Project Report List

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ISPO Report Number



Task Number

ISPO #1 Report on Hough's Visit to GE  Wilmington‑Cooperative Study with NRC at GE Wilmington, March 1977 A. M. Bieber, Jr. F.7
ISPO #2 Track‑Etch Technique‑Processing and Readout of Tapes‑Consultation & Training, September 1978, NEDG‑12682, GE‑VNC D. B. Lovett A.15
ISPO #3 Integral Exercises‑Reprocessing Facility (Barnwell DIQ), March 1978,
A. M. Bieber, Jr.
S. C. Suda
ISPO #4 Results of Tests to Determine Response of Solar Cell Gamma Detector "C" to High Dose Rate Gamma Radiation, June 1977, Sandia Laboratories, Letter Report J. F. Ney E.22
ISPO #5 Cooperative Study with NRC at GE Wilmington, October 1978 A. M. Bieber, Jr.
C.M. Vaughn
ISPO #6 Study of Before‑the Lens Tamper Detection for Film and Television Camera Surveillance Systems, June 1978, Sandia Laboratories, Sand 78‑1221 (Limited Distribution) C. S. Johnson E.7
ISPO #7 Independent Verification of a Material Balance at LEU Fabrication Plant,
November 1977, PNL‑2418, NTIS UC‑15
R.J. Sorenson
T. I. McSweeney
M.G. Hartman
R.J. Brouns
K. B. Stewart
D. P. Granquist
ISPO #8 Heavy Water Accountability, September 1978, BNL 24941, Informal Report,  Limited Distribution C. Auerbach
J. R. Lemley
W.P. Beddington
ISPO #9 Non‑Destructive Assay Methods for Irradiated Nuclear Fuels, January 1978, LA‑6923, NTIS UC‑15 S.T. Hsue
T. W. Crane
W. L. Talbert
J.C. Lee
ISPO #10 Statistical Programs for Analyzing PAFEX Interlaboratory Test Data,
December 1977, PNL-2571, NTIS UC-15
K. B. Stewart F.3
ISPO #11 Report on a Study of the Staffing Required to Complete the Development
of the New IAEA Safeguards Information System, June 1978, BNL-TSO
R.J. Fontana
E.M. Kidd
ISPO #12 Autoradiography as a Safeguards Inspection Technique for Unirradiated LWR Fuel Assemblies, May 1978, ANL-78-27, NTIS UC-15; Also Addendum, April 1979, ANL-NDA-6 S.C. Brumbach
R.B. Perry
ISPO #13 Small-Sample Calorimeter System Design and Operation, April 1981, ANL-NDA-7 C.T. Roche
R.B. Perry
G.A. Youngdahl
R. N. Lewis
E. A. Jung
J. R. Haumann
ISPO #14 The Bulk Assay Calorimeter: Part 1. System Design and Operation; Part 2. Calibration and Testing, January 1982, ANL-NDA-9 R.B. Perry
C.T. Roche
A.L. Harkness
G.H. Winslow
G.A. Youngdahl
R.N. Lewis
E.A. Jung
ISPO #15 ANL Four-Meter Calorimeter Design and Operation Manual, February 1980, ANL-NDA-3 R.B. Perry
R.N. Lewis
G.A. Youngdahl
E.A. Jung
C.T. Roche
ISPO #16 A Portable Calorimeter System for Non-Destructive Assay of Mixed-Oxide Fuels, April 1978, ANL-78-33, NTIS UC-15 C.T. Roche
R.B. Perry
R.N. Lewis
E.A. Jung
J.R. Haumann
ISPO #17 Annual Report on the U.S. Program of Technical Assistance to Safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (POTAS), January-December 1977, March 1978, BNL-50869, UC-15 ISPO -
ISPO #18 Planning of Safeguards Training, May 1978, AGNS, NMS‑11 P. Ebel B.1
ISPO #19 Report on the Evaluation of Staffing, Equipment, Software, and Procedures in Support of the IAEA Safeguards Information System, July 1978, K/CSD/INF‑78/27 R.A. Tannert D.10
ISPO #20 Diversion Analysis of Light Water Reactor Fuel Cycle, May 1978,
J. Glancy
G. Borgonovi
ISPO #21 Explanatory Notes for an Enrichment Facility Design Information
Questionnaire, September 1979, SAI‑77‑981‑LJ
J. Glancy
J. Swartz
R. Larivere
R. Graham
ISPO #22 Diversion Analysis of Uranium Enrichment Facility, August 1979, SAI‑78‑694‑LJ
J. Glancy
R. Graham
M. Hecht
T. McDaniel
ISPO #23 Diversion Analysis of a LWR Reprocessing Facility, August 1979, SAI‑77‑956‑LJ J. Glancy
A. El‑Bassioni
W. Hagan
G. Borgonovi
ISPO #24 Volume 1‑Explanatory Notes for Design Information Questionnaires, September 1979;
Volume 2‑Model Responses for an Enrichment Facility Design Information Questionnaire, May 1979;
Volume 3‑Model Responses for a Conversion/Fuel Fabrication Facility Design Information Question­naire, May 1979;
Volume 4‑Model Responses for a Reprocessing Facility Design Information Questionnaire, May 1979;
Volume 5‑Model Responses for a Research Reactor Design Information Questionnaire, May 1979;
Volume 6‑Model Responses for Power Reactor Design Information Questionnaire, May 1979;
Volume 7‑Model Responses for a Critical‑(sub‑criti­cal) Facilities Design Information Question­naire, September 1979;
Volume 8‑Model Responses for Information in Respect of Nuclear Material Outside Facilities, (Locations Where the Amount of Nuclear Material is Less Than One Effective Kilogram) September 1979; SAI‑01579‑733LJ (See also ISPO 30, 31)
J. Glancy
W. Hagan
J. Swartz
ISPO #25 Isotopic Safeguards Techniques, June 1978, PNL‑SA‑6761, NTIS UC‑15 C.L. Timmerman F.9
ISPO #26 Isotopic Safeguards Statistics, June 1978, PNL‑SA‑6595, NTIS UC‑15 C.L. Timmerman
K.B. Stewart
ISPO #27 Developing Isotopic Functions, June 1978, PNL‑SA‑6594, NTIS UC‑15 B.A. Napier
C.L. Timmerman
ISPO #28 Diversion Analysis of a Light Water Reactor Facility, August 1979,
J. Glancy
W. Hagan
T. McDaniel
ISPO #29 Diversion Analysis of a Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, August 1979, SAI‑78‑705‑LJ J. Glancy
G. Borgonovi
T. McDaniel
ISPO #30 Explanatory Notes for Conversion and/or Fuel Fabrication Plants‑Design
Information Questionnaire, September 1979, SAI‑78‑793‑LJ
J. Glancy
J. Swartz
ISPO #31 Explanatory Notes for Research and Power Reactor Design Information Questionnaire, September 1979, SAI‑78‑894‑LJ
(See also ISPO‑24, Vol. 5)
J. Glancy
J. Swartz
J. Mahn
ISPO #32 Direct Transmission of Safeguards Data, March 1979, Teknekron W. Hewitt D.14
ISPO #33 Electronic Fiber Optic Seals (Self Monitoring Seal Operations Manual),
July 1978, SAND‑78‑1370, NTIS UC‑15
J. W. Campbell E.11
ISPO #34 Isotopic Safeguards Data Bank (ISTLIB) and Control Program (MISTY),
September 1978, PNL‑2726
C.L. Timmerman F.9
ISPO #35 Estimation of Inspection Effort, June 1979, PNL‑2558, UC‑15 M F. Mullen
M.A. Wincek
ISPO #36 Integral Exercises‑LEU Fabrication Facility, October 1978 A.M. Bieber, Jr. C.3
ISPO #37 Selected Isotopic Functions: A Description and Demonstration of Their Uses, October 1978, PNL‑2761 C.L. Timmerman
G.P. Selby
B.A. Napier
ISPO #38 Sealing System for UF6 Cylinders, September 1978 S. Fiarman E.14
ISPO #39 Summary Report of TASTEX Task J: Resin Bead Mass Spectrometry for
Safeguards, October 1978, ORNL/TM‑6612
J.A. Carter
D.H. Smith
R.L. Walker
ISPO #40 SAFE‑Statistical Analysis Facilitation Environment, September 1978,
Calculogic Corporation
I.H. Fuchs
J.E. Korenthal
ISPO #41 Sealing System for LWR Assemblies, October 1978, Superseded by ISPO‑75 S. Fiarman E.16
ISPO #42 NDA/Computer Data Processing, October 1978, TREE‑1313, UC‑15
J.W. Mandler
R.G. Helmer
E.W. Killian
R.A. Morneau
ISPO #43 Preliminary Portable Spent Fuel Gamma‑Ray and Neutron Detector Electronics, User and Technical Manual, May 1979, Superseded by ISPO‑135 J.K. Halbig A.72
ISPO #44 Nondestructive Measurement of Spent Fuel Assemblies at the Tokai Reprocessing and Storage Facility, December 1979, LA‑8076‑MS, UC‑83 J.R. Phillips
G.E. Bosler
J.K. Halbig
D.M. Lee
ISPO #45 Investigation of the Feasbility of Applying an Integrated Containment and
Surveillance System in the Spent Fuel Receiving Areas of the PNC, Tokai Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facility, November 1978, SAND‑78‑1740, Limited Distribution, Addendum, March 1981
J.P. Holmes
C.P. Cameron
R.P. McKnight
ISPO #46 The PGT IG510 Gamma‑Ray Detector: Assessment and Instructions,
February 1979
A. Fainberg A.13
ISPO #47 Passive Neutron Assay of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels, February 1979, LA‑7645‑MS, UC‑15
S.T. Hsue
J. Stewart
K. Kaieda
J.K. Halbig
J.R. Phillips
D.M. Lee
C.R. Hatcher
ISPO #48 A New Approach to the Examination of LWR Irradiated Fuel Assemblies Using Simple Gas Chamber Techniques, January 1979, LA‑7655‑MS
C.R. Hatcher
E. Medina
K. Kaieda
J.R. Phillips
J.K. Halbig
S.T. Hsue
D.M. Lee
ISPO #49 Autoradiography as a Safeguards Inspection Technique for Plutonium Fuels, May 1979, ANL‑NDA‑2 S.M. Brumbach
R.B. Perry
ISPO #50 Brookhaven Survey Assay Meter (BSAM) Instruction Manual,
January 1979
S. Fiarman
M. Zucker
ISPO #51 Irradiated Fuel Monitors: Preliminary Feasibility Study, May 1979, LA‑7699, UC‑15 E.J. Dowdy
J.T. Caldwell
ISPO #52 Portable Active Neutron Interrogation System for Light‑Water Reactor Fuel Assemblies, October 1978, LA‑7528‑M, UC‑78
J.D. Brandenburger
H.O. Menlove
E. Medina
ISPO #53 The High‑Level Neutron Coincidence Counter (HLNCC): Users Manual,
June 1979, LA‑7779‑M
M.S. Krick
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #54 Semi‑Portable Load‑Cell‑Based System for Weighing UF6 Cylinders,
September 1980
D. Mitchell
P. Pontius
ISPO #55 Evaluation of Procedures for Handling Neutron Multiplication Effects with the High Level Neutron Coincidence Counter (HLNCC), January 1979 M.S. Krick A.39
ISPO #56 ISPO Task D.6 Final Status Report, November 1978 R. Muller D.6
ISPO #57 Applications Guide for Plutonium Autoradiography, May 1979, ANL‑NDA‑5 S M. Brumbach A.35
ISPO #58 "INSPECT"‑ A Package of Computer Programs for Planning Safeguards Inspection, April 1979, PNL‑2559, UC‑15 M.A. Wincek
M.F. Mullen
ISPO #59 Field Manual for High Level Neutron Coincidence Counter (HLNCC),
February 1979, LA‑7729‑M
J. Foley A.26
ISPO #60 Quantitative Plutonium and Uranium Analyses, Verification Measurement for Gamma‑Ray Spectrometer and High Level Neutron Coincidence Counter Calibrations, August 1979 J.E. Cline
P.G. Voilleque
ISPO #61 Irradiated Fuel Monitoring by Cerenkov Glow Intensity Measurements,
September 1979, LA‑7838‑MS, UC‑15
E.J. Dowdy
N. Nicholson
J.T. Caldwell
ISPO #62 A New Instrument for the Confirmation of Declared Power Histories of Central Station Nuclear Power Plants, March 1979
E.J. Dowdy
A.A. Robba
R.D. Hastings
S.W. France
ISPO #63 The Measurement of Leached Hulls, April 1979, LA‑7784‑MS T.D. Reilly T‑C
ISPO #64 Progress Report Through January 9, 1979 on Contract #450284‑S. Diversion Hazard Analysis on Light Water Reactors, January 1979 L. Geller C.24
ISPO #65 Assistance to the Department of Safeguards and Inspection, August 1977 J.A. Merrill F.5
ISPO #66 Description and Operation Manual for the Active Well Coincidence Counter, May 1979, LA‑7823‑M H.O. Menlove A.8
ISPO #67 Operations Manual for the TASTEX Gamma Spectrometer System,
March 1979, M‑106

