Community Relations

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office 


The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program is to address the specific needs of sexual assault victims.  The SAPRO serves as the focal point for coordinating all sexual assault prevention and response actions within Headquarters & Service Battalion, Henderson Hall. 


Marine Corps Order 1752.5A
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program.

Sexual Assault and Prevention Logo
Sexual Assault
 Prevention & Response

Contact Information

Uniformed Victim Advocate
(703) 693-4732 Office
(202) 439-5827  24/7 Helpline

Sexual Assault
Response Coordinator

(703) 693-4733  Office
(571) 205-1298  24/7 Helpline

HQBn, Henderson Hall
1555 Southgate Road
Building 29, Room 306
Arlington, VA 22215

Hours of Operation

Resources & Support

Ft. Myer Provost Marshalls Office (PMO)
(703) 772-4868

H&S Bn, Henderson Hall Family Advocacy
Program/Victim Advocate

(703) 614-7204 Office
(703) 693-6611 24/7 Helpline

H&S Bn, Henderson Hall
Command Chaplain
(703) 614-9280 Office
(703) 772-4868 After hours

Military One Source
(800) 342-9647 Stateside
00-800-3429-6477 Overseas
(484) 530-5908 Overseas Collect
24-hours a day/7-days a week

Violence Intervention Program
(703) 228-4848
24-hour hotline

External Resources

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