Code Type:

  • NC = No Credit
  • EL = Elective
  • G = Grad. Requirement
  • GC = Computer
  • GD = Second Language
  • GE = Social Studies
  • GF = Fine Arts
  • GG = US Government
  • GH = Health
  • GL = Language Arts
  • GM = Mathematics
  • GP = Pysical Education
  • GS = Science
  • GU = US History
  • GV = Careers
  • MS = Middle School
  • SE = Special Education
  • AP = Advanced Placement

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FLS615: AP Spanish Language (2012-2013)

CURRICULUM PROGRAM: Advanced Placement
COURSE TITLE: AP Spanish Language
CALENDAR YEAR: 2012-2013
SUGGESTED PREPARATION: Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III, Spanish IV

About the Program:
The AP Spanish Language Course is a college level course, conducted in Spanish, which prepares students to communicate proficiently through three modes: interpretive (receptive communication), presentational (1-way productive communication), and interpersonal (2-way interactive communication). This course emphasizes the five domains of learning found in the DoDEA Foreign Language Standards: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. This class is interactive in nature with the expectation that students will be actively engaged in all assignments and projects. Students will be assessed in all the learning domains and on major projects. Weighted grades are calculated for students completing the course and taking the requisite AP exam. Students are expected to take the AP exam at the end of this course.

Major Concepts/Content: AP Spanish Language is equivalent to fifth and sixth semester college work (3rd year college) such as found in university level Spanish Composition and Conversation courses. The 5 domains of learning (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) involve the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and developing cultural awareness appropriate to this level of coursework. The academic rigor for this course is high. Authentic materials are used in addition to the required text.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, the successful AP Spanish Language student will:

  • Comprehend Spanish (Advanced level or above on ACTFL scale) that is intended for native speakers in a variety of settings
  • Demonstrate strong communication skills (Pre-Advanced on ACTFL scale) in the interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive modes
  • Demonstrate a strong command of Spanish linguistic skills (Pre-Advanced on ACTFL scale) to support communication (accuracy/fluency)
  • Produce Spanish (Pre-Advanced on ACTFL scale) comprehensible to native speakers in a variety of settings
  • Acquire information from authentic sources in Spanish
  • Demonstrate a heightened awareness of cultural perspectives, practices, and products of Hispanic peoples.
Course Philosophy: The Foreign Language Department intends to graduate students who are linguistically proficient and culturally competent in a 2nd language. AP Spanish Language is for students who wish to develop strong proficiency and integrate their language skills.