R. Gunnink
A.L. Prindle
J.B. Niday
A.L. VanLehn
D.W. O'Brien
ISPO #68 The International Atomic Energy Agency‑A Manual for the Auditing of Nuclear Materials Records and Reports, March 1979, NUSAC
Report #450
R. Weber B.7
ISPO #69 Diversion Hazards for Light Water Reactors, July 1979
L. Goldstein
L. Geller
Q.Z. Dahodwala
ISPO #70 Secure Transmission and Analysis of TV Surveillance Imagery, May 1979 Fairchild E.4
ISPO #71 Operators Manual for the Reactor Power Monitor, June 1979, Q‑2‑79‑721

A. Robba
E.J. Dowdy
R.D. Hastings
S.W. France
ISPO #72 Status Monitoring (Alternate to Optical Surveillance), January 1980 A. Binder E.20
ISPO #73 Evaluation of the Safeguards System Proposed for a Fast Breeder Reactor, February 1979 F.W. Thalgott C.7
ISPO #74 Tokai Advanced Safeguards Technology Exercise T‑F; Study of Selected Capabilities Needed to Apply DYMAC Principles to Safeguarding the Tokai Reprocessing Plant, October 1979, LA‑8070‑MS, UC‑83 L. Lowry
R. Augustson
ISPO #75 Systems for Sealing LWR Assemblies, October 1978 S. Fiarman E.16
ISPO #76 Use of Sealed Tube Neutron Generators for Verification of LWR Fuel Assemblies, September 1979, LA‑7996‑MS, UC‑78 D.M. Lee A.31
ISPO #77 Application of Non‑destructive Gamma‑Ray and Neutron Techniques for Safeguarding of Irradiated Fuel Materials, May 1980, LA‑8212, UC‑15
J.R. Phillips
J.K. Halbig
D.M. Lee
S. Beach
ISPO #78 Javelin Model 222 Night Vision Device Spent Fuel Viewing Procedures Manual, October 1979, Q‑2‑79‑7888 N. Nicholson E.21
ISPO #79 Experimental Comparison of the Active Well Coincidence Counter with the Random Driver, June 1979, LA‑7882‑MS, UC‑15
H.O. Menlove
N. Ensslin
T.E. Sampson
ISPO #80 Germanium Spectrometer Calibration Procedures: Volume I ‑ Primary
Calibration Measurements; Vol. II ‑ Determination of Detector Response Parameters and Calculation of Efficiency Curves; Verification of Calibration; Vol. III‑Quantitative Field Measurements, November 1979, SAI‑139‑79‑501‑RV
J.E. Cline
P.G. Voilleque
ISPO #81 An Overview of the Software for Telemation/Sandia Unattended Video
Surveillance System, December 1979, SAND 99‑1668
P.D. Merillat E.25
ISPO #82 The ORTEC 9603‑S Intrinsic Germanium Gamma‑Ray Detector ‑ Assessment and Operating Notes, December 1979 A. Fainberg A.13
ISPO #83 Metallic Seals, March 1980, SAND‑79‑2462 D. Poli E.28
ISPO #84 A Study of Narrow Bandwidth Transmission Techniques for Video Images, June 1980, SAND‑79‑1780 C. Johnson E.10
ISPO #85 Mol Exercise: Measurement of High‑Mass PuO2 Samples with the
HLNCC, December 1979

M.S. Krick
G.E. Bosler
M. DeCarolis
C. Beets
F. Franssen
ISPO #86 Seals for Unirradiated LWR Fuel Assemblies, March 1980, SAND‑80‑0187 A. Binder E.29
ISPO #87 Demonstration of the Loadcell Technique for the Measurement of Solution Weight in the Accountability Vessel, August 1980 F.O. Cartan T‑D
ISPO #88 Isotopic Safeguards Techniques and Evaluation of the Current Situation,
January 1980
A. Fainberg 2.03.3
ISPO #89 Neutron Multiplication Corrections for Passive Thermal Neutron Well Counters, July 1980, LA‑8460‑MS, UC‑15 M. Krick A.39
ISPO #90 Electronic Fiber Optic Seal MOD‑1 Operations Manual, April 1980, 
E.F. Johnson
J.L. Todd
J. Campbell
ISPO #91 Motion, Intrusion and Tamper Detection for Surveillance and Containment, March 1980, SAND‑79‑0792 C.L. Henderson
A.M. Fine
ISPO #92 U. S./IAEA Seminar on Safeguards Information Treatment, May 1980 A.M. Bieber, Jr. D.21
ISPO #93 Analysis of Tokai‑mura Reprocessing Data, March 1980, PNL‑3323,
Limited Distribution
C.L. Timmerman T‑K
ISPO #94 Case Study: Application of the Safeguards Assessment Methodology
to a Medium Sized Reprocessing Plant, May 1985
W.A. Higinbotham
L.G. Fishbone
ISPO #95 Automated Electromanometer System, April 1981 S. Suda
M. Hayashi
B. Keisch
Y. Fukuari
T. Onuma
ISPO #96 Identity Recording and Verification of Type E Seals, May 1980, SAND‑80‑0816 D. Poli E.43
ISPO #97 Channel Coincidence Counter: Version I, June 1980, LA‑8404‑MS, UC‑15 M.S. Krick
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #98 Safeguarding Large UF6 Cylinders, April 1980 S. Fiarman E.14
ISPO #99 Resin Bead Uranium and Plutonium Analysis of WAK Input Solution ‑ A Statistical Summary of Experiment #1, June 1980, ORNL/TM‑7362 C.K. Bayne
J.A. Carter
D.H. Smith
R.L. Walker
ISPO #100 Review of Selected Dynamic Material Control Functions for International
Safeguards, September 1980, LA‑8384‑MS, UC‑15
L. Lowry C.10
ISPO #101 Joint Summary Report for the TASTEX Task I Product Area Monitoring System, January 1981 W. Harris
S. Ihara
ISPO #102 Radiation Detectors as Surveillance Monitors for IAEA Safeguards,
October 1980, LA‑8584‑MS, UC‑15
P.E. Fehlau
E.J. Dowdy
ISPO #103 Tracer Method for Input Measurements, June 1980 W.J. Maeck T‑M
ISPO #104 Calculational Procedure for Production of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) in Reactors, June 1980 D. Vogt D.17
ISPO #105 TASTEX Task J: Resin Bead Mass Spectrometry for Safeguards,
April 1980
D.H. Smith
L. Walker
J.A. Carter
ISPO #106 ANL One Meter Calorimeter Design and Operational Manual, August 1980, Superseded by ISPO‑151 R.B. Perry
R. Lewis
G. Youngdahl
E.A. Jung
C.T. Roche
ISPO #107 Independent Verification of Reprocessing Facilities with Installed Instrumentation as Tested in the TASTEX Program, January 1981 H. Katz C.36
ISPO #108 Fernseh CCTV Unattended Surveillance and Recording System, Test Certification and Final Development Report, January 1982 D. McGovern E.25
ISPO #109 Functional Evaluation of Film Cameras Suitable for Surveillance, August 1980, SAND‑80‑1762             
C.L. Henderson
R.L. Martinez
C.E. Robertson
ISPO #110 Irradiated Fuel Inspection in a Storage Pond with No Fuel Movement and an Uncollimated Detector, July 1980, LA‑8463‑MS, UC‑15 P. Rinard A.48
ISPO #111 Evaluation of TASTEX Task H: Measurement of Plutonium Isotopic Abundances by Gamma‑Ray Spectrometry, October 1981, UCRL‑52950, UC‑15
R. Gunnink
A.L. Prindle
Y. Asakura
J. Masui
N. Ishiguro
A. Kawasaki
S. Kataoka
ISPO #112 Calculation Procedure for Production of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) in Reactors (Inspectors Input Manual), June 1980 D. Vogt D.17
ISPO #113 Development and Evaluation of the K‑Edge Instrument at Tokai‑mura,  
June 1980, LA‑UR‑80‑1881

P. Russo
S. Hsue
J. Sprinkle
Y. Asakura
T. Fukuda
I. Kondo
ISPO #114 Gravimetric (Pu/U) Method for Input Measurements, June 1980
W.J. Maeck
F.W. Spraktes
ISPO #115 NDA/Computer Data Processing, October 1980, UC‑15

R.A. Morneau
J. W. Mandler
R.G. Helmer
E.W. Killian
D.H. Nichols
ISPO #116 Advanced Training Course on State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materials Vol. I and Vol. II, August 1979, PNL‑3525, UC‑15 R. Sorenson
R. Schneider
ISPO #117 Analytical Techniques to Reduce the Number of Physical Standards
Needed for Neutron Coincidence Counters, July 1981, LA‑8509‑MS
G.E. Bosler
ISPO #118 Development Report for a Hardwired Logic Video Surveillance and Recording System, October 1980, SAND‑80‑2024 C.S. Johnson E.25
ISPO #119 Semi‑Automatic Video Scanner for Analysis of Super 8mm Surveillance Films, October 1980, SAND‑80‑2069 M.R. Heiser E.27
ISPO #120 Measurement of Highly Enriched Uranium Metal Buttons with the HLNCC Operating in the Active Mode, October 1980, LA‑8556‑MS, UC‑15 J. Foley A.51
ISPO #121 Application of the Active Well Coincidence Counter (AWCC) to High
Enrichment Uranium Metal, August 1981, LA‑8621‑MS
H.O. Menlove
G.E. Bosler
ISPO #122 An Assessment of Minicomputer Alternatives for Selected Applications,
September 1980
W.B. Hewitt D.22
ISPO #123 Design Features of Nuclear Reactors Which Would Make International
Safeguards More Efficient, September 1980, SAI‑01580‑548‑LJ
T. Pasternak
L. Goldman
J. Swartz
ISPO #124 Diversion Analysis of a Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Fabrication Facility,
September 1980, SAI‑01580‑293LJ; Also Addendum, Table 6.3 Diversion Paths
J. Swartz
J. Glancy
T. McDaniel
ISPO #125 MTRACT‑0 and MTRACT‑1 HP‑97 Calculator Programs for MTR‑Type Fuel Element Assay, March 1981 R. Sher
P. Shea
ISPO #126 Recorder Survey for Portable Video Surveillance and Recording Systems, November 1980, SAND‑80‑2450 C.S. Johnson E.40
ISPO #127 Summary of Test Data on the One Meter Calorimeter, November 1980, ANL‑NDA‑8 G H. Winslow
R.B. Perry
ISPO #128 GRPAUT: A Program for Plutonium Isotopic Analysis (A User's Guide),
January 1981, MLM‑2799, UC‑15 & 32; GRPAUT User's Guide (Addendum) May 1982, MLM‑2910, UC‑15
J. Fleissner A.76
ISPO #129 Diversion Path Analysis of Fuel Cycles with Multiple Facilities, May 1981, SAI‑01581‑153LJ
J. Glancy
T. McDaniel
J. Swartz
ISPO #130 Safeguards Effectiveness Evaluation Methodology ‑ Case Study: Application to a Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility; Vol. I ‑ Design Assessment; Vol. II ‑ Implementation Assessment and Performance Evaluation, September 1980 T. McDaniel C.41
ISPO #131 Underwater Identification of Fuel Assembly Numbers, December 1980 D. Carignan E.35
ISPO #132 Gross Gamma‑Ray Measurements of Light Water Reactor Spent‑Fuel Assemblies in Underwater Storage Arrays, December 1980, LA‑8447, UC‑78 C.E. Moss
D.M. Lee
ISPO #133 Metallic Seals, February 1981, SAND‑80‑2699 D. Poli E.28
ISPO #134 A Portable Computer to Reduce Gamma‑Ray Spectra for Plutonium Isotopic Ratios, Development Report for Portable Data Reduction Microprocessor Unit, May 1981, UCRL‑53145, UC‑15 W.D. Ruhter
D.C. Camp
ISPO #135 Portable Spent‑Fuel Gamma‑Ray and Neutron Detector Electronics, User Manual, Version 3.0, April 1982 J.K. Halbig A.72
ISPO #136 Test and Evaluation of an Argonne National Laboratory Small Sample
Calorimeter, April 1981, MLM‑2813
W. Rodenburg A.64
ISPO #137 Test and Evaluation of the ANL Bulk Assay Calorimeter, June 1981,
MLM‑2839, UC‑37
W. Rodenburg
C. Fellers
J. Lemming
ISPO #138 Electronic Upgrade of the Silena BS27 and BS27/N Multichannel Analyzers, October 1981, M‑125      
J.H. McQuaid
E.D. Watkins
D. Camp
ISPO #139 Analysis of the Impact of Safeguards Criteria, January 1981, PNL‑3711, UC‑15 M.F. Mullen
P.T. Reardon
ISPO #140 Calculation of Parameters for Inspection Planning and Evaluation ‑ Low Enriched Uranium Conversion and Fuel Fabrication Facilities, February 1981, PNL‑3712, UC‑15 P.T. Reardon
M.F. Mullen
N.L. Harms
ISPO #141 Containment and Surveillance Equipment Reliability Techniques, May 1981, SAND‑81‑0386 G.H. Bradley
D.E. McGovern
I.G. Waddoups


