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Docket Number
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Applications 50 records searched | 50 found
item Fire Ant Bait Attractant
item Imaging System For Quality And Safety Inspection Of Agricultural Commodities
item Gene That Extends Fruit Shelf-Life
item New Method For Suppressing Pecan And Peach Diseases
item New Test For Detecting Campylobacter
item Medium For Growing Campylobacter
item Antioxidant As An Effective Lipid Lowering Drug
item Method To Repel Mosquitoes And Ticks Using Naturally Occurring Compound
item Using Mutations To Improve Aspergillus Phytases
item Gene To Improve Carotenoid Content In Food
item Method For Manufacturing Citrus Limonoids
item New Method To Make An Industrial Lubrication Fluid
item Biological Control For A Variety Of Food Sources
item Natural Mosquito And Tick Repellent
item High-Affinity Monoclonal Antibodies For Clostridium Botulinum Bacterium
item Method For Increasing Poultry Hens' Egg-Laying Capacity
item Improved Technologies For Making Biobased Industrial Products
item Starch Foam Microparticles
item Plant Promoter Sequence Capable Of Controlling Transcription In A Plant
item Composition, Production, And Application Of Entomopathogenic Fungus For Insect Control
item Method And Apparatus For Monitoring Liquid And Solid Contents In A Froth
item Method And Apparatus To Convert A Biomass Reactant Into Synthesis Gas
item Non-Thermal Pasteurization System Using Radio Frequency Electric Fields
item Adhesive Composition For Producing Wood Products
item Delivery System For Natural Sunscreen Ingredients Using Starch Mixture
item H2n3 Influenza A Viruses And Methods Of Use
item Methods And Compositions For Identifying Cellular Genes Exploited By Viral Pathogens
item Soy Plant Compounds To Prevent Or Minimize The Development Or Growth Of Breast And Ovarian Cancer
item Method To Quickly Genetically Identify Strains Of Most Common Cause Of Bacterial Gastrointestinal Infection: Campylobacter
item Poultry Semen Extender
item Essential Oils Inhibit Mold On Wood
item New Water Resistant Ant Bait
item Method For Removing Excess Flowers From Fruit-Producing Plants
item Antimicrobial Pathogen-Fighting Proteins
item Method To Improve Pathogen Detection In Poultry
item Soy-Based Hydrogels For Medical Use
item Method For Controlling Postharvest Pests
item New Way To Prevent Plant Infections
item Modification Of Cereal Grain Hardness
item Attractants For Moths
item New Treatment For Protecting Ensiled Crops
item Environmentally-Safe Mosquito Attractants
item Technology To Incorporate Powdery Mildew-Resistance Into Cereals
item Salmonella Vaccine For Poultry
item Foot And Mouth Disease Vaccine
item New Method For Developing Molecular Pesticides
item New Method For Controlling Subterranean Termites
item Dogwood Borer Pheromone
item New Slow-Release Fertilizer
item New Method To Aid In Producing Biodiesel Fuel

Patents 157 records searched | 157 found
item Chemically Synthesized Sugar Esters For The Control Of Soft-Bodied Arthropods
item Method For Treating Materials For Pest Control And Storage
item New Method To Aid In Producing Biodiesel Fuel
item Antibodies For The Detection Of Prion Protein As An Indication Of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
item Real Time Trash Measurement System For Seed Cotton Or Lint For Use In Cotton Gins
item 'sweet-N-Up,' A New Distinct Peach Variety
item New Method For Identifying Tender Beef
item Promising Biopesticide For Fire Ant Control
item New Method To Produce Value-Added Products From Vegetable Oils
item Software Tool For Genomics Research
item Method For Detecting A Gene Linked To Mad Cow Disease
item New Method For Controlling Avian Coccidiosis
item System For Measuring The Velocity Of Fluid Streams Using A Pressure Transducer
item Method For Producing High Yields Of Itaconic Acid By Fermentation With A Yeast
item Inhibiting Ammonia Emissions And Odors From Animal Wastes With Oil
item Soil Moisture Sensor
