United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Interpretative Letter No. 76-02, "Radiography, Agreement State Licensed Mat erials Aboard U.S. Ships"

HPPOS-119 PDR-9111210276

Title: Interpretative Letter No. 76-02, "Radiography,

Agreement State Licensed Materials Aboard U.S. Ships"

See the letter from G. W. Kerr to All Agreement States

dated October 20, 1976. NRC was questioned concerning

Agreement State-licensed radiographers who perform work on

board U.S. Navy ships while in port for maintenance. It

has been determined that persons working with Agreement

State licensed materials on board U.S. Navy ships are

subject to NRC jurisdiction. The subject radiographers

will need a specific NRC license if they do not qualify for

reciprocity pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20.

Regulatory references: 10 CFR 150.20

Subject codes: 12.2, 12.9

Applicability: Byproduct Material

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012