ISPO #142 Description and Performance Characteristics for the Neutron Coincidence Collar for the Verification of Reactor Fuel Assemblies, August 1981, LA‑8939‑MS, UC‑15 H.O. Menlove A.75
ISPO #143 Track‑Etch Technique ‑ Evaluation and Field Test of Reactor Power Monitor, March 1981, NBSIR 81‑2251 S. Carpenter A.33
ISPO #144 Test and Evaluation of the One‑Meter Fuel Rod Calorimeter at Mol, Belgium, 1‑12 June, 1981, October 1982, MLM‑3003, UC‑15 W.W. Rodenburg
A. Keddar
ISPO #145 Safeguards Instruments: A Study of IAEA Needs and Projected Costs for Instrumentation, 1981‑1985 (IAEA Internal Document), January 1981 W.A. Higinbotham A.92
ISPO #146 Instruction Manual Hand‑Held Assay Probe "SAMson", March 1981
National Nuclear
ISPO #147 Characteristics and Development of the Electronic Fiber Optic Seal
MOD‑1, June 1981, SAND 81‑0677
E.F. Johnson E.37
ISPO #148 A Planning Model for IAEA Safeguards, February 1980 J.B. Sanborn
L. Fishbone
T. Moresco
ISPO #149 Case Study ‑ Application of the Safeguards Assessment Methodology to a Pressurized Water Reactor, May 1981 J.B. Sanborn C.22
ISPO #150 Portable Multi‑Channel Analyzer Users Manual, July 1980 (Currently being Revised) S.F. Klosterbuer
J.K. Halbig
ISPO #151 One Meter Fuel‑Rod Calorimeter Design and Operating Manual, April 1981, ANL‑NDA‑4     

R. Perry
C.T. Roche
G.H. Winslow
G.A. Youngdahl
R.N. Lewis
E.A. Jung
ISPO #152 Part I ‑ Thermal Emission Resin Bead Mass Spectrometer Two‑Filament Arrangement Evaluation; Part II ‑ The Rapid Bulk Resin Bead Method of Sample Preparation for Mass Analysis of Plutonium and Uranium in Spent Reactor Fuel, May 1981, ORNL/TM‑7834 H.S. McKown
R.L. Walker
D.H. Smith
J.A. Carter
ISPO #153 Guide for Conducting Safeguards Approach Effectiveness Evaluations; Vol.  I ‑ The Design Assessment; Vol. II ‑ The Implementation Assessment; Vol. III ‑ Performance Evaluation; Vol. IV ‑ A Synopsis of the Method, May 1981 J.C. Schleter
S.M. Baloga
ISPO #154 Fuel Reprocessing Facility Orientation, June 1981 P. Ebel B.15
ISPO #155 Report on the U. S. Program of Technical Assistance to Safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (POTAS), May 1981, BNL‑51440, UC‑15
ISPO #156 Neutron Measurement Techniques for the Nondestructive Analysis of
Irradiated Fuel Assemblies, November 1981, LA‑9002‑MS, UC‑15 and UC‑78
J.R. Phillips
G.E. Bosler
J.K. Halbig
S.F. Klosterbuer
D.M. Lee
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #157 Selected Measurement Data for Plutonium and Uranium, November 1982, MLM‑3009, UC‑15 J. Lemming
M.E. Anderson
ISPO #158 Vol. I ‑ High Resolution Gamma Ray Spectrometry for Nuclear Material
Safeguards; Vol. II ‑ Radiation Detection Principles, August 1981
G.W. Nelson B.18
ISPO #159 Effectiveness Evaluation Program EVAL: Program Description and Users Guide, August 1981 (See ISPO‑182) A.M. Bieber, Jr.
J.B. Sanborn
ISPO #160 Diversion Analysis and Safeguards Measures for Liquid Metal Fast
Breeder Reactors, October 1981, ANL‑81‑48, UC‑15
P.J. Persiani C.43
ISPO #161 Calculation of Parameters for Inspection Planning and Evaluation,
Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facilities, August 1982, PNL‑4383, UC‑15
P. Reardon
M. Mullen
ISPO #162 An Evaluation of Sealed‑Tube Neutron Generators for the Assay of Fresh LWR Fuel Assemblies, November 1981, LA‑9103‑MS, UC‑78

J. Cutter
D. Lee
L.O. Lindquist
H.O. Menlove
J.T. Caldwell
J.D. Atencio
W.E. Kunz
ISPO #163 NDA/Computer Data Processing, September 1981 J.W. Mandler A.88
ISPO #164 Design of Containers for CCTV Consoles and Cameras and for Film
Camera Systems, December 1981, SAND 81‑1974
L.A. Suber
C.L. Henderson
ISPO #165 Management Practice Review, Management Practice Review‑Annexes, August 1981 Coopers & Lybrand B.23
ISPO #166 Advantage of Brookhaven Survey Assay Meter in Comparison with the Eberline Stabilized Assay Meter, August 1980
M. Zucker A.55
ISPO #167 Rapid International Shipping of Plutonium on Resin Beads for Safeguards Analysis, September 1981, BNL 30769 A.M. Labowitz A.58
ISPO #168 High Level Neutron Coincidence Counter Maintenance Manual, May 1983, LA‑9662‑M, UC‑15 J. Swansen
P. Collinsworth
ISPO #169 Video Tape Recorder Evaluation, August 1982, SAND 82‑0393 C. Johnson E.46
ISPO #170 Passive/Active Coincidence Collar for Total Plutonium Measurement of MOX Fuel Assemblies, May 1982, LA‑9288‑MS, UC‑15 H.O. Menlove A.73
ISPO #171 High‑Level Neutron Coincidence Counter (HLNCC) Implementation: Assay of the Plutonium Content of Mixed Oxide‑Fuel Assemblies, April 1982, LA‑9318‑MS, UC‑15 J. Foley
G.E. Bosler
ISPO #172 Nondestructive Verification with Minimal Movement of Irradiated Light‑Water Reactor Fuel Assemblies, October 1982, LA‑9438‑MS, UC‑15
J.R. Phillips
G.E. Bosler
J.K. Halbig
S.F. Klosterbuer
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #173 Authentication of Nuclear Material Assays Made with In‑Plant Instruments, July 1982, LA‑UR‑82‑528 C.R. Hatcher
P.A. Russo
ISPO #174 Field Test and Evaluation of the IAEA Coincidence Collar for the Measurement of Unirradiated BWR Fuel Assemblies, December 1982, LA‑9375‑MS, UC‑15 H.O. Menlove
A. Keddar
ISPO #175 Field Test and Evaluation of the IAEA Coincidence Collar for the Measurement of Fresh PWR Fuel Assemblies, August 1982, LA‑UR‑82‑2260 H.O. Menlove
A. Keddar
C. Beets
ISPO #176 Field Test and Evaluation of the Passive Neutron Coincidence Collar (PNCC) for PFR Fuel Subassemblies, August 1982, LA‑9449‑MS, UC‑15 H.O. Menlove
A. Keddar
ISPO #177 Procedures and Instructions Manual for the Improved Cerenkov Viewing
Device, August 1982, Q‑2‑82‑390
N. Nicholson E.50
ISPO #178 Neutron Coincidence Counter for MOX Fuel Pins in Storage Trays: User's Manual, Draft, July 1982 L. Cowder
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #179 Interim Guide for the Advanced Electromanometer Playback System,
November 1981
B. Keisch A.70
ISPO #180 NDA Inspector (IAEA) Training Course 13th Session: 1‑9 February 1984, LANL Summary Report, April 1984, LA-UR-84-1675 D. Reilly
J. Stewart
ISPO #181 Inventory Sample Coincidence Counter Manual, November 1982, LA‑9544 M, UC‑15
H.O. Menlove
O.R. Holbrooks
A. Ramalho
ISPO #182 PL/I Program EVAL: Description and Documentation, December 1983
A.M. Bieber, Jr.
J.B. Sanborn
ISPO #183 Field Test of the One Meter Fuel Rod Calorimeter, October 1982,
R.B. Perry
A. Keddar
ISPO #184 Field Test of the Bulk Assay Calorimeter, October 1982, ANL‑NDA‑11
R. B. Perry
A. Keddar
ISPO #185 Field Tests and Evaluation of the IAEA Active Well Coincidence Counter, December 1982, LA‑9608‑MS, UC‑15 M.S. Krick
P.M. Rinard
ISPO #186 Active Neutron Coincidence Counting for the Assay of MTR Fuel Elements, February 1983, LA‑9665‑MS, UC‑15 R. Sher A.96
ISPO #187 Use of Safeguards Effectiveness Assessment Methodology Data: Trial Application to LWR Inspection Data, October 1982 J.W. Ulvila
R.V. Brown
ISPO #188 Uses of SEAM Data for Resource Allocation and Random Selection of Inspection Activities: Methods and Illustrations, October 1982 J.W. Ulvila
R.V. Brown
ISPO #189 Final Report: Feasibility of Managerial Uses of SEAM Data, October 1982 J.W. Ulvila
R.V. Brown
ISPO #190 Nuclear Power Plant Characteristics, A Training Manual, February 1984 G.W. Dixon B.28
ISPO #191 Research Reactor Facility Characterization, April 1983, (Being revised by the Agency) G.W. Dixon B.28
ISPO #192 Critical Assembly Facility Characterization, May 1984, (Being revised by
the Agency)
G.W. Dixon B.28
ISPO #193 Fuel Fabrication Plant Characteristics, January 1985
G.W. Dixon
R.A. Schaus
ISPO #194 Reprocessing Plant Characteristics, February 1984, "Draft" (Being revised by the Agency) G.W. Dixon
A. Carson
ISPO #195 A Spent‑Fuel Cooling Curve for Safeguard Applications of Gross‑Gamma Measurements, April 1983, LA‑9757‑MS, UC‑15 P. Rinard A.97
ISPO #196 A Study of a Zone Approach to IAEA Safeguards: The Low‑Enriched‑
Uranium Zone of a Light‑Water‑Reactor Fuel Cycle, June 1986, BNL‑38584
L.G. Fishbone
W.A. Higinbotham
ISPO #197 Report on a Load‑Cell Based Weighing System for UF6 Cylinders, November 1983 A. Fainberg A.98
ISPO #198 An Evaluation of a Remote Continual Verification System, RECOVER, for International Safeguards, May 1983 J.B. Sanborn
E.V. Weinstock
ISPO #199 Coincidence Measurements of FFTF Breeder Fuel Subassemblies, April 1984, LA‑9902‑MS, UC‑15

