
Reference Information Paper 90

A Finding Aid to Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994

Table of Contents

Appendix A: Organization of Record Group 472, Records of the United States Forces in Southeast Asia, 1950-1975

[For more information about the records described in Appendix A, contact the Textual Archives Services Division, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740. Telephone: 301-837-3510 Email: Contact NARA]

1. Records of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam, 1950-64

Records of Headquarters Staff Offices
  • Records of the Adjutant General Division
  • Records of the Combat Arms Training and Organization Division
  • Records of the Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission
2. Records of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Cambodia, 1955-64

Records of Headquarters Staff Offices

  • Records of the Adjutant General Branch
  • Records of the Budget and Fiscal Branch
  • Records of the Transportation Branch
3. Records of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Laos
  • No known records. See Records of the Deputy Chief of Staff, United States Military Assistance Command Thailand/Joint United States Military Advisory Group Thailand (MACTHAI/JUSMAGTHAI).
4. Records of the United States Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV), 1962-75

Records of Headquarters MACV Staff Offices
  • Records of the Deputy of the Commanding General for Civil Operation and Rural Development Support
  • Records of the Secretary of the Joint Staff
  • Records of Deputy Chief of Staff for Economic Affairs
  • Records of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel (J-1)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (J-2)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (J-3)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics (J-4)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Plans (J-5)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications-Electronic (J-6)
  • Records of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Military Assistance
  • Records of the Office of Civil Operations for Rural Development Support (CORDS)
  • Records of the Construction Directorate
  • Records of the Training Directorate
  • Records of the Free World Military Assistance Office
  • Records of the Adjutant General
  • Records of the Comptroller
  • Records of the Chaplain
  • Records of the Information Office
  • Records of the Inspector General
  • Records of the Provost Marshal
  • Records of the Command Surgeon
Records of Subordinate Commands
  • Records of the Army Advisory Group
  • Records of the Navy Advisory Group
  • Records of the Air Force Advisory Group
  • Records of MACV Special Troops
  • Records of the Data Management Agency, MACV
  • Records of the Traffic Management Agency, MACV
  • Records of CORDS Military Region 1
  • Records of CORDS Military Region 2
  • Records of CORDS Military Region 3
  • Records of CORDS Military Region 4
  • Records of the First Regional Assistance Command (FRAC)
  • Records of the Second Regional Assistance Command (SRAC)
  • Records of the Third Regional Assistance Command (TRAC)
  • Records of the Delta Regional Assistance Command (DRAC)
  • Records of Division Combat Assistance Teams and Provincial Advisory Teams
5. Records of the United States Army Vietnam [USARV], 1962-73

