U.S. Exports of Goods by State, ZIP Code Based, by NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings, Not Seasonally Adjusted In millions of dollars. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) shipments are included in the US to tal, and distributed among individual states and territories. Separate FTZ to tal line is for reference only. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. (X) Not applicable. (-) Represents zero or less than zero. NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings Manufactured Commodities Cumulative to date Item January Total Percent U.S. Total 75,895.6 75,895.6 100.0% Foreign Trade Zone 1,337.9 1,337.9 1.8% Alabama 784.4 784.4 1.0% Alaska 32.4 32.4 (X) Arizona 1,061.6 1,061.6 1.4% Arkansas 355.0 355.0 0.5% California 8,221.0 8,221.0 10.8% Colorado 572.8 572.8 0.8% Connecticut 1,271.0 1,271.0 1.7% Delaware 424.5 424.5 0.6% Florida 2,627.3 2,627.3 3.5% Georgia 1,557.9 1,557.9 2.1% Hawaii 16.2 16.2 (X) Idaho 249.0 249.0 0.3% Illinois 4,298.7 4,298.7 5.7% Indiana 1,647.1 1,647.1 2.2% Iowa 544.2 544.2 0.7% Kansas 754.1 754.1 1.0% Kentucky 1,297.8 1,297.8 1.7% Louisiana 1,148.9 1,148.9 1.5% Maine 208.6 208.6 0.3% Maryland 610.2 610.2 0.8% Massachusetts 2,038.6 2,038.6 2.7% Michigan 4,518.0 4,518.0 6.0% Minnesota 1,503.5 1,503.5 2.0% Mississippi 278.7 278.7 0.4% Missouri 992.1 992.1 1.3% Montana 63.3 63.3 0.1% Nebraska 273.4 273.4 0.4% Nevada 238.1 238.1 0.3% New Hampshire 304.7 304.7 0.4% New Jersey 2,321.8 2,321.8 3.1% New Mexico 84.7 84.7 0.1% New York 3,884.5 3,884.5 5.1% North Carolina 1,594.3 1,594.3 2.1% North Dakota 111.8 111.8 0.1% Ohio 3,315.9 3,315.9 4.4% Oklahoma 331.5 331.5 0.4% Oregon 1,019.0 1,019.0 1.3% Pennsylvania 2,534.1 2,534.1 3.3% Rhode Island 81.6 81.6 0.1% South Carolina 1,026.4 1,026.4 1.4% South Dakota 107.1 107.1 0.1% Tennessee 1,378.8 1,378.8 1.8% Texas 9,732.8 9,732.8 12.8% Utah 951.2 951.2 1.3% Vermont 159.7 159.7 0.2% Virginia 1,185.0 1,185.0 1.6% Washington 3,836.1 3,836.1 5.1% West Virginia 226.2 226.2 0.3% Wisconsin 1,378.0 1,378.0 1.8% Wyoming 16.2 16.2 (X) Dist of Columbia 218.3 218.3 0.3% Puerto Rico 1,293.3 1,293.3 1.7% US Virgin Islands 43.4 43.4 0.1% Other 1,170.7 1,170.7 1.5% Estimated Shipments (-) (-) (X) Unreported (2) 1,170.7 1,170.7 1.5% Timing Adjustment (-) (-) (X) _________________ NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings Non-Manufactured Commodities (1) Cumulative to date Item January Total Percent U.S. Total 13,281.3 13,281.3 100.0% Foreign Trade Zone 60.5 60.5 0.5% Alabama 100.4 100.4 0.8% Alaska 38.8 38.8 0.3% Arizona 145.0 145.0 1.1% Arkansas 18.4 18.4 0.1% California 1,243.1 1,243.1 9.4% Colorado 65.7 65.7 0.5% Connecticut 459.4 459.4 3.5% Delaware 2.6 2.6 (X) Florida 471.7 471.7 3.6% Georgia 111.8 111.8 0.8% Hawaii 6.4 6.4 (X) Idaho 38.8 38.8 0.3% Illinois 988.3 988.3 7.4% Indiana 50.0 50.0 0.4% Iowa 73.0 73.0 0.5% Kansas 118.0 118.0 0.9% Kentucky 44.8 44.8 0.3% Louisiana 574.9 574.9 4.3% Maine 24.2 24.2 0.2% Maryland 78.2 78.2 0.6% Massachusetts 124.3 124.3 0.9% Michigan 65.3 65.3 0.5% Minnesota 795.9 795.9 6.0% Mississippi 28.0 28.0 0.2% Missouri 461.0 461.0 3.5% Montana 39.5 39.5 0.3% Nebraska 65.2 65.2 0.5% Nevada 25.5 25.5 0.2% New Hampshire 26.3 26.3 0.2% New Jersey 428.6 428.6 3.2% New Mexico 