item Method For Detecting Fecal Contamination On The Surface Of Fruits Or Vegetables Using Visible Light Fluorescent Spectroscopy
item Diamond-Row Pattern Planter
item High Efficiency Electrostatic Air Sampler
item New Method For Making Biobased Additives
item An Improved Method For Identifying Transgenic Plants
item New Insect Trap
item New Method For Preparing Corn Fiber Oil
item Biological Control For Fusarium Head Blight
item New Plant Fungal Control
item Nutritional Supplements For Artificial Insect Diets
item New Material That Can Be Used In Developing Flame Retardant Materials
item Technologies To Control Subterranean Termites
item Method To Control Insect Reproduction
item Sugar Beet Leaf Spot Cure
item New Streptococcal Vaccine
item New Vaccine That Controls Edwardsiellosis
item Way To Accelerate The Cheesemaking Process
item Bovine Tumor Necrosis Factor Recepton-1 And Methods Of Use
item New Fish Vaccine For Streptococcus Iniae
item Repellents For Ants
item Method To Produce Infection-Fighting Plants
item Novel Antifungal Compounds
item Mediterranean Fruit Fly Attractant
item Compositions And Methods Of Treating, Reducing, And Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases And Disorders With Polymethoxyflavones
item Three New Insect Cell Lines For Producing Baculoviruses
item New Method For Identifying Campylobacter Species
item Piggybac Transposon-Based Genetic Transformation System For Insects
item A Monoclonal Antibody Based Immunoassay For Ractopamine
item Method To Control Insect Reproduction For Insect Control
item Methods For Detection Of Prion Protein As An Indication Of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
item Sugar Based Edible Adhesives
item Method Using Soybeans To Make Industrial Products Without Molds
item Method To Detect Antibiotic Residue In Poultry
item Solitary Bee Nesting Block
item Method To Continuously Produce Organic Soil Fungi
item Method For Increasing Fiber In Foods
item Microscopic Starch-Based Shells
item New Techniques For Making Partially-Dried Fruit And Vegetable Products
item System For Controlling Bacterial Pathogens In Poultry
item Method For Producing Monoclonal Antibodies For Detecting Campylobacter
item Composites Comprising Plant Material From Parthenium Spp. And Plastics
item Moisture-Sensing Tool And Technique
item Artificial Diets For Arthropods
item Technology To Help Develop Vaccines For Protecting Cattle Against Scabies
item Gene Promoters
item Portable Deer Lift
item Mechanical Harvester For Tree Fruits
item Method For Using Insect Cadavers As Biocontrols Of Other Insect Pests
item New Method Of Reproducing Plants
item New Molecules From Starch
item New Method For Detecting Devastating Soybean Fungus
item Genes To Transform Insects
item New Disease-Resistant Plum Trees
item Machine To Clean Cotton And Flax
item Method Using Bacterial Compounds To Control Plant Pathogens
item Arthropod-Repelling Compounds
item Method For Making Flexible And Absorbent Wound Dressings
item Inexpensive Method For Diagnosing Tuberculosis Infection In A Variety Of Animals
item System For The Sequential, Directional Cloning Of Multiple DNA Sequences
item Machine To Test Soil Strength
item Device That Measures Pressure In Drip Irrigation Systems
item Genetic Method For Developing Sterile Insects
item Biological Control For Fruit Mold
item Colorado Potato Beetle Attractants And Repellants
item Pheromone Attractant For The Colorado Beetle
item Test For Detecting Major Catfish Disease
item A Bacterial Treatment For Controlling Foodborne Pathogens
item Repellent For Ants
item Genes Used To Produce Improved Seed Varieties
item Novel Sphingolipids And A Process Thereto
item Device And Method For Application Of Collars To Animals
item Starch-Based Microcellular Foams
item Vaccine For Preventing & Treating Fescue Toxicosis
item Device To Reduce Bale Packaging
item Flow Cytometry Nozzle For High Efficiency Cell Sorting
item Methods And Compositions For Producing Desiccation Tolerant Paecilomyces Fumosoroseus
