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Useful Links

U.S. Department of Commerce - Trade Information Center http://www.ita.doc.gov/td/tic/

U.S. Trade Representative http://www.ustr.gov
This site contains a full text of the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement. See if your product qualifies for immediate tariff relief under the FTA.

U.S. Embassy in Santiago, Chile http://chile.usembassy.gov
Find out what the U.S. mission in Santiago is doing. Read about the latest developments regarding the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement.

Chilean Embassy in Washington, D.C. http://www.chile-usa.org

Chilean Government http://www.chileangovernment.cl/

Chilecompra http://www.chilecompra.cl
ChileCompra is the Chilean system for government procurement. The main objective of this electronic platform is to guarantee high levels of transparency, efficiency and the use of technology in the government´s purchases, benefiting private enterprise, the State and the general public.
e-mail: info@N0SPAM.chilecompra.cl

Central Bank http://www.bcentral.cl/eng

Foreign Investment Committee http://www.foreigninvestment.cl
This is a Chilean government-sponsored, English-language site that highlights international approval and favorable Wall Street analysis of Chile's economy.

Servicio Nacional de Aduanas (Chile Customs Service)

Prochile (Chilean Export Promotion Service) http://www.prochile.cl

American Chilean Chamber of Commerce, Amcham Chile

This is the premier U.S. business association in Chile. The Web site provides information on how U.S. firms will benefit from a bilateral free trade agreement.

Santiago Chamber of Commerce http://www.ccs.cl
The biggest business association in the country. It provides various support services including market research and consulting services for local companies, as well as foreign companies interested in penetrating the Chilean market.

Chilean Tourism Information

General information on Chile

Chilean major publications:

El Mercurio: includes links to all El Mercurio chain dailies http://www.emol.cl
Consorcio Periodistico de Chile (COPESA) owner of several newspapers

Economic and financial daily Estrategia and monthly economic publication Gestión - p://dev.buyusa.gov/style/graphics/link_extern.gif http://www.estrategia.cl
Economic and business biweekly Capital - http://www.capital.cl

Useful web links for major Television stations:

National Television (TVN)- http://www.tvn.cl
Catholic University of Chile TV (TVUC) - http://www.canal13.cl
Mega TV - http://www.megavision.cl
Chilevision TV (CHV) - http://www.chilevision.cl