Secretary Locke, Governor O'Malley Urge Americans to Get Ready for TV Transition

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Residents of Liberty Senior Center listen as Secretary Locke addresses the group. Click for larger image.

Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley encouraged Americans to prepare for the June 12 switch to digital television at a community gathering at Liberty Senior Center in Randallstown, Maryland. Secretary Locke commended local volunteers who are assisting senior citizens who rely on over-the-air television in their community with the upcoming digital transition. “The national switch to digital television is just around the corner, and there won’t be another delay,” said Secretary Locke. (More)

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I am a previous rabbit ear person. The switch to digital has not impressed me. The pixels are always falling to the bottom of the screen and the sound goes out with them. It happens enough to make me stop watching tv. Is there any hope for a second generation box? I need free for a reason and believe someone is accoutable for the quality of the free channels that are now digital. TT