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Alphabetical index of categories: M

a b c d e f g h i j k l M n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Number of information resources is shown in parentheses after each term.

macroinvertebrates (13) magma -> Plutonic rocks (1) magnesium (1) magnetic anomaly maps (8) -> magnetic field (earth) WITH maps and atlases magnetic field -> magnetic field (earth) (18) magnetic field (earth) (18) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy -> chemical analysis (55) magnetic storms (4) magnetic surveying (4) -> aeromagnetic surveying WITH electromagnetic surveying magnetic susceptibility analysis (2) magnetism (1) natural remanent magnetism -> remanent magnetism (1) remanent magnetism (1) laboratory-induced magnetization analysis (1) natural remanent magnetization analysis (1) natural remnant magnetization analysis -> natural remanent magnetization analysis (1) magnetometer measurement (1) magnetometry -> magnetometer measurement (1) magnetosphere -> magnetic field (earth) (18) magnetotelluric sounding -> electromagnetic surveying (11) highway maintenance sites -> transportation features (4) map making -> cartography (67) malacology -> zoology (119) malls -> commercial sites (2) shopping malls -> commercial sites (2) mammalogy (10) mammals (54) managed fires -> controlled fires (1) managed flooding -> controlled flooding (5) biological population management (49) collection management -> data management (5) data management (5) ecosystem management (26) environmental management -> natural resource management (258) fishery management (14) information management -> data management (5) knowledge management -> data management (5) metadata management (1) natural resource management (258) water resource management (21) watershed management (17) wildlife population management (21) game management areas -> reserves (5) management areas (reserves) -> reserves (5) management methods (393) emergency management resources -> hazards (157) manganese (1) mangrove islands -> islands (11) mangroves -> aquatic vegetation (3) mangrove swamps -> wetlands (38) manmade features (116) mantle (earth) (4) manuals (17) map coordinate systems (3) map interfaces (27) map making -> cartography (67) mapmaking -> cartography (67) thematic mapper -> multispectral imaging (21) mapping -> cartography (67) map projections -> map coordinate systems (3) map quadrangle regions (2) map regions (2) aeromagnetic maps (4) -> aeromagnetic surveying WITH maps and atlases basement maps (8) -> maps and atlases WITH bedrock geologic units bathymetric maps -> topographic maps (5) depth-to maps (2) -> structure contours WITH maps and atlases earthquake activity maps (14) -> maps and atlases WITH earthquake occurrences earthquake epicenter maps (14) -> maps and atlases WITH earthquake occurrences earthquake occurrence maps (14) -> earthquake occurrences WITH maps and atlases elevation maps -> topographic maps (5) engineering geology maps (2) -> maps and atlases WITH engineering geology geochemical anomaly maps (9) -> geochemistry WITH maps and atlases geologic maps (28) geophysical maps (30) -> maps and atlases WITH geophysics geotechnical properties maps (2) -> maps and atlases WITH engineering geology gravity anomaly maps (5) -> gravitational field (earth) WITH maps and atlases ground motion maps -> maps and atlases (219) hydrologic maps (27) -> hydrology WITH maps and atlases landslide maps (5) -> landslides WITH maps and atlases landslide susceptibility maps (2) -> landslide susceptibility assessment WITH maps and atlases land use maps -> maps and atlases (219) lithologic maps (17) -> rocks and deposits WITH maps and atlases magnetic anomaly maps -> magnetic field (earth) (18) maps -> maps and atlases (219) paleotectonic maps (6) -> tectonic processes WITH maps and atlases rock mechanics maps -> maps and atlases (219) seismic hazard maps (14) -> maps and atlases WITH earthquake occurrences seismicity maps (7) -> earthquake probabilities WITH maps and atlases seismic reflection survey maps (2) -> seismic reflection method WITH maps and atlases slope stability maps (2) -> maps and atlases WITH landslide susceptibility assessment species distribution maps (12) -> maps and atlases WITH biogeography subsurface maps (93) -> maps and atlases WITH geology surficial geologic maps (15) -> surficial geologic units WITH maps and atlases tectonic maps (6) -> tectonic processes WITH maps and atlases thickness maps (2) -> structure contours WITH maps and atlases topographic maps (5) topo maps -> topographic maps (5) shaking maps (seismic) (14) -> maps and atlases WITH earthquake occurrences maps and atlases (219) map servers -> map interfaces (27) web map services (6) maps on demand -> sales and distribution services (15) continental margins (11) borderlands (continental margins) -> continental margins (11) platforms (continental margins) -> continental margins (11) marine biology (21) marine channels -> channels (4) marine chemistry (5) marine ecosystems (37) marine features -> hydrographic features (260) marine fishery resources (3) marine geology (52) marine geophysics (11) marine parks -> parks (14) marine regions -> ocean regions (5) marine sediment transport (13) -> ocean processes WITH sediment transport marine terminals -> harbors (4) marine water quality (14) marketplaces -> commercial sites (2) markets -> commercial sites (2) markup and query language development (1) marsh ecosystems -> wetland ecosystems (33) marshes -> wetlands (38) salt marshes -> wetlands (38) marshland ecosystems -> wetland ecosystems (33) ice masses (8) mass spectrometry -> mass spectroscopy (7) mass spectroscopy (7) mass wasting (29) suspended material (water) (16) earth material properties (7) laboratory reference materials -> materials standards (3) presentation materials (3) materials standards (3) mathematical methods -> computational methods (132) mathematical modeling (85) mathematical simulation (19) total maximum daily load -> TMDL (2) meadows -> grasslands (10) meander necks -> physiographic features (214) meanders -> streams (85) altimetry measurement (3) bathymetry measurement (22) CTD measurement (1) geolocation measurement (39) global positioning measurement -> GPS measurement (9) GPS measurement (9) gravimeter measurement (4) location measurement -> geolocation measurement (39) magnetometer measurement (1) ocean current measurement (2) -> field inventory and monitoring WITH ocean currents ocean wave measurement (3) -> field inventory and monitoring WITH ocean waves optical reflectance measurement -> optical methods (3) precipitation measurement (10) -> field inventory and monitoring WITH precipitation (atmospheric) rainfall measurement (10) -> precipitation (atmospheric) WITH field inventory and monitoring snowfall measurement (10) -> precipitation (atmospheric) WITH field inventory and monitoring stream-gage measurement (129) tiltmeter measurement (5) rock mechanics maps (2) -> maps and atlases WITH engineering geology median valleys -> valleys (3) media relations (3) medical centers -> medical facilities (2) medical facilities (2) memorials -> monuments (2) memos -> reports (105) mercury (7) mercury contamination (16) meristics (1) metadata -> catalogs and indexes (98) metadata development (5) metadata management (1) metallic ores (23) metallogeny -> ore formation (1) dissolved metals (2) metamorphic rocks (2) metamorphism (biological) -> metamorphosis (2) metamorphism (geological) (2) metamorphosis (2) meteor impact -> impact cratering (1) meteorites (4) meteorological stations -> data collection facilities (1) meteorology (11) meteors -> meteorites (4) methane hydrate resources -> gas hydrate resources (8) coalbed methane resources (8) coal bed methane resources -> coalbed methane resources (8) methane resources (coalbed) -> coalbed methane resources (8) fission-track method -> fission-track dating (4) seismic reflection method (7) seismic refraction method (6) leaching (analytical method) -> chemical analysis (55) acoustic methods (33) age estimation methods (6) computational methods (132) conflict resolution methods -> decision support methods (12) dating methods -> age estimation methods (6) decision support methods (12) field methods (609) fractal geometric methods -> mathematical modeling (85) gravimetric methods -> gravimeter measurement (4) information technology methods (20) laboratory methods (107) management methods (393) mathematical methods -> computational methods (132) methods (1166) microscope methods -> microscopy (5) numerical methods -> mathematical modeling (85) optical methods (3) seismic methods (44) side-scan sonar methods (21) Sidescan sonar methods -> side-scan sonar methods (21) sonar methods (27) therapeutic methods (2) visualization methods (5) vocalization methods (2) metropolitan areas -> populated places (7) Mg -> magnesium (1) microbes (2) microbiology (11) microclimate -> atmospheric and climatic processes (164) microfossils -> fossils (14) microorganisms -> microbes (2) micropaleontology (4) microscope methods -> microscopy (5) electron microscopy (3) microscopy (5) optical microscopy (2) scanning electron microscopy (2) Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) -> SSM/I (1) microwave imaging (1) fluid migration -> groundwater flow (44) seasonal migration -> migration (organisms) (4) migration (organisms) (4) migratory species (18) millponds -> lakes (33) grist mills -> industrial sites (2) mills -> industrial sites (2) olive oil mills -> industrial sites (2) sugar mills -> industrial sites (2) water mills -> hydrographic structures (33) mill sites -> industrial sites (2) millsites -> industrial sites (2) mine drainage (10) mine dumps -> disposal sites (2) mine entrances -> mine sites (15) mineral deposit areas (76) mineralogical analysis -> chemical analysis (55) mineralogy (14) industrial mineral resources -> nonmetallic mineral resources (12) mineral resources (60) nonmetallic mineral resources (12) industrial minerals -> mineral resources (60) minerals -> mineral resources (60) mineral springs -> springs (hydrographic) (2) chrome mines -> mine sites (15) coal mines -> mine sites (15) copper mines -> mine sites (15) diatomite mines -> mine sites (15) gold mines -> mine sites (15) iron mines -> mine sites (15) lead mines -> mine sites (15) mines -> mine sites (15) nickel mines -> mine sites (15) open pit mines -> mine sites (15) placer mines -> mine sites (15) salt mines -> mine sites (15) strip mines -> mine sites (15) tin mines -> mine sites (15) abandoned mines and quarries (5) mine shafts -> mine sites (15) mine sites (15) placer deposit mining (1) mining and quarrying (18) mining areas -> mine sites (15) mining camps -> mine sites (15) mining hazards (10) mining water use (3) mires -> wetlands (38) mission directorates (7) missions -> buildings (12) mites -> arachnids (1) hazard mitigation -> hazard preparedness (60) mitigation -> remediation (24) mixed forest ecosystems -> forest ecosystems (23) mixed grass ecosystems -> grassland ecosystems (15) Mn -> manganese (1) Mo -> molybdenum (1) moats (seafloor) -> seafloor features (15) groundwater flow modeling -> mathematical modeling (85) mathematical modeling (85) streamflow modeling (23) -> streamflow WITH mathematical modeling modeling (mathematical) -> mathematical modeling (85) ecological models -> ecological processes (96) hydraulic models -> hydraulic engineering (9) Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer -> multispectral imaging (21) genetically modified organisms -> genetically engineered organisms (1) MODIS -> multispectral imaging (21) moles (structural) -> breakwaters (3) molluscs -> mollusks (14) mollusks (14) molybdenum (1) earthquake monitoring -> seismic networking (16) ecosystem monitoring (65) field inventory and monitoring (375) field monitoring -> field inventory and monitoring (375) gage-height monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (129) long-term ecological monitoring (14) ocean monitoring (31) -> field inventory and monitoring WITH ocean characteristics remote video monitoring -> video monitoring (6) river discharge monitoring -> field inventory and monitoring (375) stream-flow monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (129) stream-gage monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (129) stream current monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (129) stream discharge monitoring -> stream discharge (15) streamflow monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (129) stream flow monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (129) stream gage monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (129) video monitoring (6) volcano monitoring (14) -> volcanic activity WITH field inventory and monitoring weather monitoring (50) -> field inventory and monitoring WITH atmospheric and climatic processes real-time monitoring and reporting (174) field monitoring stations (2) seismic monitoring stations -> field monitoring stations (2) monuments (2) national monuments -> monuments (2) moorings -> harbors (4) moors -> shrublands (2) moraines (1) morphology (biological) (1) morphometrics -> meristics (1) mosses (4) motels -> buildings (12) butterflies and moths (3) moths -> butterflies and moths (3) ground motion -> earthquake occurrences (42) strong motion -> earthquake occurrences (42) ground motion maps (14) -> maps and atlases WITH earthquake occurrences mounds -> mountains (6) mountain crests -> mountain summits (1) mountain ranges (2) mountains (6) table mountains -> plateaus (2) mountain summits (1) mounts -> mountains (6) stream mouths -> streams (85) wadi mouths -> arroyos (2) groundwater movement -> groundwater flow (44) mud flats -> wetlands (38) mudflows -> landslides (27) multidisciplinary directorates -> mission directorates (7) multispectral imaging (21) municipalities -> cities (5) municipios -> countries, 2nd order divisions (1) munitions plants -> industrial sites (2) mutualism -> symbiosis (1) mycology (2)

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