G.W. Eccleston
J.E. Foley
M. Krick
H.O. Menlove
P. Goris
A. Ramalho
ISPO #200 Detailed Description of an SSAC at the Facility Level for a Low‑Enriched Uranium Conversion and Fuel Fabrication Facility, March 1984 (Also issued as STR‑150, September 1984) R. Jones
W. Kane
E.V. Weinstock
ISPO #201 Diversion Assumptions for High-Powered Research Reactors, January 1984, ORNL-6022 F. Binford C.50
ISPO #202 A Review of the Development of Safeguards Equipment by the U. S.
Program for Technical Support to IAEA Safeguards (POTAS), September 1983
N.C. Rasmussen
M.M. Miller
ISPO #203 Plutonium Nitrate Bottle Counter Manual, March 1984, LA‑10009‑M,  
H.O. Menlove
E.L. Adams
O.R. Holbrooks
ISPO #204 Judgments Concerning Valuation Measures for SGEV Uses of Evaluation Procedures, February 1984 J.W. Ulvila C.51
ISPO #205 Sensitivity Analysis of Evaluation Procedures, February 1984 J.W. Ulvila C.51
ISPO #206 Resource Allocation and Random Selection of Inspection Activities for a Generic Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, February 1984 J.W. Ulvila C.51
ISPO #207 Prototype RECOVER System Hardware and Software Review and Future Remote Monitoring System Philosophy, September 1985, SAND83-2618, UC‑15 W.C. Fienning
F.A. Bailey
ISPO #208 Safeguards Approach: Heavy Water Production, August 1984
M.M. Miller
M. Benedict
ISPO #209 A Portable Microcomputer for the Analysis of Plutonium Gamma‑Ray
Spectra; Vol. I ‑ Data Analysis Methodology and Hardware Description;
Vol. II ‑ Software Description and Listings, May 1984, UCRL‑53506, UC‑15; Vol. III ‑ Users' Hardware Manuals for Portable Plutonium Analysis Microcomputer, July 1984, M‑151 UC 15
W.D. Ruhter
D. Camp
ISPO #210 Surveillance Television and Recording System (STAR) Test, Evaluation and Implementation Activities Under Tasks E.25 and E.54, September 1986 C. Sonnier
R. Holt
ISPO #211 Application of the Safeguards Assessment Methodology to a Boiling Water Reactor, February 1984 J.B. Sanborn C.22
ISPO #212 Case Study: Application of the Safeguards Effectiveness Assessment Methodology to a Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, February 1984 J.B. Sanborn
B. Keisch
ISPO #213 Safeguards for Special Circumstances at Light Water Reactors, Draft
July 1984
J.B. Sanborn C.22
ISPO #214 Final Report on ISPO Task C.51 "SGEV Uses of Evaluation Procedures", February 1984 J.W. Ulvila C.51
ISPO #215 Universal Fast Breeder Reactor Sub‑assembly Counter Manual, August 1984, LA‑10226‑M UC‑15  
H.O. Menlove
G.W. Eccleston
J.E. Swansen
P. Goris
R. Abedin‑Zadeh
A. Ramalho
ISPO #216 Plutonium Canister Counter Operations and Procedures Manual, February 1986, LA‑10615‑M UC‑15
H.O. Menlove
E.L. Adams
E. Dahn
A. Ramalho
ISPO #217 Instruction Manual for the Mini Surveillance and Recording (Mini‑Star)
System, May 1985
C.S. Johnson
M.R. Heiser
R.L. Martinez
ISPO #218 Wavelength Selective Observation and Interpretation of Cerenkov Radiation in LWR Spent Fuel Assemblies, May 1984 J. Skalyo, Jr.
A.J. Waligura
ISPO #219 Measurement of Enriched Uranium And Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Materials with the AWCC, May 1985, LA‑10382‑MS UC‑15
M.S. Krick
H.O. Menlove
J. Zick
P. Ikomomou
ISPO #220 Summary of Task E.57 Seal Pattern Reader (SPAR) Development and
Implementation Activities (Report has not been issued)
J.M. McKenzie E.57
ISPO #221 Integrated Monitoring System (IMS) Development and Demonstration Activities, Summary of Task E.45, April 1986 R.P. McKnight
W.C. Fienning
ISPO #222 Summary Report, POTAS Task B.30 ‑ Physical Inventory Exercise at a
MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility Westinghouse‑Hanford Development
Laboratory, Richland, Washington, April 1984, LA‑UR‑84‑1674
R. Augustson
D. Reilly
W. Alston
W. DeMerschman
ISPO #223 Neutron Measurements in Borated Water for PWR Fuel Inspections,
July 1984, LA‑10068‑MS UC‑78
P.M. Rinard A.97
ISPO #224 Portable Spent Fuel Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector Electronics Technical Manual (Report has not been issued)
J.K. Halbig
S.F. Klosterbuer
J.C. Caine
ISPO #225 Quality Assurance Measures Applicable to IAEA Anomaly and Discrepancy Resolution, November 1984, PNL 5257 UC 15 N.L. Harms
B.W. Smith
ISPO #226 Current Status of the Isotope Correlation Technique for Verification of Reprocessing Plant Input Measurements, August 1984 (Limited Distribution) H. Katz C.56
ISPO #227 Direct Transmission of Safeguards Information, May 1985 W.B. Hewitt D.47
ISPO #228 Safeguards Application of Remote Monitoring Phase A ‑ Light Water
Reactors, March 1984
B. Keisch C.53
ISPO #229 Boiling Water Reactor Fuel Handling Operations, July 1985

C.S. Sonnier
L.F. Karan
D.H. Morley
J.R. Punches
ISPO #230 Application of Mixed Internal Standards to the Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Pu and Uranium in Spent Fuel Dissolver Solution: ORNL Results, November 1985, ORNL/TM-9820 D.H. Smith
R.L. Walker
J.A. Carter
ISPO #231

Evaluation of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers as On‑Site Inspection Devices, November 1985, ORNL/TM‑9839

D.H. Smith
H.S. McKown
J.A. Carter
ISPO #232 Evaluation of the IAEA SAL Quality Assurance Program, February 1985,
C.E. Pietri
J.T. Bracey
ISPO #233 Secure Process Data Collection for IAEA Safeguards: Preliminary
Conceptual Design, April 1985
A.M. Bieber, Jr. D.47
ISPO #234 Birdcage Neutron Coincidence Counter Manual, July 1985, LA-10430-M, UC-15 M.S. Krick
H.O. Menlove
A. Ramalho
ISPO #235 Detailed Description of an SSAC at the Facility Level for Reserch Reactors, March 1985 (Also issued as STR‑159, September 1984)
R.J. Jones
E.V. Weinstock
M.S. Lu
ISPO #236 Module 14 ‑ Inspection Procedures for Bulk Handling Facilities, Part II, Introductory Course of Agency Safeguards, prepared by G. Dixon, California State University, North Ridge, March 22, 1985, Draft (Copies may be available from IAEA) G.W. Dixon B.36
ISPO #237 Detailed Description of an SSAC at the Facility Level for Critical Facilities, March 1985 (Also issued as STR‑160, October 1984) R.J. Jones C.31
ISPO #238 Relationships Between SIR Criteria and Inspection Activities, August 1984 R.A. Schneider D.55
ISPO #239 Quality Assurance for the IAEA Inspection Planning Process, August 1985, LA‑10476‑MS, UC‑15 J.T. Markin
J.A. Ahlquist
ISPO #240 ION‑1 Technical Manual, July 1985, LA‑10433‑M UC‑15
J.K. Halbig
J.C. Caine
ISPO #241 Second Summary Report: POTAS Task B.30 ‑ Physical Inventory
Verification Exercise MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility Westinghouse
Hanford Company, Richland, Washington, September 1984,
D. Reilly
R. Augustson
W. Alston
A.W. DeMerschman
W. Strohm

R. Perry
ISPO #242 Surveillance Television and Recording (STAR) System Detailed
Training Course for Inspectors, May 1985
C.L. Henderson B.37
ISPO #243 The Logical Structure Relating Agency Statements and SIR Evaluation Criteria, December 1985 C.A. Bennett C.57
ISPO #244 Testing of Plutonium Air Transportable Model 2 (Pat 2) Package for Use in Shipping IAEA Safeguards Samples, October 1987, NBL‑313
N.M. Trahey
C. Cacic
A.C. Zook
A.M. Voeks
ISPO #245 A Framework for Fuel‑Cycle Approaches to IAEA Safeguards, October 1986, BNL‑38770 L.G. Fishbone
W.A. Higinbotham


ISPO #246 Tokai Densitometer Manual, January 1987, LA-10725-M, UC-15 S.T. Hsue
J. Sprinkle
K. Junck
ISPO #247 New TASTEX Gamma Spectrometer System for Plutonium Isotopic
Analysis, Part I ‑ Operations Guide; Part II ‑ Software Documentation Manual, September 1985, M‑169
R. Gunnink
W. Ruhter
ISPO #248 Physical Inventory Verification Exercise at a Light Water Reactor
Facility, April 1986, LA-10695‑MS UC‑15

G.E. Bosler
H.O. Menlove
J.K. Halbig
N. Nicholson
L. Cowder
P. Ikonomou
J. Luoma
S. Wilkerson
H. Arantitakis
R. Tropasso
ISPO #249 Detailed Description of an SSAC at the Facility Level for Light Water Moderated Power Reactor Facilities, March 1985 (Also issued as STR‑165, March 1985) R.J. Jones
E.V. Weinstock
M.S. Lu
ISPO #250 Detailed Description of a State System for Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material at the State Level, February 1985 (Also issued as STR‑166, February 1985) R.J. Jones C.31
ISPO #251 Detailed Description of an SSAC at the Facility Level for Research
Laboratory Facilities, August 1985 (Also issued as STR‑180, August
R.J. Jones
E.V. Weinstock
M.S. Lu
ISPO #252 In‑Field Analysis of Plutonium Samples, March 1987

