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Chemical & Materials Sciences
We are attaining a molecular-level understanding of complex multi-phase systems and phenomena vital to the nation's energy and environmental resources.

FY12 Accomplishments Cover

2012 Fundamental & Computational Sciences Accomplishments Report Now Available

Since 2004, the Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate publishes a full-color brochure that highlights discoveries and solutions made during the fiscal year. 2012 Key Accomplishments Report of the Fundamental & Computational Sciences is now available as a downloadable PDF.


Nickelblock: An Element's Love-hate Relationship with Battery Electrodes

Anyone who owns an electronic device knows that lithium-ion batteries could work better and last longer. Now, scientists examining battery materials on the nano-scale reveal how nickel forms a physical barrier that impedes the shuttling of lithium ions in the electrode, reducing how fast the materials charge and discharge. Published last week in Nano Letters, the research also suggests a way to improve the materials.


Creating an Iron Understudy

To understand how underground pollutants react with magnetite and other minerals, scientists need an easy-to-use mineral stand-in. An international team led by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory created analogous particles with precisely tuned amounts of relatively reactive iron, or Fe(II), and less reactive iron, Fe(III), to match natural conditions. Tuning this Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio dials in the desired amount of iron reactivity.


Moving Mountains: Electrons Hop through Iron Oxide Minerals in a Type of Semiconduction

Rust—iron oxide—is a poor conductor of electricity, which is why an electronic device with a rusted battery usually won't work. But electrons do move through iron oxide—on seemingly geologic timescales. Now, scientists explain how electrons do this and provide the strongest evidence yet for the leading theory of such movement, a type of semiconduction. Published in Science, the work forms a new foundation for understanding how iron oxide cycles through the earth.

Dan DuBois

DuBois Receives National Inorganic Chemistry Award

Congratulations to Dr. Daniel DuBois at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on receiving the American Chemical Society's Award in Inorganic Chemistry, a prestigious national honor. DuBois was chosen for his unique approach to designing inorganic molecular complexes to speed reactions. Instead of taking a hit-or-miss approach based on creating and testing endless variations to find the properties needed, he answered the fundamental questions, showing the scientific community "why" these materials behaved as they did, and how to use that knowledge to rationally develop improved catalysts.

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