
  • announcement image Announcing the new joint OMB-CEQ 2012 Memorandum on Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution ... read more

  • announcement image Training program now offers new Udall Certificate in Environmental Collaboration ... read more
  • announcement image ECR2012 Awards Recipients Announced ... read more

Prevent | Collaborate | Resolve

Workable Solutions to Environmental Conflict

Environmental conflicts can present particularly complex problems with serious consequences.

The U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, an independent and impartial federal program, has a mission and history of helping people find workable solutions to tough environmental conflicts ... anywhere in the U.S.

Conflict may be inevitable, but there are ways to turn conflict into collaboration. We can help you move forward together.

Examples of Improving Environmental Decision Making

All Case Briefs

case image BLM Bridgeport Land Sale Mediation

Since 1995, the Bridgeport Indian Colony had been interested in purchasing about 40 acres adjacent to the reservation from the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”). But concerns of town residents regarding the tribe’s commercial development plans and the potential impact more


Politics and issues come and go, but in the end, we'll all be remembered for the way we treat other people.
Morris K. Udall

Did you know...?

Morris K. Udall The U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution is a program of the Udall Foundation, an independent federal agency based in Tucson, Arizona.

The Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation is one of five federal foundations established by Congress. The other four federal foundations include the Christopher Columbus Foundation, Barry M. Goldwater Foundation, James Madison Foundation, and the Harry S. Truman Foundation. Like those foundations, the Udall Foundation grants college scholarships and fellowships. It also conducts the Native American Congressional Internship program each summer in Washington, D.C.