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The Individual Development Plan (IDP)

An IDP is an employee development tool that identifies activities that will help you enhance your knowledge, skills, and abilities. The IDP process provides an opportunity for you to share, with your supervisor, your goals and to communicate your strengths and developmental needs. You work together to develop realistic goals and activities to achieve them, and your supervisor assists you by providing feedback and suggestions.

Completing an IDP should be a joint effort between your supervisor and you. The organization's needs, technology changes, expected turnover, program plans, etc., should be considered while developing an IDP. It should not be a "wish list," but a realistic working document. DOI Personnel Bulletin 06-04 requires all supervisors to have an IDP.

Sample form and field descriptions

Here is a sample of the IDP Form in a Portable Document File (PDF)Word Document File.

Visit the IDP field description page for a brief narrative on each field.

IDP Guidelines

The IDP is a great tool when used appropriately. Some key points to remember about the IDP:

  • it is designed to be a blueprint for your success;
  • it is designed to be a working document - it should change as time goes on and as needs and priorities change;
  • the planning and talking between a supervisor and employee is the most important and beneficial aspect of creating an IDP; and
  • if you don't accomplish everything on your IDP it doesn't mean you failed - priorities and resources may have changed throughout the year.

For more information

Visit the DOI The National Business Center Employee and Career Development Individual Development Plans site.

Visit the Ten Steps to Planning Your Career page.

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  For more information

Please Contact:
Pam Marsters
Strategic Employee Development Consultant

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 09-May-2012 09:34:01 EDT