Datastream : VCEIL25K

Vaisala Ceilometer (VCEIL): cloud base heights, 25,000 feet max range

Active Dates
1996.10.11 - 2012.10.03

Measurement Categories
Aerosols, Cloud Properties

Originating Instrument
Vaisala Ceilometer (VCEIL)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

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Measurement Units Variable
Altitude above mean sea level m alt
Altitude of highest signal m alt_highest_signal ( time )
Background light mV background_light ( time )
Backscatter 1/(srad*km*10000) backscatter ( time, range )
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
Detection status unitless detection_status ( time )
Lowest cloud base height detected m first_cbh ( time )
Laser pulse energy % laser_pulse_energy ( time )
Laser temperature degC laser_temperature ( time )
North latitude degree_N lat
East longitude degree_E lon
Instrument measurement parameters unitless measurement_parameters ( time, string_len )
Quality check results on field: Altitude of highest signal unitless qc_alt_highest_signal ( time )
Quality check results on field: Background light unitless qc_background_light ( time )
Quality check results on field: Detection status unitless qc_detection_status ( time )
Quality check results on field: Lowest cloud base height detected unitless qc_first_cbh ( time )
Quality check results on field: Laser pulse energy unitless qc_laser_pulse_energy ( time )
Quality check results on field: Laser temperature unitless qc_laser_temperature ( time )
Quality check results on field: Receiver sensitivity unitless qc_receiver_sensitivity ( time )
Quality check results on field: Second lowest cloud base height unitless qc_second_cbh ( time )
Quality check results on field: SUM of detected and normalized backscatter unitless qc_sum_backscatter ( time )
Quality check results on field: Third cloud base height unitless qc_third_cbh ( time )
Quality check results on field: Tilt angle unitless qc_tilt_angle ( time )
Quality check results on field: Time offset from midnight unitless qc_time ( time )
Quality check results on field: Vertical visibility unitless qc_vertical_visibility ( time )
Quality check results on field: Window contamination unitless qc_window_contamination ( time )
Quality check results on field: Window transmission estimate unitless qc_window_transmission ( time )
Distance to the center of the corresponding range bin m range ( range )
Receiver sensitivity % receiver_sensitivity ( time )
Second lowest cloud base height m second_cbh ( time )
Ceilometer status indicator unitless status_flag ( time )
Warning, alarm, and internal status information unitless status_string ( time, string_len )
SUM of detected and normalized backscatter 1/srad sum_backscatter ( time )
Third cloud base height m third_cbh ( time )
Tilt angle degree tilt_angle ( time )
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )
Vertical visibility m vertical_visibility ( time )
Window contamination mV window_contamination ( time )
Window transmission estimate % window_transmission ( time )


  • North Slope Alaska (NSA)
    • Central Facility, Barrow AK (C1)
    • Central Facility, Atqasuk AK (C2)
  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Hillsboro, KS (Boundary) (B1)
    • Vici, OK (Boundary) (B4)
    • Morris, OK (Boundary) (B5)
    • Purcell, OK (B6)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)
  • Tropical Western Pacific (TWP)
    • Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1)
    • Central Facility, Nauru Island (C2)
    • Central Facility, Darwin, Australia (C3)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (FKB)
    • Black Forest, Germany (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (GAN)
    • Gan Airport, Gan Island, Maldives (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (GRW)
    • Graciosa Island, Azores, Portugal (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (HFE)
    • Shouxian, Anhui, China (M1)
    • Tai Hu (lake), Zhejiang/Jiangsu, China; Supplemental (S1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (MAG)
    • Los Angeles, CA to Honolulu, HI - container ship (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (NIM)
    • Niamey, Niger (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PGH)
    • ARIES Observatory, Nainital, Uttarkhand, India (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PVC)
    • Highland Center, Cape Cod MA; AMF 1 (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PYE)
    • Point Reyes, CA (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (SBS)
    • Steamboat Springs CO, Valley Site (M1)
  • SHEBA (Surface HEat Budget of the Arctic) (SHB)
    • Ice Station SHEBA (C1)


Victor Morris
(509) 372-6144