United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Potential Rulemakings

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) considers public involvement in the agency's activities to be a cornerstone of strong, fair regulation of the nuclear industry. For that reason, the NRC has a long-standing practice of conducting its regulatory responsibilities in an open manner, and keeping the public informed of the agency's regulatory, licensing, and oversight activities. Toward that end, our regulatory process provides a variety of opportunities for citizens to be heard. For example, we announce public meetings on our Web site to enable interested members of the public to participate. We also encourage public involvement in rulemaking, provide related information on our Rulemaking Dockets page, and provide opportunities for public involvement in hearings. See Public Meetings and Involvement and NUREG/BR-0215, "Public Involvement in the Regulatory Process," for general information about the available opportunities for public involvement.

For the following specific rulemakings, the staff has been given authority from the Commission to release draft rule text, statements of consideration, and/or the technical basis for public review, and when possible, to hold workshops prior to submission of a proposed rule to the Commission. In so doing, the NRC provides opportunities for public involvement in the regulatory and technical basis for specific rulemakings. You may comment on predecisional documents through the Federal rulemaking website www.regulations.gov or by any of the other methods described in the Federal Register notice announcing the availability of the document for public comment.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 01, 2012