility in 2011.
» Watch the video

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