G.D. Workman
L.G. Jordan
P.E. Ebel
ISPO #253 Specification of Data Elements for CIR Bulk Facilities, January 1986
C.A. Bennett D.54
ISPO #254 Initial Evaluation of Proposed Methods for Safeguards Inspection of Automated Fuel Fabrication Facilities, February 1986, Draft
A.W. DeMerschman
R.L. Carlson
J.A. Merrill
ISPO #255 Process Monitoring for Reprocessing Plant Safeguards ‑ A Summary
Review, October 1986, ORNL/TM‑10151 UC‑86
H.T. Kerr
M.H. Ehinger
J.W. Wachter
T.L. Hebble
ISPO #256 Algorithms and Software for Data Acquisition and Analyses Using
Thermal Neutron Coincidence Counters Within the IAEA's IFSS/NCC System, April 1988, LA‑UR‑88‑1301
M.S. Krick A.127
ISPO #257 IAEA UF6 Cascade Header Pipe Test Loop: Safety Assessment, April 1986, K/OA‑6004, December 1986, K/OA‑6004/R1
L.W. Fields A.136
ISPO #258 A Seminar on the Further Development of the IAEA Safeguards
Information System (ISIS), November 1986
W. Murphey
A. Reisman
ISPO #259 Investigation of Technology for the Monitoring of UF6 Mass Flow in UF6 Streams Diluted with H2, December 1986, K/OA‑6038
O.J. Baker
J.N. Cooley
W.A. Hewgley
B.W. Moran
D.W. Swindle, Jr.
ISPO #260 Neutron Collar Calibration for Assay of LWR Fuel Assemblies, March 1987, LA‑10827‑MS UC‑15 H.O. Menlove
J.E. Pieper
ISPO #261 Final Report on POTAS A.117: Offline Software, September 1986 W.J. Harris A.117
ISPO #262 Safeguards Approach for Irradiated Fuel, March 1987, PNL 6057, UC‑15
N.L. Harms
F.P. Roberts
ISPO #263 Material Accountancy Verification Strategies for PuO2 and MOX Powders and Pellets, November 1986, TSO‑86‑16
S. Fiarman
W. Higinbotham
S. Mughabghab
J. Sanborn
ISPO #264 IAEA Inspector Training Course on Containment and Surveillance Equipment and Its Applications, Issue #1 January 1987, SAND86-2963 C.S. Sonnier
P.E. Ebel
ISPO #265 Summary Report POTAS Task B.29: Physical Inventory Verification
Exercise Highly Enriched Uranium Fabrication Facility (LANL 10‑19
September 1985), May 1987, LA‑UR‑87‑1144
R.H. Augustson
T.D. Reilly
R. Abedin‑Zadeh
ISPO #266 Standard for Planning Routine Inspections at Light Water Reactors, March 1987 J.T. Markin D.61
ISPO #267 Method for Application of ICT to Mixed Batches, December 1986 H. Katz D.64
ISPO #268 Instruction Manual IAEA UF6 Cascade Header Pipe Test Loop, November 1987, K/OA‑6008 L.W. Fields A.136
ISPO #269 Extension of the Compact K‑edge Densitometer to Lower Concentrations of Plutonium Solution, February 1987, LA‑UR‑87‑160 R.H. Augustson A.124
ISPO #270 Improvement of Neutron Coincidence Instrument Performance and Reliability Under Field Conditions, October 1986 E.W. Karlin A.142
ISPO #271 Load‑Cell‑Based Weighing System (LCBWS) Equipment Survey, September 1988, K/ITP‑112 J.N. Cooley
T.J. Huxford
ISPO #272 NDA for Automated Fuel Fabrication Facilities, September 1987, WHC‑EP‑0076 A.W. DeMerschman
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #273 Formulation of SIR Inspection Goal Attainment Requirements by Facility
Type and State Situation, December 1986
C.A. Bennett D.63
ISPO #274 Bulk Facility Measurement Manual, April 1987, TSO 87‑1 S.C. Suda A.144
ISPO #275 Process Monitoring in Support of International Atomic Energy Agency
Safeguards, August 1987, ORNL/TM‑10458, UC 86
M.H. Ehinger
H.T. Kerr
J.W. Wachter
T. L. Hebble
ISPO #276 Procedures for PuO2 Field Measurements With an HLNC‑II, May 1987, LA‑10978‑M, UC‑15 G.A. Whan B.38
ISPO #277 Spent Fuel Counter, September 1988, SAND88‑2330 D.D. Drayer E.63
ISPO #278 Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Sealing Concepts, May 1989, SAND89-0549
C. Sonnier
J. McKenzie
ISPO #279 Use of Operator‑Designed Monitoring Systems in IAEA Safeguards C. Sonnier C.64
ISPO #280 Third Summary Report Physical Inventory Verification Exercise Mixed‑Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility (Westinghouse Hanford Co., 12‑23 May 1986), April 1988, N‑1‑88‑314 R. Perry
R.H. Augustson
D. Reilly
A. Fattah
W. Alston
W. DeMerschman
W. Strohm
ISPO #281 Safeguarding LWR Spent Fuel with the Fork Detector, March 1988, LA‑11096‑MS UC‑15 P.M. Rinard
G. Bosler
ISPO #282 Unreported Plutonium Production in Light Water Reactors, February
1988, TSO‑88‑1
M.S. Lu
R.B. Zhu
M. Todosow
ISPO #283 Safeguards Analytical Laboratory Mass Spectrometer Procedures for
Calibration and Isotopic Ratio Estimation, March 1988, ORNL/CSD/
C.K. Bayne D.66
ISPO #284 Training Course on Nuclear Material Safeguards for Enrichment Plants (9‑13 November 1987) (Four Parts); Part 1: Uranium Enrichment: General Principles and Processes; Part 2: Cascade and Centrifuge Separation Theory; Uranium Hexafluoride; Part 3: Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant: Description Material Control and Accountability Procedures, and IAEA Safeguards; Part 4: Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant: Diversion Scenarios and IAEA Safeguards Activities; October 1987, K‑1TP‑156/PI‑4: also, (four revised parts from course dated 14‑18 November 1988), K/1tp‑156 P1‑4/R1 J. Cooley B.48
ISPO #285 Final Report of an Evaluation of the Finnigan MAT THQ Mass Spectrometer as an On‑Site Inspection Instrument, November 1987, ORNL/TM‑10627 D.H. Smith
H.S. McKown
J.A. Carter
ISPO #286 Demonstration of Completeness of Concealment Possibilities,
November 1987
H.E. Lambert SP.24
ISPO #287 A New Method of Calibration and Normalization for Neutron Detector Families, April 1988, LA‑11229‑MS UC‑15 H.O. Menlove
J.E. Stewart
ISPO #288 Isotope Correlation Technique Procedures Based on Theory and    
Reprocessing Data, March 1988
P.J. Persiani
R.G. Bucher
ISPO #289 Report and Recommendations for Improving Technical Services at the Department of Safeguards International Atomic Energy Agency, April 1988
R. Vavken A.153
ISPO #290 Feasibility Study on Verification Methods for Bulk Quantities of Low Enrichment UO3 Powder, September 1988, LA‑11360‑MS UC‑15 H.O. Menlove
J.L. Sapir
ISPO #291 Cerenkov Viewing Device Specification and Use, August 1988 J. Skalyo, Jr. E.58
 ISPO #292 Safeguards Analytical Laboratory Statistical Analysis of Wet Chemistry
Quality Control Data, March 1989, ORNL/CSD/TM‑263 UC 526
C.K. Bayne D.66
ISPO #293 Process Monitoring in International Safeguards for Reprocessing Plants:
A Demonstration, January 1989, ORNL/TM‑10912 UC 526
M.H. Ehinger C.59
ISPO #294 Operating Procedures for IAEA Bulk Measurement Laboratory Instrumentation, August 1988, TSO‑88‑12 S. Suda A.144
ISPO #295 Randomization of Inspections, November 1988, N‑4/88‑641 J.T. Markin C.67
ISPO #296 Final Report on POTAS A.144 Consultant ‑ Bulk Measurement Calibration Laboratory, November 1988, TSO 88‑19 S. Suda A.144
ISPO #297 Final Report on POTAS Joint IAEA‑Italian‑USA Field Test of Volume
Measurement Instruments, November 1988, TSO‑88‑20
S. Suda A.152
ISPO #298 Authentication of Operator‑Designed Monitoring Systems, December 1988, April 1989, SAND89-0858
D.L. Mangan
C.S. Sonnier
D.D. Drayer
ISPO #299 Modular Integrated Video System (MIVS): Control System Software
Documentation, Draft
R.D. Halbgewachs E.67
ISPO #300 Design a Plan for Ensuring a Low Risk Transition of the MIV  System (POTAS Task E.67) from Design‑> Test‑> Production‑>IAEA Implementation, May 1989 E. Karlin E.67
ISPO #301 Informal Report - Use of the UNCL for Measurement of Nonuniform Loadings of PWR Fuel Assemblies, June 30, 1989, LA‑UR‑89‑2177 H.O. Menlove A.154
ISPO #302 User's Manual for Bulk Plutonium Assay Calorimeter (BPAC‑20),
May 1989
R.B. Perry A.141
ISPO #303 Modular Integrated Video System (MIVS) Environmental Test Report,
October 1989, SAND89-2690
S.L. Schneider
K.W. Insch
ISPO #304 Maintenance Neutron Coincidence Counter Manual, September 1989, 
LA‑11659‑M UC-15
M. Krick
P.J. Polk
J.D. Attencio
ISPO #305 A MS‑DOS‑Based Program for Analyzing Plutonium Gamma‑Ray  
Spectra: Vol. 1 ‑ Data Analysis Methodology and Software; Vol. 2 ‑
System Operation, Software Installation, and Maintenance of the Data‑
Transfer, Data Analysis, and Quality Assurance Application; Vol.  3 ‑ Software Listings, September 1989, UCRL‑53936
W. Ruhter
W.M. Buckley
ISPO #306 Algorithms for the Analysis and Simulation of Combined Verification      
Measurements of Plutonium Bearing Samples, August 1989, TSO-89-9
S. Fiarman
T. Teichmann
L. Epel
M.S. Lu
ISPO #307 Modular Integrated Video System, October 1989, SAND89-2600 S. Schneider E.67
ISPO #308 Field Measurements in Support of Enrichment Measurement Procedures 
Development for Type 30‑B UF6 Cylinders, November 1989, K/lTP‑304
R.L. Mayer, II
L.W. Fields
J.N. Cooley
ISPO #309 Test of PMCN Procedures for UF6 Measurements (SG‑NDA‑13) at
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, January 1990
J. Skalyo, Jr. B.38
ISPO #310 Uranium Enrichment Plant Characteristics - A Training Manual for the IAEA, June 1990, K/ITP-310 J.M. Whitaker B.42
ISPO #311 Some Implications of the Application or Removal of Agency Seals by Facility Operators, January 1990, SAND90‑0807; SRDP‑R‑162 (UK)
F. Wolford, U.K.
C. Sonnier
D. Drayer
ISPO #312 Users Manual for TANCAL ‑ A Tank Calibration Program for IBM‑PC Compatible Computers, January 1990, TSO-90-1 L. Epel
S. Suda
ISPO #313 Uranium Enrichment Plant Characteristics, December 1989, K/ITP-310 J.M. Whitaker B.42
ISPO #314 Redundant and Independent Containment and Surveillance Systems, June 1990, SAND90‑0806; UK SRDP‑R‑163
C.S. Sonnier
D. Mangan
F. Walford
ISPO #315 Measurement Uncertainty Estimates For Reprocessing Facilities,
February 1990, LA-11839/MS
R. Gutmacher C.65
ISPO #316 Underwater Measurement of a 15 x 15 MOX PWR‑Type Fuel Assembly, December 1990, LA-11850-MS UC-000
A.J. Nelson
G.E. Bosler
R.H. Augustson
L.R. Cowder
ISPO #317 MGA: A Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis Code for Determining Plutonium Isotopic Abundances Volume 1: Methodology and Algorithms, April 1990, Volume 2: A Guide to Using MGA, September 1990, UCRL-LR-103220   UC-405/411 R. Gunnink
W.D. Ruhter
ISPO #318 Instructions for the Use of the Modular Integrated Video System (MIVS), March 1990, SAND90‑0942 S. Schneider E.67
ISPO #319 Modular Integrated Video System Maintenance Manual, March 1990,
S. Schneider E.67
ISPO #320 Test of Measurement Procedures for the IAEA 40 Watt Bulk Plutonium Assay Calorimeter, BPAC‑40 (SG‑NDA‑14), At the Perla Facility of the Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy, June 1990 R. Perry
W. Strohm
ISPO #321 A Quality Analysis System for Nuclear Material Transfer Accounting, May 1990 J.L. King D.47
ISPO #322 ISIS Upgrade, June 1990
R.H. Dunn
R.C. Kendall
ISPO #323 Neutron Collar Calibration and Evaluation for Assay of LWR Fuel Assemblies Containing Burnable Neutron Absorbers, November 1990, LA-11965-MS UC 000
H.O. Menlove
J.E. Stewart
S.Z. Qiao
T.R. Wenz
G.P.D. Verrecchia
ISPO #324 Analysis of the Zone Approach For Plutonium Facilities, April 1991, TSO-90-14 T. Teichman
L. Fishbone
ISPO #325 Feasibility Study on the Verification of Fresh Fuel Assemblies in Shipping Containers, September 1990, PNL 7466, UC-606 K.L. Swinth
J.E. Tanner
ISPO #326 AWCC and UNCL Algorithms for the IAEA, June 1991, LA-UR-91-2061

M.S. Krick
H.O. Menlove
J.E. Stewart
ISPO #327 SARP: Safeguards Accounting and Reports Program User Manual, December 1990
C.R. Kempf
A.M. Bieber, Jr.
J. Prizzi
ISPO #328 SARP: Safeguards Accounting and Reports Program Technical Reference Manual, December 1990 
C.R. Kempf
A.M. Bieber, Jr.
J. Prizzi
ISPO #329 The Improved Inventory Sample Counter INVS Mod-III, May 1991,
LA-12112-M UC-000
M.C. Miller
H.O. Menlove
A. Abdel-Halim
B. Hassan
A. Kestleman
ISPO #330 Capsule Counter Hardware Operating Manual and Calibration Procedures H.O. Menlove A.149
ISPO #331 Use of Process Monitoring for Verifying Facility Design for Large Scale Reprocessing Plants, Draft March 1991
M.H. Ehinger
N.R. Zack
F. Franssen
ISPO #332 PFPF Capsule Counter Documentation Manual, March 1991,
N-1/WP-91-6 PNC SA085 89-002
H.O. Menlove A.149
ISPO #333 Simulation Study of the Sensitivity of Isotope Dilution Analysis by Mass Spectrometry, July 1991, ORNL/CSD/TM-282 C.K. Bayne D.66
ISPO #334 Active Well Coincidence Counter Measurements of Enriched Uranium Fuel Assemblies in Scanning and Stationary Modes, December 1991, LA-12224-MS, UC-000

M.S. Krick
L.R. Cowder
V. Maltsev
A. Chernikov
P. Mokeenko
K. Dyadkov
V. Ivanov
A. Lagattu
Y. Lopatin
K. Czock
D. Rundquist
L. Pedraza
ISPO #335 Functional and Technical Specifications MIVS Depot Database, Draft June 1991 D. Raggett E.81
ISPO #336 CANDU MOX (CMOX) Counter Design and Operation Manual, October 1991, LA-12191-M, UC-731

