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SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin - Historical Tables and Appendix

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Listing of Titles

Updates to historic data tables will be available shortly.

These tables are from the current issue of the SOI Bulletin and are in Excel ver. 4 format.

Historical Tables

Table 1. Individual Income Tax Returns: Selected Income and Tax Items.

Table 2. Individual Income and Tax Data, by State and Size of Adjusted Gross Income.

Table 3.  Number of Individual Income Tax Returns, Income, Exemptions and Deductions, Tax, and Average Tax, by Size of Adjusted Gross Income.

Table 4.  Comparison of Personal Income in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) with Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).

Table 5.  Personal Income and Total Adjusted Gross Income Based on Individual Income Tax Returns per National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA).

Table 6.  Total Adjusted Gross Income Estimated from National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) and as Reported on Individual Income Tax Returns per SOI.

Table 7.  Standard, Itemized, and Total Deductions Reported on Individual Income Tax Returns.

Table 8.  Personal Income per National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA), and Taxable Income and Individual Income Tax per SOI.

Table 9.  Number of Individual Income Tax Returns, by Type of Tax Settlement.

Table 10.  Nonfarm Sole Proprietorship Returns: Selected Income Statement Items for Specified Income.

Table 11.  Partnership Returns: Selected Balance Sheet and Income Statement Items for Specified Income Years.

Table 12.  Number of Business Income Tax Returns, by Size of Business for Income Years, 1990-2005. Expanded Version.

Table 13.  Corporation Income Tax Returns: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Tax Items for Income Years, 1990-2005. Expanded Version.

Table 14a.  Corporation Income Tax Returns: Selected Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Tax Items, by Standard Industial Classification (SIC) Industrial Division.

Table 14b.  Corporation Income Tax Returns: Selected Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Tax Items, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Industrial Sector.

Table 15.  Corporation Profits Before Tax per National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) and per SOI, and Income Subject to Tax per SOI, Income Years 1960-2004.

Table 16.  Nonprofit Charitable Organization and Domestic Private Foundation Information Returns, and Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Returns: Selected Financial Data. Expanded Version.

Table 17.  Taxable Estate Tax Returns as a Percentage of Adult Deaths, Selected Years of Death, 1934-2002.

Table 18 .  Treasury Department Gross Tax Collections: Amount Collected by Quarter and Fiscal Year.

Table 19.  Internal Revenue Tax Refunds: Amount Refunded by Quarter and Fiscal Year.

Table 20.  Federal Excise Taxes Reported to or Collected by the Internal Revenue Service, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and Customs Service, by Type of Excise Tax.

Table 21.  Selected Returns and Forms Filed or To Be Filed by Type During Specified Calendar Years.

Table 22a .  Taxpayers Receiving Assistance.

Table 22b.  IRS Assistance for Individual Taxpayers.

Appendix to Selected Historical and Other Data Tables

Table 23.  U.S. Individual Income Tax: Personal Exemptions and Lowest and Highest Bracket Tax Rates, and Tax Base for Regular Tax.

Table 24.  U.S. Corporation Income Tax: Tax Brackets and Rates.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-01