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Green Purchasing Guides

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EPA's Final Guidance on EPP

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Green Purchasing Guides

Information on Standards for Green Products, Services

Several guides are available to assist those interested in green purchasing, including general green purchasing guides and product or service specific guides.

General Green Purchasing Guides

Designated Green Products for Federal Procurement
This resource is a compilation of the products for which EPA, the Department of Energy, and Department of Agriculture have provided environmental or energy attribute recommendations.

Integrating Green Purchasing Into Your Environmental Management System
This document provides guidance to federal facilities as they integrate green purchasing into their Environmental Management System (EMS).

Sorting Out Green Advertising Claims
The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program, in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission, developed these guidelines for advertisers to ensure that their environmental marketing claims do not mislead consumers.

Tips for Buying "Green" with a Government Credit Card
This document provides tips to help government credit card holders make "greener" choices when buying products, such as office supplies.

Buying Green Online: Greening Government E-Procurement of Office Supplies (PDF) (76 pp, 2.1 MB, About PDF)
This report provides an overview of federal government office supply e-procurement initiatives and includes references to specific products and technologies.

Product or Service Specific Guides

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guides
These guides for green purchasing information describe the challenges, successes, and resources associated with a specific product or service, focusing on how to incorporate environmental considerations into purchasing decisions. Available guides:

Whole Building Design GuideExit EPA Disclaimer
The Whole Building Design Guide is a comprehensive, internet-based portal to a wide range of federal and private sector building-related guidance, criteria, and technology, including guidance and resources on sustainable design.

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