H.O. Menlove
M.C. Miller
T.R. Wenz
J. Baca
K.E. Kroncke
C. Delegard
ISPO #337 Verification of Tank Volume Calibrations, February 1992, TSO-92-4 S. Suda A.156
ISPO #338 Data Acquisition Software for Tank Calibration, Draft S. Suda A.156
ISPO #339 Square Software for Tank Volume Calibration, Draft S. Suda A.156
ISPO #340 Documentation Standards for IDD/PC, September 1991 J. King D.83
ISPO #341 Isotopic Distributions, Element Ratios, and Element Mass Fractions from Enrichment-Meter-Type Gamma-Ray Measurements of MOX, January 1992, LA-UR-92-165 D.A. Close
J.L. Parker
D.L. Haycock
T. Dragnev
ISPO #342 A Resource Planning Tool for Estimating Inspection Requirements
(Phase 1), August 1992, TSO-91-11
T. Teichmann
A. Santaniello
ISPO #343 Theoretical Framework for Sequential D/MUF-D Analysis, March 1992, LA-12253 MS UC-000
R. Pickard
R. Seifert
W.D. Sellinschegg
ISPO #344 Cascade Header Enrichment Monitor Operating Procedures, IAEA Specialized software for the Ningyo Toge and Capenhurst Centrifuge Facility, August 1991, LA-UR-92-3083 D. Close
Y. Shinohara
ISPO #345 Unattended Verification of Volume Measurements and Sampling of Tank Solutions, December 1993, K/NSP-180 M. Ehinger
W. Belew
ISPO #346 "SEA" Simulation and Error Analysis Program, July 1992, TSO-92-14
M.S. Lu
A. Santaniello
T. Teichmann
ISPO #347 Nuclear Material Safeguards for Uranium Enrichment Plants, Part 1: Uranium Enrichment-General Principles and Separation Technologies; Part 2: Cascade and Separation Theory; Part 3: Uranium Enrichment Plant Description and Material Control and Accountability Procedures; Part 4: IAEA Safeguards, Diversion and Undeclared Production Scenarios, and Safeguards Activities, October 1998, K/NSP-352/R4 (February 2001) J. Cooley
A. Whitaker
ISPO #348 Safeguards Manual, Part SMR, Chapter SMO, October 1992,
T. Teichmann C.69
ISPO #349 Plutonium Scrap Multiplicity Counter Operation Manual, January 1993, LA-12479-M, UC-700
H.O. Menlove
J. Baca
M.S. Krick
K.E. Kroncke
D.L. Langner
ISPO #350 A Resource Planning Tool for Estimating Inspection Requirements, Part 1: General Description and User's Manual; Part 2: Computational Aspects; Part 3: Sample Results and Calculations, December 1993, TSO-93-03 T. Teichmann C.74
ISPO #351 Instrumentation and Procedures for Moisture Corrections to Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting Assays of Bulk PuO2 and MOX Powders, May 1993,  LA-12546-MS UC-700
J.E. Stewart
H.O. Menlove
R.R. Ferran
M. Aparo
P. Zeppa
F. Troiani
ISPO #352 Radiation Source and Detector Response Modeling for Optimization of the Spent Fuel Attribute Tester, April 1993 S.A. Dupree
T.W. Laub
ISPO #353 Optimization of the Spent Fuel Attribute Tester Using Radiation Transport Calculations, April 1993 T.W. Laub
S.A. Dupree
ISPO #354 Evaluation of the Adjusted Running Book Inventory Concept as a Safeguards Method for the Headend of Large Scale Reprocessing Plants, October 1993, JAI-375 E.R. Johnson NRC-1
ISPO #355 Research Reactor Fork Users Manual, November 1993, LA-12666-M UC-700

S.T. Hsue
H.O. Menlove
G.E. Bosler
H.R. Dye
G. Walton
J.K. Halbig
R. Seibelist
ISPO #356 Concept Paper: Knowledge Acquisition Skills Training for Enhanced IAEA Safeguards Inspections, November 1993, PNL-8968 F.A. Morris
J. L. Toquam
ISPO #357 Techniques to Maintain Continuity of Knowledge of Safeguard Items Inside Glove Boxes, October 1993 J.L. Schoeneman E.74
ISPO #358 Valve Monitors for Continuity of Knowledge - Chronological History, December 1993 J.L. Schoeneman E.76
ISPO #359 Evaluation of Bismuth Germanate Detectors, December 1993,
PNL-8982 UC-606
K.L. Swinth
P.A. Eschbach
ISPO #360 International Safeguards Considerations for Waste Conditioning, November 1993, K/NSP-161 B.W. Moran DOS.1
ISPO #361 Evaluation of the Total-Evaporation Method for Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Uranium and Plutonium Safeguards Samples: Report of Phase I, September 1994, LA-12815-MS UC 701 E.L. Callis
J.H. Cappis
ISPO #362 Individual Sample Vial Containment, March 1994 M.J. Baumann E.78
ISPO #363 Autocobra Technical Report and User's Guide, March 1994, AQUILA#:-A-ACOBRA-UG-VO.71-022894
R. Sheridan
S. Kadner
K. Moskalenko
M. Spiridonov
A. Nadezhdinsky
S. Andreev
ISPO #364 Detection Probabilities for Random Inspections in Variable Flow Situations, December 1993, SSN-93-33
M.S. Lu
T. Teichmann
F. Lu
ISPO #365 Criticality Study of Various Highly Enriched Uranium Samples Measured
in an Active Well Coincidence Counter, September 1994, LA-12837-
MS UC-714 and UC 700
M.C. Miller
D.D. Yearwood
ISPO #366 Compendium of Intrusion Detectors with Potential International Safeguards Applications, January 1995 M.R. Critton
C.S. Sonnier
ISPO #367 Multidetector Calibration for Mass Spectrometers, June 1994,
C.K. Bayne
D.L. Donohue
R. Fiedler
ISPO #368 Random Selection of Inspection Opportunities in Fuel Cycle Facilities J.T. Markin  
ISPO #369 Comparison of Recommended SFAT Model Predictions with Measurements Made Using the Improved SFAT, November 1994, SAND94-2812 T. Laub
S.A. Dupree
ISPO #370 Recommended Observational Skills Training for IAEA Safeguards Inspections, September 1994, PNL-10186, UC-606
J. L. Toquam
F.A. Morris
R. Badalamente
ISPO #371 Field Test of Short Notice Random Inspections for Inventory Change Verification at an LEU Fuel Fabrication Plant (STR-302 Vol. 1 Summary, Vol. II Main Report, Vol III Annexes), April 1995 L. Fishbone
C. Sanders
D. Colwell
C. Joyner
M. Hosoya
P. Scott
G. Moussalli
J. Fager
G. Naegele
P. Ikonomou
ISPO #372 Noble Gas Isotope Measurements for Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, February 1993, UCRL-ID-118658 G.B. Hudson A.171
ISPO #373 In Plant IAEA Safeguards Information Systems for Large Reprocessing and Conversion Facilities: Preliminary Design Considerations, December 1994 M.H. Ehinger
W.J. Hunteman
M.F. Mullen
ISPO #374 Authentication of Reprocessing Plant Safeguards Data Through Correlation Analysis, April 1995, LA-12923-MS, UC-700 T. Burr
L. Wangen
M. Mullen
ISPO #375 TOKM Hardware Operation Manual, August 1995, LA-13008-M, UC-706
H.O. Menlove
J.K. Halbig
S.F. Klosterbuer
G.E. Bosler
R. Abedin-Zadeh
B. Syed-Azim
ISPO #376 A Feasibility Study for the Application of Radiation Monitoring for International Safeguards at an Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS) Facility, September 1994, LA-12813-MS UC-700
M.C. Miller
E.L. Adams
T.K. Li
R.B. Strittmatter
ISPO #377 Design and Calibration of the AWCC for Measuring Uranium Hexafluoride, August 1995, LA-12992, UC-706
T. Wenz
H.O. Menlove
G. Walton
J. Baca
ISPO #378 Basic Visual Observational Skills Training Course, Appendix A and Appendix B, June 1995, PNL-SA-26411, UC-515
R. Badalamente
J.F. Toquam
F.A. Morris
J.R. Griggs
ISPO #379 Significant Quantity and Detection Probability Variations, July 1995, SSN-95-39 T. Teichmann C.83
ISPO #380 An Analysis of Containment, Surveillance and Authentication for Software, September 1995, LA-13031-MS, UC-700 B. Hunteman D.99
ISPO #381 Application of Curium Measurements for Safeguarding at Reprocessing
Plants, Study 1: High Level Liquid Waste, Study 2: Spent Fuel
Assemblies and Leached Hulls, March 1996, LA-13134-MS UC-940
P.M. Rinard
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #382 Advanced Integrated Safeguards Using Front End Triggering Devices,
December 1995, LA-13045-MS UC-000
J.A. Howell
W.J. Whitty
ISPO #383 Potential Path for Diversion from the Spent Fuel Disposal System, K/NSP-290, October 1995 B.W. Moran
C.A. Pickett
ISPO #384 Calibration and Performance Testing of the IAEA Aquila Active Well Coincidence Counter (Unit 1), January 1996, LA-13073-MS UC-700
H.O. Menlove
R. Siebelist
T. Wenz
ISPO #385 Prototype Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy Monitor, March 1996,
LA-UR-13132-MS, UC 700
C. Olinger
D. Sinha
ISPO #386 Simulation of Neutron Detection for HLNC Training, January 1996

M.S. Lu
J. Prizzi
T. Teichmann
A. Aronson
P. De Ridder
ISPO #387 Application of Adaptive Data Monitoring to International Safeguards, February 1996

A.M. Liebetrau
P.D. Whitney
J.R. Griggs
M. Yousif
P. DeRidder
ISPO #388 129I Interlaboratory Comparison, July 1996, UCRL-123253

M.L. Roberts
M.W. Caffee
I.D. Proctor
ISPO #389 Development and Evaluation of Methods for Safeguards Use of Solution Monitoring Data, September 1996, LA-13185-MS T. Burr
L. Wangen
ISPO #390 Enhanced Safeguards via Solution Monitoring, September 1996,
LA-13186-MS,UC-000 & UC-700
T. Burr
L. Wangen
ISPO #391 Statistical Design of Mass Spectrometry Calibration Procedures, November 1996, ORNL/TM-13341 C. Bayne A.198
ISPO #392 Findings of a Rudimentary Analysis of the VSS Fiber Optic Sensor,
LA-CP-96-213, September 1996
R.G. Johnston A.116.38
ISPO #393 Performance of the Pu Scrap Multiplicity Counter (PSMC) for Verification of Excess Scrap Pu Oxide from Nuclear Weapons Production, July 1997, LA-UR-97-2070 J.E. Stewart
M.S. Krick
ISPO #394 129-I Interlaboratory Comparison: Phase I and Phase II Results, July 1997, UCRL-ID-128218
M. Roberts
M. Coffee
I. Proctor
ISPO #395 Watson Field Trial, July 1996
D. Manatt D.112
ISPO #396 Capability of Environmental Sampling to Detect Undeclared Cask Openings, March 1998, LA-UR-97-4798 L.W. Beckstead
D.W. Efurd
P. Hemberger
ISPO #397 Benchmark Data for a Large Reprocessing Plant for Evaluation of Advanced Data Analysis Algorithms and Safeguards System Design, February 1998, LA-13414-MS, UC 000 T.L. Burr
C.A. Coulter
L. Wangen
ISPO #398 Verification Methods for Spent Fuel in Sealed Multi-Element Casks,
February 1998, LA-UR-98-129
M.E. Abhold
M. Collins
G. Eccleston
ISPO #399 The Underwater Coincidence Counter for Plutonium Measurements in Mixed Oxide Fuel Assemblies Manual, April 2000, LA-13574-M
G. Eccleston
H.O. Menlove
M. Abhold
M. Baker
J. Pecos
ISPO #400 The Performance of the Large Neutron Multiplicity Counter at the Rocky
Flats Environmental Technology Site, February 1998, LA-UR-98-917