Records of Headquarters USARV Staff Offices, 1965-73
  • Records of the Secretary of the General Staff
  • Records of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel and Administration
  • Records of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Security
  • Records of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
  • Records of the Deputy Chief of Staff Comptroller
  • Records of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Management Information Systems
  • Records of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications-Electronic
  • Records of the Adjutant General
  • Records of the Aviation Section
  • Records of the Chaplain
  • Records of the Civilian Personnel Office
  • Records of the Engineer
  • Records of the Command Historian
  • Records of the Information Office
  • Records of the Inspector General
  • Records of the Provost Marshal
  • Records of the Staff Judge Advocate
  • Records of the Surgeon
  • Records of the Weather Officer
Records of Component Elements, 1965-73
  • Records of the Headquarters, Special Troops, USARV
  • Records of the Headquarters, The Support Troops, USARV
  • Records of the U.S. Army Headquarters Area Command
  • Records of the U.S. Army Garrison, Long Binh Post, Vietnam (Provisional)
  • Records of the Army Concept Team in Vietnam (ACTIV)
  • Records of the USARV Training Support Headquarters
  • Records of the United States Army Postal Group, Vietnam
  • Records of the U.S. Army Central Finance and Accounting Office, Vietnam
  • Records of the Special Services Agency (Provisional)
Records of USARV Subordinate Commands ECORDS OF COMPONENT ELEMENTS, 1965-73
  • Records of the I and II Field Forces Vietnam, XXIV Corps, and the Capital Military Assistance Command
  • Records of Combat Divisions and Separate Brigades
    Note:USARV controlled a total of seven divisions and seven separate combat brigades. These were:
    • 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)
    • 1st Infantry Division
    • 4th Infantry Division
    • 9th Infantry Division
    • 23d (Americal) Infantry Division
    • 25th Infantry Division
    • 101st Airborne Division
    • 1st Brigade, 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
    • 3d Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division
    • 11th Infantry Brigade (Light)
    • 173d Airborne Brigade
    • 196th Infantry Brigade (Light)
    • 198th Infantry Brigade (Light)
    • 199th Infantry Brigade (Light)(Separate)
  • Records of Combat Support Commands
    Note: USARV controlled the following combat support commands:
    • 1st Aviation Brigade
    • 18th Engineer Brigade
    • 20th Engineer Brigade
    • 44th Medical Brigade
    • 18th Military Police Brigade
    • 1st Signal Brigade
  • Records of Logistical Support Commands
    Note: USARV controlled the following logistical support units:
    • 1st Logistical Command
    • U.S. Army Inventory Control Center, Vietnam
    • Logistics Data Service Center (Provisional)
    • U.S. Army Aviation Material Management Center
    • U.S. Army Procurement Agency, Vietnam
    • U.S. Army Support Command, Cam Ranh Bay
    • U.S. Army Support Command, Da Nang
    • U.S. Army Support Command, Qui Nhon
    • U.S. Army Support Command, Saigon
    • U.S. Army Support Command, Vung Tau
    • U.S. Army Depot, Cam Ranh Bay
    • U.S. Army Depot, Da Nang
    • U.S. Army Depot, Long Binh
    • U.S. Army Depot, Qui Nhon
    • U.S. Army Sub Area Commands
    • U.S. Army Mortuary, Saigon
    • U.S. Army Mortuary, Da Nang
    • Pleiku Graves Registration Point
    • Qui Nhon Graves Registration Point
  • Records of Tactical Units
    Note: Tactical Units include USARV-controlled Army units of group, battalion, detachment or company level, arranged by type of unit in the following subgroups:
    • Armor and Cavalry
    • Artillery
    • Aviation
    • Infantry
    • Engineer
    • Military Police
    • Signal
    • Adjutant General
    • Chemical
    • Finance
    • Maintenance
    • Medical
    • Military History
    • Military Intelligence
    • Ordnance
    • Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs
    • Public Information
    • Quartermaster
    • Service, Supply and Support
    • Transportation

6. Records of the United States Military Assistance Command Thailand/Joint United States Military Advisory Group Thailand (USMACTHAI/JUSMAGTHAI), 1952-76

Records of Headquarters Staff Offices

  • Records of the Deputy Chief of Staff
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel (J-1)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (J-3)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics (J-4)
  • Records of Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications-Electronics (J-6)
  • Records of the Office of the Adjutant General
  • Records of the Public Affairs Office
  • Records of the Command Chaplain
  • Records of the Inspector General
  • Records of the Command Surgeon
  • Records of the Provost Marshal
  • Records of the Management Division
  • Records of the Joint Service Division
  • Records of the Civilian Personnel Division
  • Records of the Research and Development Center
  • Records of the Headquarters Support Group
  • Records of the U.S. Army Support, Thailand

Records of Table of Organization and Equipment Units

7. Records of the Defense Attache Office, Saigon, 1973-75

Records of Headquarters Staff Offices

  • Records of the Executive Support Group
  • Records of the DAO Historian's Office
  • Records of the Residual Office
  • Records of the Comptroller
  • Records of the General Counsel
  • Records of the Operations and Plans Division
  • Records of the Logistics and Administrative Division
  • Records of the Army Division
  • Records of the Navy Division
  • Records of the Air Force Division
  • Records of the Security Assistance Division
  • Records of the Civil Engineering Division
  • Records of the Support Division
  • Records of the Veterinarian's Office

8. Records of the Military Equipment Delivery Team, Cambodia (MEDTC), 1955-75 (bulk 1971-75)

Records of Headquarters Staff Offices

  • Records of the Office of the Deputy Chief
  • Records of the Joint Liaison Office
  • Records of the Special Assistant for Coordination and Special Actions
  • Records of the Army Division
  • Records of the Navy Division
  • Records of the Air Force Division
  • Records of the Ammunition and Services Division
  • Records of the Logistics Division


Records of Headquarters Staff Offices

  • Records of the Secretary
  • Records of the Administrative and Logistics Division
  • Records of the Operations and Plans Division
  • Records of the Liaison and Language Division
  • Records of the Public Affairs Office
Records of Regional Teams
  • Records of Region I
  • Records of Region II
  • Records of Region III
  • Records of Region IV
  • Records of Region V
  • Records of Region VI
  • Records of Region VII


No known records.

Note: Compiled by Charles E. Schamel. Published by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC, 1996.

Web version prepared 1999. Additions and changes incorporated in the Web version are between brackets [] and in italics.

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