Today's Military:

Career Profiles

Because there are so many possible career paths, every servicemember enjoys a unique experience in the Military. The profiles here are personal stories of how various servicemembers succeeded in their careers and how they got to where they are today.

Combat Operations Careers

  • Jacob Poulliot.

    Jacob Poulliot
    Combat Controller
    Air Force

    Jacob Poulliot grew up near San Antonio as part of an Air Force family. He went to Lackland Air Force Base regularly and watched combat controllers in training. When Jacob saw them, he was intrigued and thought that might be ... View profile

  • John Bushman.

    John Bushman
    Field Artillery Officer

    “I have never experienced a day in the Army that was identical to the day before. Every day, there is a new challenge, there is a new obstacle to overcome, there are unique opportunities that are afforded to us to ... View profile

  • Rob Niemeyer.

    Rob Niemeyer
    Surface Warfare Officer

    “The Naval Academy and serving in the Navy upon graduation appealed to my sense of adventure, my love of travel and my desire to serve my country.” Like a lot of teenagers applying to colleges, Rob Niemeyer turned to a ... View profile

  • Robert Settle.

    Robert Settle
    Amphibious Assault Vehicle Crew Chief
    Marine Corps

    When he was growing up in Texas, Robert Settle heard about his grandfather’s experiences as a sergeant in the Marine Corps. Right after the events of 9/11, Robert decided that joining the Marine Corps and following his grandfather’s path would ... View profile

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