D.G. Langner
M.S. Krick
K.E. Kroncke
B. Franco
R. Larsen
ISPO #401 Cascade Header Enrichment Monitor Operating Procedures: IAEA
Specialized Software for the Rokkasho Enrichment Plant, April 1998,
D. Close A.116.39
ISPO #402 Inspection Requirements for Facilities Under Remote Monitoring, May 1998 (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION) M.S. Lu 97/PSS-02
ISPO #403 Calibration of the IAEA Active Well Coincidence Counter for Measurements of the Bruce AA@ Unirradiated Booster Rods, October 1998, LA-UR-98-4362 P. Rinard
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #404 Develop Windows-Based Passive/Active Neutron Coincidence Counting Software, LA-UR-98-4846, July 1998
M.S. Krick
W. Harker
T. Wenz
ISPO #405 IAEA Specific Modifications to Windows Deming Code M.S. Krick A.217
ISPO #406 Formation and Characterization of UO2 F2 Particles as a Result of
UF6 Hydrolysis, October 1998, K/NSP-777
J.A. Carter
D.M. Hembree
ISPO #407 A Guide for Using CSRatio PC Version 1.1 for DOS and Windows, December 1998 R. Gunnink A.116
ISPO #408 User=s Guide for Inventory Verification Analysis Software for Pilcaniyeu(IVASP), May 1999, Y/NSP-156
M. Blankenship
R.L. Mayer
R.R. Royce
K.M. Wines
ISPO #409 APSF Unattended Monitoring System Requirements and Conceptual Architecture, November 1998 J.D. Wiberg A.229.9
ISPO #410 The Under Water Coincidence Counter for Plutonium Measurements in Mixed-Oxide Fuel Assemblies G.W. Eccleston A.214
ISPO #411 The "Mailbox" Computer System for the IAEA Verification Experiment on HEU Downblending at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, July 2000, BNL-52605 D.M. Gordon
A.L. Aronson
ISPO #412 Integrated Safeguards Evaluation Methodology (ISEM), Initial Development Phase, April 1999, LA-UR-99-4212 G. Eccleston SP.36
ISPO #413 IAEA Use of Wide Area Environmental Sampling in the Detection of Undeclared Nuclear Activities: Part I: Executive Summary (STR-321), August 1999; Member State Support Programs to IAEA D. Swindle A.209
ISPO #414 Optimization of Safeguards Equipment Utilization, February 1999
AW Software & Technologies A.236
ISPO #415 Calibration of Radiation Sensor/Preamplifier Modules for Embalse
Remote Monitoring System, April 1999, Y/NSP-165
S.M. Hayes
H.Y. Rollen
L.C. Maxey
ISPO #416 Nondestructive Assay Measurement Methods for the Armar Gas
Centrifuge Cascade, April 1999, POEF-X38-344-160 (LIMITED
R.L. Mayer II
A. Barocas
E. Gryntakis
ISPO #417 IAEA Remote Monitoring Data Handling System, October 1998

R. Gronvius
G. Martelle
T. Smirnov
ISPO #418 Remote Monitoring Test Facility (RMTF) Equipment Report, August 1999, ORNL/TM-1999/192 P. Chiaro E.120
ISPO #419 Role of Containment and Surveillance in Integrated Safeguards, December 1999 J. Larrimore C.104
ISPO #420 International Safeguards System Software Data Integration Requirements,  November 1999, SRT-IES-99-019 S. Collins A.229
ISPO #421 Integrated Safeguards Proposal (ISP-1): State with a Power Reactor, Research Reactor and Two Hot Cells, November 1999, LA-UR-00-629
J. Sanborn
B. Siskind
K. Budlong-Sylvester
G. Eccleston
J. Pilat
ISPO #422 Integrated Safeguards Evaluation Methodology (ISEM) Phase 2 Concept Development, November 1999, LA-UR-00-630 G. Eccleston
K. Budlong-Sylvester
J. Pilat
F. Houck
M. Kratzer
ISPO #423 Proceedings from the Workshop on International Data Communications, October 18-20, 1999, January 2000 A. Woodhead SP.43
ISPO #424 Software for Uranium and Plutonium Verification with CdZnTe Detectors,
December 1999
A. Lavietes A.211
ISPO #425 Feasibility Study for Radiation Monitoring of Fuel Movements in the Fugen Reactor Refueling Area, January 2000, LA-UR-99-6211 D. Beddingfield  
ISPO #426 User=s Manual - The Under Water Coincidence Counter for Plutonium
Measurements in MOX Fuel Assemblies
G. Eccleston A.214
ISPO #427 Passive Gamma-Ray Profiling for Shrouded Gas Centrifuge Facilities,
October 2002, (SG-NDA-1 Rev. 0)
H. Rollen A.233
ISPO #428 POTAS Task A.229, Subtask 6, January 2000 L. ReFalo A.229
ISPO #429 Strengthening Seal Use Protocols, Final Report, February 2000,
R.G. Johnston A.230
ISPO #430 Verification of CANDU Spent Fuel in Sealed Storage Casks, October 2000, LA-UR-00-4839
K.D. Veal
M.E. Abhold
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #431 Illustrative Application of the Integrated Safeguards Evaluation
Methodology, November 1999, LA-UR-00-900

G.W. Eccleston
K. Budlong-Sylvester
J.F. Pilat
W.D. Stanbro
F. Houck
M. Kratzer
ISPO #432 Passive Neutron Profiling for Shrouded Gas Centrifuge Facilities,
April 2002, (SG-NDA-2 Rev. 0)
H. Rollen A.233
ISPO #433 Determination of Active Neutron Transmission Limits for Shrouded Gas Centrifuge Facilities, April 2002, (SG-NDA-3 Rev. 0) H. Rollen A.233
ISPO #434 Profiling for the Detection of Neutron Capture Gamma-Rays for Gas Centrifuge Cascades, April 2002, (SG-NDA-4 Rev. 0) H. Rollen A.233
ISPO#435 Passive Neutron Measurement of Gas Centrifuge Cascades, April 2002,
(SG-NDA-5 Rev. 0)
H. Rollen A.233
ISPO #436 Passive Gamma-Ray Scanning of Gas Centrifuge Cascades, April 2002,
(SG-NDA-6 Rev. 0)
H. Rollen A.233
ISPO #437 Active Neutron Transmission Measurement of Gas Centrifuge Cascades, April 2002, (SG-NDA-7 Rev. 0) H. Rollen A.233
ISPO #438 Detection of Neutron Capture Gamma-Rays for Gas Centrifuge Cascades, April 2002, (SG-NDA-8 Rev. 0) H. Rollen A.233
ISPO #439 Report on the Needs Analysis and Program Design for IAEA Maintenance Technician Training, May 2000 C. Carroll B.89
ISPO #440 Actinide Packaging and Storage Facility (APSF), UCRL-ID-136420, October 1999 A. Lavietes A.229.6
ISPO #441 Reactor Fuel Irradiation History Verification Using FDET Measurement of Fresh-Discharge Fuel Assemblies, May 2001, LA-UR-01-2012 D.H. Beddingfield
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #442 Integrated Safeguards Evaluation Methodology (ISEM), Phase 2/Rev. 1, 
Concept Development, March 2000, LA-UR-00-1366
J. Pilat
K. Budlong-Sylvester
G. Eccleston
W. Stanbro
K. Thomas
J. Larrimore
M. Kratzer
ISPO #443 Illustrative Application of the Integrated Safeguards Evaluation Methodology: ISP-1/Rev. 1 and Current Safeguards, March 2000, LA-UR-00-1362
K. Budlong-Sylvester
J. Pilat
G. Eccleston
W. Stanbro
K. Thomas
J. Larrimore
M. Kratzer
ISPO #444 Neutron Generator Study   for the Aramar Gaseous Centrifuge Plant, Y/NSP-389, NSPO/ESP-00.246, July 2000 H. Rollen
S. Smith
R. Mayer
ISPO #445 Application of Managed Access under INFCIRC/540 Strengthened Safeguards, April 2000
G. Bradshaw
L. Fink
J. Gilbert
L. McRae
P. Petersen
ISPO #446 Mathematical Models for Safeguards Implementation Parameters, June 2000 M.S. Lu
J.B. Sanborn
ISPO #447 Basis for Design of a Solution Monitoring System for a Generic
Reprocessing Plant, August 2000
C. Rusch
J. Ellis
J. Kramer
ISPO #448 Unattended Monitoring System for Transfers of Irradiated Fuel Bundles at Embalse NPS: Conceptual Design & Project Management Plan,
September 2000
M. Ondrik
D. Miller
ISPO #449 Fuel Movement Monitoring in the Fugen Reactor Refueling Area Using URMs, March 2001, LA-UR-01-1559 D. Beddingfield A.116.77
ISPO #450 Vulnerability Assessment of the Modified-TEA Algorithm in the T-1 Seal, October 2000 R.W. Baldwin E.115
ISPO #451 Integrated Review Software Phase 2: Software Requirements Specification, IRS-SRS-Phase-01.01, June 2001, LAUR-01-2898
S. Klosterbuer
R. Parker
D. Pelowitz
ISPO #452 A Survey of LWR Spent Fuel and Measurement Methods, August 2002,
M.T. Swinhoe
D.H. Beddingfield
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #453 User's Guide for Aramar Inspection Software, March 2000 R.L. Mayer II A.233
ISPO #454 Design and Performance of a Monitoring System for WWER-1000 Reactors, February 2003, LA-CP-03-0185, DRAFT P.M. Rinard
H.O. Menlove
ISPO #455 User's Guide for Aramar Transmission Software, December 2000

