Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 6/9/99

Series: Information

Part 471: Audiovisual Media and Publications

Chapter 3: Production and Use of Exhibits (Displays)

Originating Office: Office of Communications

471 DM 3

3.1 Scope. The provisions of this Chapter apply to exhibits and displays (the terms are used interchangeably) regardless of their source of funding, which are produced by or attributed to any bureau or office of the Department and/or its respective field activities. Exempt from the provisions of this Chapter are displays produced for internal use only (e.g., training aids) and not generally accessible to general public view.

3.2 Policy.

A. An exhibit will be used as a medium of communication when there is evidence that greater public understanding of the missions, functions, programs and/or activities of the U.S. Department of the Interior will result from the use. Such exhibits should be easily updated and/or able to be used for other subject matter.

B. Whenever the identification of an office or bureau appears on an exhibit or exhibit vehicle, that bureau or office will be identified as part of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

C. All exhibits produced by and for any Departmental component (except where no federal funds were expended) are available for exhibit usage by all Departmental components when such use is consistent with the provisions of this chapter; provided however, that the owner organization retains priority of use when there is a conflict in date, and the borrowing organization assumes responsibility for all costs associated with the use of the exhibit, including maintenance and repair, transportation, security, crating, etc.

D. While an invitation to exhibit will not normally be accepted if there is a charge for space or for any other purpose normally underwritten by the sponsor, heads of offices and bureaus are authorized to waive this provision if, in their judgement, such payments are authorized by statute, and warranted by the nature of the sponsor and by the potential benefits which will accrue to the Department as a consequence.

E. Although a Departmental office or bureau exhibit may be part of a larger exposition or event which charges an admission fee, such as a state fair, the Departmental office or bureau exhibit may never be the major attraction at any such event nor may there be a separate admission charge for the Departmental office or bureau exhibit.

3.3 Authorization. Prior to developing an exhibit which requires in whole, or in part, the services of an outside contractor, bureaus and offices will submit a Form DI 552, Exhibit Production Authorization Request (see Appendix), to the Director, Office of Communications (OCO).

3.4 Responsibility.

A. Office of Communications (OCO).

(1) OCO has oversight responsibility for the coordination and use of exhibits at all major national and international events which involve or may involve Department of the Interior participation. Announcements of, or invitations to such events should be coordinated with OCO for determination of appropriate action.

(2) A national event is defined as one which:

(a) is sponsored by an organization which is national in scope (e.g., Public Relations Society of America, National Association of Broadcasters, etc.)

(b) is open to attendance by any member of the organization (e.g., the Annual Meeting); and

(c) it is anticipated will attract a sizeable audience and/or national media.

(3) An international event is defined as one which involves the official participation of the United States and at least one other nation, and the U.S. participation is funded by a Federal Department or agency or by specific Congressional appropriation (e.g., EXPO $74).

B. Bureaus and Offices. Bureau and office heads will assure that all subordinate field activities are acquainted with the provisions of this Chapter. Supplemental instructions may be issued to accomplish the purposes of this Chapter, provided that the instructions are not in conflict with any provision contained herein.

6/9/99 #3267

Replaces 2/7/78 #2064

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