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May 2008, Vol. 131, No. 5

Wage and productivity stability in U.S. manufacturing plants

Mark C. Long
Assistant Professor, Public Affairs, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
E-mail: marklong@u.washington.edu

Kristin M. Dziczek
Senior Project Manager, Economics and Business Group, Center for Automotive Research, Ann Arbor, MI.

Daniel D. Luria
Research Director, Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, Ann Arbor, MI.

Edith A. Wiarda
Senior Economist, Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, Ann Arbor, MI.

Wages and productivity were substantially dispersed across all manufacturing plants in 1987, but the dispersion narrowed modestly from then until 1997; the connection between a plant’s level of productivity and its hourly wages weakened over the same period, and many plants exhibited substantial movements within the relative wage and productivity distributions.

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