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Fishery resources
The stock of anadromous, marine, and freshwater fish in fishing areas of commercial, subsistence, and recreational value.
Inland fishery resources (5 items)
Marine fishery resources (3 items)
Recreational fishery resources (1 items)
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Results 1 - 25 of 25 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Fisheries: Aquatic and endangered resources program [More info]
This program is focused on the study of fishes, fisheries, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic habitats, and evaluates factors that affect aquatic organism health, population fitness, biological diversity, and aquatic community and habitat function.
Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office [More info]
Research on birds, mammals, ecosystems and habitats, fish and fisheries in Alaska
Aquatic Ecology Branch, Leetown Science Center [More info]
Programs of the Aquatic Ecology Branch on landscape ecology and GIS, molecular genetics, environmental contaminants, stream ecology, and other aspects of aquatic ecology in eastern United States.
Atlas of the spawning and nursery areas of Great Lakes fishes [More info]
Atlas recording spawning and nursery areas of fish in the Great Lakes and associated rivers listed by area and then by species. A 14-volume atlas in PDF format. Published in 1982 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Columbia River USGS Interdisciplinary Science Explorer WebSite [More info]
Web site for an Internet Map Service (IMS) serving base cartographic data, USGS data, science applications and real time modelling analyses for the Columbia River basin using geospatial analysis technology.
Contaminant Biology Program [More info]
The Contaminant Biology Program investigates contaminant exposure and effects on fish, wildlife, and other organisms, their habitat and ecosystems. Links include description of projects, research centers, and news.
Data visualization tools used in studies of the upper Mississippi River and nearby areas [More info]
Interactive maps and databases showing geospatial, biologic, and ecological aspects of the upper Mississippi River. Includes water quality, fish species, and vegetation distribution as well as geographic reference information.
Elwha River dam removal -- Rebirth of a river [More info]
Overview of the USGS role in the largest dam removal project in U.S. history.
Fish Health Branch, Leetown Science Center [More info]
The Fish Health Branch, Leetown Science Center, investigates fish health and disease issues associated with genetics, pathogens and environmental stress. With links to workshops, leaflets, and announcements relating for fish health.
Great Lakes Science Center [More info]
Site for Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, which provides information about biological resources in the Great Lakes Basin. Links to personnel, publications, data, library, facilities, research vessels, Great Lakes issues, and research.
Great Lakes Science Center research vessels [More info]
Description of ships used for Great Lakes research by scientists at the Great Lakes Science Center.
Leetown Science Center (LSC) Fact sheets [More info]
Links to Leetown Science Center (LSC) fact sheets on fish, fish diseases, aquatic resources, and other projects and activities.
Leetown Science Center (LSC): view research information by principal investigator [More info]
Links to Leetown Science Center (LSC) projects and activities listed by principal investigator.
Leetown Science Center current research projects [More info]
Links to information and data on current research projects in fish health and aquatic ecology at the Center.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [More info]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
Nearshore Benthic Habitat Project [More info]
Homepage for the Nearshore Benthic Habitats Project for mapping geophysical characterization of the coastal sea floor to identify benthic fish and shellfish habitat with links to research cruises and preliminary results.
Northern Appalachian Field Lab, Leetown Science Center [More info]
Description of scientific focus and research at the Northern Appalachian Field Lab on mining land use impacts and mediation, aquatic ecology, effects of dam removal, and invasive plant and animal species.
River inventory and monitoring [More info]
Links to science programs on upper Midwest river inventory and monitoring with links to databases on macroinvertebrates, fisheries, vegetation, water quality, bathymetry, floodplain forest, wildlife, sediment, contaminants and nutrients.
Southeast Ecological Science Center - poster presentations [More info]
Poster presentations related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
Southern Appalachian field studies [More info]
Cooperative research in the biological, geophysical, and social sciences with emphasis on upland ecosystems in the southern Appalachian highlands.
USGS recreation site: your science gateway for safe and vital enjoyment of the outdoors [More info]
Gateway to useful USGS websites for recreation in nature watching and exploring, boating, camping, climbing, fishing, hiking, biking, and hunting, with links to maps, real-time streamflow, geology, photos, and plant and animal information.
Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center (UMESC) [More info]
Homepage for Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, with links to data library, geographical search, science programs, partnerships, long-term resource monitoring program, reports and publications, and education.
Upper Mississippi River fish and macroinvertebrate data [More info]
Interactive databases providing detailed information on fish and macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity over time in pools of the upper Mississippi River basin.
Western Fisheries Research Center - Our research: aquatic ecosystems [More info]
Links to reports of aquatic ecosystems research at the Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) emphasizing the understanding of ecological processes for aquatic systems, including river basins, riparian areas, wetlands, and estuaries.
Western Fisheries Research Center--Forage fish studies in Puget Sound [More info]
Human perturbations such as shoreline armoring or urban development can affect the nearshore habitats critical to these populations of small fish which support birds and larger fish.
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