15.8 15.8 0.1% New York 1,398.5 1,398.5 10.5% North Carolina 81.1 81.1 0.6% North Dakota 58.3 58.3 0.4% Ohio 304.7 304.7 2.3% Oklahoma 15.0 15.0 0.1% Oregon 350.7 350.7 2.6% Pennsylvania 198.9 198.9 1.5% Rhode Island 24.2 24.2 0.2% South Carolina 30.8 30.8 0.2% South Dakota 8.0 8.0 0.1% Tennessee 90.7 90.7 0.7% Texas 734.5 734.5 5.5% Utah 78.4 78.4 0.6% Vermont 6.1 6.1 (X) Virginia 134.3 134.3 1.0% Washington 394.6 394.6 3.0% West Virginia 76.0 76.0 0.6% Wisconsin 93.5 93.5 0.7% Wyoming 10.0 10.0 0.1% Dist of Columbia 39.6 39.6 0.3% Puerto Rico 8.3 8.3 0.1% US Virgin Islands 0.3 0.3 (X) Other 2,415.7 2,415.7 18.2% Estimated Shipments 1,742.7 1,742.7 13.1% Unreported (2) 673.0 673.0 5.1% Timing Adjustment (-) (-) (X) _________________ NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings Reexports Total Cumulative Cumulative Item January to-date January to-date U.S. Total 10,178.6 10,178.6 99,355.5 99,355.5 Foreign Trade Zone 298.3 298.3 1,696.7 1,696.7 Alabama 19.3 19.3 904.1 904.1 Alaska 1.2 1.2 72.4 72.4 Arizona 260.5 260.5 1,467.1 1,467.1 Arkansas 24.5 24.5 398.0 398.0 California 2,220.0 2,220.0 11,684.2 11,684.2 Colorado 127.3 127.3 765.7 765.7 Connecticut 56.8 56.8 1,787.2 1,787.2 Delaware 21.1 21.1 448.2 448.2 Florida 582.0 582.0 3,681.0 3,681.0 Georgia 124.7 124.7 1,794.4 1,794.4 Hawaii 1.3 1.3 23.9 23.9 Idaho 142.4 142.4 430.1 430.1 Illinois 375.2 375.2 5,662.2 5,662.2 Indiana 142.5 142.5 1,839.6 1,839.6 Iowa 23.6 23.6 640.8 640.8 Kansas 68.0 68.0 940.1 940.1 Kentucky 205.8 205.8 1,548.5 1,548.5 Louisiana 22.2 22.2 1,746.1 1,746.1 Maine 6.6 6.6 239.4 239.4 Maryland 60.2 60.2 748.6 748.6 Massachusetts 218.8 218.8 2,381.7 2,381.7 Michigan 314.7 314.7 4,898.0 4,898.0 Minnesota 113.8 113.8 2,413.3 2,413.3 Mississippi 61.1 61.1 367.8 367.8 Missouri 39.3 39.3 1,492.4 1,492.4 Montana 2.4 2.4 105.2 105.2 Nebraska 15.9 15.9 354.5 354.5 Nevada 57.2 57.2 320.8 320.8 New Hampshire 19.6 19.6 350.6 350.6 New Jersey 484.6 484.6 3,235.1 3,235.1 New Mexico 14.9 14.9 115.3 115.3 New York 1,269.9 1,269.9 6,552.9 6,552.9 North Carolina 158.6 158.6 1,833.9 1,833.9 North Dakota 2.8 2.8 172.9 172.9 Ohio 231.9 231.9 3,852.4 3,852.4 Oklahoma 21.0 21.0 367.4 367.4 Oregon 144.7 144.7 1,514.4 1,514.4 Pennsylvania 189.9 189.9 2,922.8 2,922.8 Rhode Island 11.8 11.8 117.6 117.6 South Carolina 267.8 267.8 1,324.9 1,324.9 South Dakota 1.4 1.4 116.5 116.5 Tennessee 245.3 245.3 1,714.8 1,714.8 Texas 1,220.4 1,220.4 11,687.7 11,687.7 Utah 26.5 26.5 1,056.2 1,056.2 Vermont 110.6 110.6 276.3 276.3 Virginia 97.8 97.8 1,417.2 1,417.2 Washington 170.8 170.8 4,401.5 4,401.5 West Virginia 8.5 8.5 310.7 310.7 Wisconsin 121.0 121.0 1,592.5 1,592.5 Wyoming 2.1 2.1 28.3 28.3 Dist of Columbia 2.4 2.4 260.3 260.3 Puerto Rico 26.7 26.7 1,328.3 1,328.3 US Virgin Islands 4.0 4.0 47.7 47.7 Other 15.7 15.7 3,602.1 3,602.1 Estimated Shipments (-) (-) 1,742.7 1,742.7 Unreported (2) 15.7 15.7 1,859.4 1,859.4 Timing Adjustment (-) (-) (-) 0.0 (1) Includes agricultural, forestry, fishery products, mineral commodities, scrap, waste and used or second-hand merchandise. The state of origin of movement value totals for non-manufactured commodities usually reflect the state where the U. S. port of export is located. (2) Includes prior month's revision to exports to Canada.