Dear Meebos,

You may have heard the news recently that Google has acquired Meebo.

We are super excited to join the Google+ team and continue working on ways to make the web more social. In that spirit, grab the Meebo Bar for your site here.

Stay tuned, we can’t wait to bring you the next set of features in the weeks and months ahead.

Heads up, as part of our transition to Google, several other Meebo products have been retired. Learn more here.

Thank you for being a part of the Meebo community. The team here has loved every minute of the past seven years, and we're honored that you chose to trust Meebo as a place to have conversations and share your interests with friends, family and colleagues. As we turn our attention to a new chapter, joining forces with the Google+ team, we look back with great appreciation to everyone who used and loved Meebo along the way.

Stay tuned for awesome new stuff from us soon!

Sandy, Seth, and the Meebo Team

p.s. Please direct inquiries to

For Publishers

  • Learn how to get the Meebo Bar for your site here

Retired Products

  • More information about our retired products here