Science Of The Summer Olympics: Engineering In Sports

"Science of the Summer Olympics: Engineering In Sports,” the fourth and latest installment in the “Science of Sports” franchise, explores the science, engineering and technology that are helping athletes maximize their performance at the 2012 London Games. How does swimmer Missy Franklin use the principles of fluid dynamics to move more quickly through water? What are the unique biomechanics that have helped make sprinter Usain Bolt the world’s fastest human? What does weightlifter Sarah Robles have in common with a high-tech robot? How do engineers build faster pools, stronger safety helmets, and specialized wheelchairs for disabled athletes? Explore these and many other engineering and technology concepts in this FREE 10-part educational video series. The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) will provide free lesson plans for each video.

Science Of The Summer Olympics: Measuring A Champion Science Of The Summer Olympics: Measuring A Champion
Timing is everything, especially at the 2012 Summer Olympics where even a millisecond could mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Science Of The Summer Olympics: Designing Safety Helmets Science Of The Summer Olympics: Designing Safety Helmets
Highly engineered safety helmets are an essential part of many olympians' athletic gear
Science Of The Summer Olympics: Engineering For Mobility Science Of The Summer Olympics: Engineering For Mobility
Engineering enables wheelchair athletes to maximize their performance in competition
Science Of The Summer Olympics: The Impact Of Jenny Simpson Science Of The Summer Olympics: The Impact Of Jenny Simpson
Treadmill technology helps rehabilitate the strains incurrred during high impact sports
Science Of The Summer Olympics: Maximizing The Long Jump Of Bryan Clay Science Of The Summer Olympics: Maximizing The Long Jump Of Bryan Clay
Measuring the horizontal and vertical velocities of a long jump can help optimize an olympian's performance during the event
Science Of The Summer Olympics: The Biomechanics Of Usain Bolt Science Of The Summer Olympics: The Biomechanics Of Usain Bolt

Understanding the physical forces that move Usain Bolt to victory

Science Of The Summer Olympics: The Strength And Flexibility Of Oscar Pistorius Science Of The Summer Olympics: The Strength And Flexibility Of Oscar Pistorius
Olympic runner uses a pair of carbon fiber prosthetic legs that are engineered to store and release energy from the impact of his strides.
Science Of The Summer Olympics: Missy Franklin And Fluid Dynamics Science Of The Summer Olympics: Missy Franklin And Fluid Dynamics

Mastering the basic principles of fluid dynamics to become the fastest Olympic swimmer

Science Of The Summer Olympics: Designing A Science Of The Summer Olympics: Designing A "Fast Pool"

Mechanical engineers design the pools used at the Summer Olympics to swallow waves