R.L. Mayer II
H.Y. Rollen
S.E. Smith
ISPO #456 Initial Profile of the BRF Facility at Aramar, October 1999
E. Gryntakis
A. Barocas
R.L. Mayer II
ISPO #457 Initial Profile of the C4 Facility at Aramar, Y/NSP-457,NSPO/ESP-00.387, September 2000
B.R. McGinnis
R.L. Mayer
ISPO #458 A Versatile Method for Determining Sample Sizes, December 2000
M.S. Lu
R. Kennett
ISPO #459 Uncertainty Estimates for SAL's 1998 Analytical Measurements,
November 2000
C.K. Bayne  
ISPO #460 Fork Detector Measurement Software (FDMS) Phase I Final Report,
January 2001, LA-UR-00-6091
P. Staples
D. Beddingfield
D. Pelowitz
ISPO #461 An Evaluation of the Use of Advanced 10-atm 3He Tubes in IAEA Neutron Counters Including the HLNC-II, AWCC, and UNCL, January 2001, LA-UR-99-6552 H.O. Menlove
K.D. Veal
ISPO #462 POTAS Task A.229, Subtask 1 Final Report, February 2001
L. ReFalo A.229
ISPO #463 FRAM Isotopic Analysis of Uranium in Thick-Walled Containers using High Energy Gamma Rays and Planar HPGe Detectors, September 2001, LA-13832-MS T.E. Sampson
P.A. Hypes
D.T. Vo
ISPO #464 Evaluations of the 235U/238U Isotope Ratio through Thick-Walled Containers using the 185.7 keV and 1001.0 keV Gamma Rays, UCRL-ID-143390, April 2001
R.G. Lanier
C.F. Hayden
D. Clark
W.E. Parker
ISPO #465 Physical Model Volume 11 Research and Development Activities in
Connection with Hot Cells, April 2001, Y/NSP-445 (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION)
J.W. Roddy C.106
ISPO #466 International Workshop on Information Security, June 2001 N. Suski SP.54
ISPO #467 Test Report SDIS Design Limit Environmental Testing for IAEA, Wyle
Report # 45449-01, June 2001
J. Hazeltine E.125.4
ISPO #468 Ethernet Unattended Monitoring Facility Intranet Design Study,
ETH-DS-01.01, June 2001, LA-UR-00-6089
S. Klosterbuer
R. Parker
M. Abhold
G. Bosler
J. Halbig
D. Pelowitz
J. Sprinkle
M. Browne
ISPO #469 Tests Performed in the Aramar Gas Centrifuge Mockup at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, October 2001, Y/NSP-647
R.L. Mayer II
H.Y. Rollen
S.E. Smith
B.R. McGinnis
G.T. Nutter
K.M. Wines
B.K. Wiley
ISPO #470 Electromagnetic Interference Design Limit Testing on a Digital Surveillance System, Wyle Report# 45449.02-03, October 2001 J. Dearman
J. Hazeltine
ISPO #471 Test Report SDIS Design Limit Environmental Testing for IAEA, Wyle
Report #45449-01,October 2001
J. Hazeltine E.125.4
ISPO #472 Test Report Accelerated Aging (Thermal) on one SDIS System (Server and one VDIS) for IAEA, Wyle Report #45449-01,October 2001 J. Hazeltine E.125.4
ISPO #473 Test Report Compatibility and Reliability Testing on the M4 Satellite Communications System for International Atomic Energy Agency, Wyle Report #46294-01, December 2001 D. Bailey E.125.7
ISPO #474 Chernobyl Spent Fuel Conditioning And Dry Storage Facility Unattended
Monitoring System Project, January 2002
Sonalysts E.130
ISPO #475 Final Report on the Preparation of Glass Reference Materials for
Environmental Particle Measurements, December 2001
R.E. Perrin A.221
ISPO #476 Proceedings of the International Safeguards Workshop: Design and
Testing for High Reliability, October 2001
J. Lemley
A. Woodhead
M. Farnitano
ISPO #477 Gate Monitor at LWRs Loaded with MOX Assemblies, January 2002,
D.H. Beddingfield A.248
ISPO #478 Calibration of Pu and Cm Detector using 252Cf, October 2001,
M.T. Swinhoe
H.O. Menlove
P.M. Rinard
ISPO #479 Consultants – Assistance on Information Collection and Information Systems, October 2002, D01126 J. Van Berkel D.137.7
ISPO #480 Project to Develop a Certification Programme for Information Analysts, January 2003 M. Stein, Sonalysts Monterey D.119.11
ISPO #481 Project to Develop a Certification Programme for Inspectors, February 2003 DRAFT M. Stein B.95
ISPO #482 ISIS Re-Engineering Project, Planning Phase, Executive Summary, Version 1.1, December 2002 A. Dinkel SP.62
ISPO #483 Vitrified Waste Canister Assay System (VCAS) Monte Carlo Design
Study, January 2003
M.T. Swinhoe
H.O. Menlove
D. Beddingfield
ISPO #484 Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant Software – Integrated Head-end Verification System (IHVS) Software High Level Design, January 2003, LA-UR-03-0282 S. Klosterbuer A.247.6
ISPO #485 Evaluation of the Commercial Available Shaper/Discriminator Electronics for 3He Detectors, January 2003, LA-UR-03-0308 K. Ianakiev
R. Siebelist
ISPO #486 Design of a Gate Monitor for LWRs Loaded with MOX Assemblies,
February 2003, LA-UR-03-0773
D. Beddingfield
P. Polk
H. Menlove
ISPO #487 Workshop on Standardization and Integration of Unattended and Remote Monitoring Systems, February 2003
A. Woodhead
S. Pepper
B. Hoffheins
M. Aparo
ISPO #488 Global Communications Infrastructure Study, June 2002,
M. Stein
Sonalysts, Inc.
ISPO #489 Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP) – High Level Design Document for the NDA Data Acquisition and Integrated Review System, Version 2, May 2003, LA-UR-03-3247 C. Schneider
S. Klosterbuer
M. Swinhoe
ISPO #490 IAEA Equipment Management Information System (EMIS) Study, April 2003, Contract 61377, Task Order 1, Final Report Quanterion D.144
ISPO #491 Report on the Third Illustrative Expert Elicitation (EEL-3) for Addressing
Undeclared Activities in the Context of The Integrated Safeguards Evaluation  Methodology (ISEM), July 2002, LAUR-02-4799
J.F. Pilat
K. Budlong-Sylvester
ISPO #492 Expert Elicitation and the Problem of Detecting Undeclared Activities: A
Report on Three Illustrative Elicitations Undertaken in Support of The International Atomic Energy Agency, July 2002, LA-UR-02-6875
J.F. Pilat
K. Budlong-Sylvester
W. Stanbro
ISPO #493 Report on the Second Illustrative Expert Elicitation (EEL-2) for Addressing Undeclared Activities in the Context of The Integrated Safeguards Evaluation Methodology (ISEM), October 2001,
J.F. Pilat
K. Budlong-Sylvester
ISPO #494 DCM-14 Software Review, Final Report, May 2001 Aquila Technologies  
ISPO #495 Review of the Enhanced Observational Skills Training Course,
November 2003
M. Stein
Sonalysts, Inc.
ISPO #496 Workshop on Surveillance Roadmapping, 9/29 – 10/3/2003
A. Woodhead
S. Pepper
B. Hoffheins
ISPO #497 Vulnerability Assessment of the Euratom In-Situ Plastic Transponder
Sealing System (IPTS)
R. Johnston A.230
ISPO #498 A Simple Mechanical Attack on the In-Situ RNF Transponder Seal R. Johnston A.230
ISPO #499 Survey of Dry Storage Cask Design, July 2003, LA-CP-03-0724 E. Bouchier  
ISPO #500 Guidebook for U.S. Citizens Going to Work for the International Atomic Energy Agency In Safeguards, NEW EDITION BEING CONTRACTED CONTRACTOR   
ISPO #501 Validation of International Atomic Energy Agency Equipment Performance Requirements, February 2004, ORNL/TM-2004/26 P.J. Chiaro, Jr.
F.R. Gibson
K.L. Johnson
ISPO #502 Feasibility Study for the SGIT Software Testing Laboratory; Management Study and Feasibility Study, May 2003  IBM Austria D.145
ISPO #503 Relocation of USSP Non-Destructive Analysis Course for IAEA Inspectors,   Draft, August 2003 S. Pepper
S. Gushue
ISPO #504 On the Use of 233U-236U Double-Spike for TIMS Measurements of   Uranium Isotopes: A Simulation Study with 233 and 236 Super Scripted, April 2004 R.W. Williams A.254
ISPO #505 Software Requirements Specification for Chernobyl Software, April 2004, LA-UR-04-1734 S. Klosterbuer  
ISPO #506 Vulnerability Assessment of The MMSS Software (RKMC and DRS Components), March 2003 L.M. Desonier E.114.03
ISPO #507 Final Report of the Review Committee for Task A.260, April 2004, LIMITED DISTRIBUTION (OUO) S. Goldberg
J. Cappis
R. Perrin
J. Nagelberg
ISPO #508 Chernobyl Shelter Safeguards Approach, May 2004, DRAFT C. Carroll C.111
ISPO #509 System Requirements Specification For the Chernobyl Shelter Unattended Monitoring System (CSUMS), May 2004, DRAFT C. Carroll  C.111
ISPO #510 USSP Team Analysis of Sampling of Shelter Nuclear Material, May 2004, DRAFT      B. Boyer
C. Carroll
ISPO #511 USSP Team Analysis of the Termination of IAEA Safeguards on Shelter Nuclear Material, May 2004, DRAFT B. Boyer
C. Carroll
ISPO #512 Conceptual Design of Temporary Canister Verification System, May 2004, LA-UR-04-1189 (rev 1) M.T. Swinhoe  
ISPO #513 Rokkasho Hulls Monitor System Calibration Exercise June 2004, August 2004,LA-UR-04-5604      M.T. Swinhoe
C. Pearsall
T. Pochet
K. Ferstl
ISPO #514 IAEA Training Course on Unattended and Remote Monitoring July 23-25, 2004, August 2004 G. Baldwin  
ISPO #515 On Determining Direction-of-Motion in Under Water Gate Monitors, September 2004, LA-UR-04-6812 D. Beddingfield A.248
ISPO #516 Test Results and Evaluation Report – Multi-Instrument Collect Software Suite For Windows XP, November 2004, LA-UR-04-7944 P. Moore
H. Nordquist
ISPO #517 Improvement of Radiochemistry Separation Methods for the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Safeguards Analytical Laboratory at Seibersdorf, Austria, February 2005 J. Navratil
J. Clements
G. Fugate
T. Morcos
A. Padgett
ISPO #518 Dry Storage Cask Measurement, January 2005 D.H. Beddingfield
M.T. Swinhoe
ISPO #519 Final Report on Planning for Upgrading the Initial Course On Agency Safeguards, February 2005 Sonalysts, Inc. B.84 
ISPO #520 Evaluation of Integrated Safeguards Approaches for Spent Fuel from LEU-Fueled Light Water Reactors, August 2005 David M. Gordon SP.36 
ISPO #521 Division of Safeguards Information Technology Workshop on Turning Information into Knowledge, September 2005 C. Carroll   SP.68
ISPO #522 On the Re-Calibration of the Leached Hull Monitoring System (HMMS) at Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP), September 2005 D.H. Beddingfield
T.R. Wenz
S.F. Klosterbuer
ISPO #523 The Feasibility of Cask “Fingerprinting”  as a Spent-Fuel, dry-Storage Cask Safeguards Technique, October 2005                        

K. Ziock
P. Vanier
L. Forman
G. Caffrey
J. Wharton
A. Lebrun
ISPO #524 Department of Safeguards Workshop On Safeguards Tools of the Future, December 2005 C. Carroll  
ISPO #525

Development of a Cavity Source For Enhanced Ionization            Efficiency of Uranium and Plutonium using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry, March 2006, ORNL/TM-2006/55

L.R. Riciputi
K.B. Ingeneri
P.M.L. Hedberg
ISPO #526

AEFC Spent Fuel Measurements for DIDO Type Fuel from the HIFAR       Reactor, April 2007, LA-UR-07-0012          


H.O. Menlove
M. T. Swinhoe
R. Godfrey
D. Roach
C. Everton
A. Lebrun
R. Lafolie
ISPO #527

Upgrade of the Multigroup Beta Calculation Code BETA-S 3.1,
October 2006

I. C. Gauld A.252.21
ISPO #528

Improvements of NWAL Capability in Gamma Spectrometric Analysis for     U/Pu and Fission and Activation Products, December 2006,

R. Williams
T. F. Wang
G. P. Russ
ISPO #529

Uses and Characteristics of Depleted Uranium for Environmental Sampling,  April 2007, ORNL/TM-2007/21

D.M. Fischer
M.D. Laughter
ISPO #530

Supervised Clustering for n-Vision, Issues & Recommendations, May 2007, PNNL-16694

D.A. Thurman D.159
ISPO #531

Improving Safeguards at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Site, Summary Report October 2001-December 2007, July 2007

C. Carroll C.111
ISPO #532

Determination of Decommissioned Status of Facilities: RRCAs and         LWRs, October 2007, LA-UR-07-3424

B. D. Boyer
C. Carroll
J. U. Valente
ISPO #533

International Safeguards Workshop For Sensors for Advanced Safe-       guards, April 2007, Draft 

J. Griebe
R. Griebe
S. Pepper
A. Queirolo
M. Zendel
J. Whichello
C. Annese
ISPO #534

Obstacles to Recruiting U.S. Citizens for IAEA Safeguards        Positions, White Paper, February 2006 LIMITED DISTRIBUTION

S. Pepper  
ISPO #535 A Risk Study of United States Support Program Tasks Performed        For the International Safeguards Project Office at Brookhaven             National Laboratory, January 2008 C. Carroll  
ISPO #536 Nuclear Fuel Facility Forecast, February 29, 2008, ERI-2123-0801 M.H. Schwartz
T.B. Meade
E. M. Supko
ISPO #537

Working for the IAEA – A Guide For US Citizens, June 2008

J. Anderer  
ISPO #538


H. Menlove  
ISPO #539

Improvements of NWAL Capability In Gamma Spectrometric Analysis    Of U/Pu and Fission and Activation Products, July 2010,

ISPO #540

Quality Assurance Manual, Safeguards Clean Laboratory, May 1997

Radian Int'l, LLC A.210
ISPO #541

Traceability of DA Measurement, LANL Report on the POTAS IAEA       Shipment, January 2011, LA-IR- 10-08017

P. Hypes
K. Lacy
ISPO #542

Working for the IAEA – A Guide For U.S. Citizens, 2011 Edition

J. Anderer  
ISPO #543 Enhanced Recruiting for International Safeguards S. Pepper
D. Occhiogrosso
ISPO #544

Americans in International Organizations Vienna Workshop Summary Report

D. Occhiogrosso
S. Pepper
T. Collins
L. MacArthur

Last Modified: February 28, 2012

DOE, Office of Science One of ten national laboratories overseen and primarily funded by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Brookhaven National Laboratory conducts research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies and national security. Brookhaven Lab also builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry and government researchers. Brookhaven is operated and managed for DOE's Office of Science by Brookhaven Science Associates, a limited-liability company founded by the Research Foundation for the State University of New York on behalf of Stony Brook University, the largest academic user of Laboratory facilities, and Battelle, a nonprofit, applied science and technology organization.

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