Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

Click here for *NEW* Remarks, Resources and Policy References on Freedom of Expression

    "True democracy demands that citizens cannot be thrown in jail because of what they believe, and that businesses can be opened without paying a bribe. It depends on the freedom of citizens to speak their minds and assemble without fear, and on the rule of law and due process that guarantees the rights of all people."

    - Remarks from President Obama to the United Nations General Assembly

Standing Firm Behind Civil Society: Lifeline – The Embattled CSOs Assistance Fund

Standing Firm Behind Civil Society: Lifeline – The Embattled CSOs Assistance Fund

Recognizing the need to stand firm behind civil society now more than ever, on September 25, the United States, as the chair of the Donor Steering Committee, hosted the second annual donor meeting of the Lifeline: Embattled CSOs Assistance Fund.

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Statement by Ambassador Donahoe: Resolution on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association Adopted by Consensus in Human Rights Council

Statement by Ambassador Donahoe: Resolution on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association Adopted by Consensus in Human Rights Council

The rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association are essential components of democracy and pillars of a thriving society. While there is no single recipe for improving the human rights situation worldwide, a common ingredient in bringing about positive change in every region of the world is the strong role of civil society.

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US Department of Labor Releases 3 Reports on International Child Labor and Forced Labor

US Department of Labor Releases 3 Reports on International Child Labor and Forced Labor

"These reports remind us of what happens to the most vulnerable members of society when poverty and labor exploitation unite," said Secretary Solis. "The information in these reports is a vital tool in the effort to stop this abuse and can have an enormous impact in the hands of those who want to join efforts to end these labor practices."

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Opening Plenary Statement Delivered By Ambassador Bohlen at OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

Opening Plenary Statement Delivered By Ambassador Bohlen at OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

Ambassador Avis Bohlen presents the U.S. opening statement at the OSCE Human Dimension conference in Warsaw, Poland on September 24, 2012.

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