item Control Of Fire Blight On Pome Fruit Trees With Erwinia Herbicola
item Transgenic Strains For Biocontrol Of Plant Root Diseases
item Nucleic Acid Markers For Apospory-Specific Genomic Region
item Automated Counting Insect Electrocutor
item Modification Of Cereal Grain Hardness
item Vaccine Against Swine Influenza Virus
item Method For The Development Of Delta-Lactones Ad Hydroxy Acids From Unsaturated Fatty Acids And Their Glycerides
item New Device That Kills Bacteria On Food Surfaces
item Glutenin Genes And Their Uses
item Corn Lines With Increased Oil
item Microwave Method To Extract Pectin From Citrus
item Biological Control For Mosquitoes And Other Insects
item Patented "virtual" Fence Technology
item Preharvest Bacterial Treatments That Control Foodborne Pathogens
item Probiotic For Conrol Of Salmonella
item Enhanced Insect Resistance In Plants Genetically Engineered With A Plant Hormone Gene Involved In Cytokinin Biosynthesis
item Synthesized Sugar Esters For The Control Of Soft-Bodied Insects Including The Sweet Potato Whitefly
item Diagnostic Kit For Testing Dna-Containing Samples
item Merozoite Proteins For Use In Detection Of Babesia Equi In Horses Using Immunological Techniques
item New Apricot Variety
item Chicken Monoclonal Antibodies Specific For Coccidial Antigens Involved In Invasion Of Host Lymphocytes
item Gluten Genes And Their Uses
item Restriction Enzyme Screen For Differentiating Porcine Reproductive And Respiratory Syndrom Virus Strains
item Recombinant Antigens Useful For The Serodiagnosis Of Neosporosis
item Vegetable Oil-Based Offset Printing Inks
item Leader-Proteinase Deleted Foot-And-Mouth Disease Viruses And Their Use As Vaccines
item Granulated Formulation And Method For Stabilizing Biocontrol Agents
item Altering Wheat Dough Viscoelasticity With Modified Glutenins
item New Insect Biocontrol
item Monoclonal Antibodies To Ceftiofur And Assays For The Same
item Synthetic Chemicals For Controlling Insect Behavior
item Monoclonal Antibodies And Antibody Cocktail For Detection Of Prion Protein As An Indication Of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
item 'crimson Spire,' A New Distinct Peach Variety
item Attractant For Monitoring And Control Of Adult Scarabs
item Method To Enhance Beneficial Bacteria
item Improved Technology For Protecting And Treating Deer Against Ticks
item New Fish Vaccine For Flavobacterium Columnare
item Biological Control For Aflatoxin In Corn
item New Cotton Cleaning Device
item New Technology To Store Pig Embryos Indefinitely
item New Way To Chemically Prepare A Variety Of Materials
item Biodegradable Mulch
item Method To Genetically Modify Castor Plants
item Method To Help Produce Ethanol
item Method To Control Insect Reproduction For Insect Control
item New Film Coatings
item Starch-Based Composition For Use In Industrial Applications
item Method For Turning Plant Material Into Sugar For Producing Ethanol
item New Method To Prevent Wool Fabrics From Burning
item New Method To Improve Ethanol Production
item Method For Producing Surfactants
item Method For Producing A High-Protein Dough Using Cold Extrusion
item Domestic Alternative To Imported Gum Arabic-A Key Food Ingredient
item New Discovery For Controlling Insect Pests
item New Technique To Eliminate Bitter Compounds In Potatoes
item 'amaizing Oil' From Corn Fiber
item Method To Prepare A Natural Mosquito And Tick Repellent From Pine Oil
item New Test To Detect Avian Leukosis Virus In Chickens
item Method To Genetically Improve Plants
item Method For Controlling Microbial Pathogens In Animals
item New Organic Pest Control For Flies And Ticks
item New Method To Prevent/treat Disorders
item Vaccine For Preventing Mastitis In Cattle
item Potato Nucleic Acid Sequences Uses To Improve Potato Quality And Safety
item New Method To Identify Catfish Fillets

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Last Modified: 04/22/2008
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