USGS - science for a changing world

Human Capital Services and Support

We are USGS! - Human Capital

Just For You

A new home for all Human Capital services and information

  • This site is designed to help you find the HC information you need

Serving the USGS Workforce
Welcome to the new USGS Human Capital (HC) Web site.

Thanks for visiting our new HC Web site and giving it a try! As you will see, this site is rich in content with a wide variety of topics of interest for all employees. During site design and development we focused on two main goals. First, we wanted to consolidate all Human Capital information in one place to simplify the process of finding answers to your questions with relevant, timely and regularly updated information. Second, to simplify the search process, we endeavored to provide multiple pathways to get to the same information. I recommend that you visit our site frequently as it will change as our organization evolves.

We look forward to your feedback. Please send any comments to the Lotus Notes address provided at the bottom of each page.

Diane Wade photo

Diane K. Wade
Associate Director for Administration and Enterprise Information and
Acting Associate Director for Human Capital

 USGS Guiding Principles
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Accountable
  • Communicate
  • Value Differences
  • Encourage
  • Focus
  • Collaborate
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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 19-Jul-2012 08:32:41 EDT