Charts by Topic: Older Americans

Leisure time of individuals age 65 and over: employed vs. not employed
[Chart in PDF]

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  • Employed individuals age 65 and over spent 2.4 fewer hours on average engaged in leisure time than those who were not employed. Those who were not employed spent more leisure time watching TV (1.7 hours), reading (0.2 hour), and relaxing and thinking (0.2) than those who were employed. (Data are from the 2010 survey).

Hours per day that individuals age 55 and over spent doing selected activities
[Chart in PDF]

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  • For Americans age 55 and over, average time spent working decreased with age, while leisure and sleep time increased. Individuals ages 55 to 64 spent 3.1 more hours working than individuals age 75 and over. Those age 75 and over spent 2.4 more hours in leisure and 0.7 more hour sleeping than those ages 55 to 64. (These data are averages for 2006 to 2010).

Hours per day of waking, non-work time that individuals age 65 and over spent with others
[Chart in PDF]

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  • Individuals age 65 and over who did not live with a spouse or unmarried partner spent 10.0 hours of their waking non-work time alone, compared to 5.4 hours for those who lived with a spouse or unmarried partner. Those who did not live with a spouse or unmarried partner spent more time with other family members (0.6 hour), friends (0.2 hour), and other non-relatives (0.4 hour) than those who lived with a spouse or unmarried partner. (These data are averages for 2006 to 2010).



Charts from the American Time Use Survey



Last Modified Date: December 2, 2011