M 'M J J J J J J J J  J  J !  ? @         RN0PRINTVLBLB! Arial"Arial# Arial$ SWISS% Arial& Arial' SWISS( Arial) Arial!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!! !"# $ !% !% !&% &% ! % !&"% #% $!%'&''((!)(*(+) "2@@STYL0Undefined"2@STYL1Undefined"2@STYL2Undefined"2@STYL3Undefined"2@@STYL4Undefined"2@STYL5Undefined"2@STYL6Undefined"2@STYL7Undefined"2 @@STYL8Undefined"2 @STYL9Undefined"2 @STYL10Undefined"2 @STYL11Undefined"2 @@STYL12Undefined"2@STYL13Undefined"2@STYL14Undefined"2NormalUndefined6_  @ @@  * @@@@@@@@@@, @@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@, @@@@@@ @ @@  @ @  @ @( @  @   @@ ! "!#"$#%$&%'&(')(*)+*,+-,.-/.0/102132435465768798:9;:<;=<>=?>@?A@BACBDCEDFEGFHG(I @  @  @ @J @@  @K@L@M@@NKONPQ @  q@@'$`K``QM^U. S. Exports of Goods by State, ZIP Code Based, by NAICS-Based ProductT^Code Groupings, Not Seasonally Adjusted: May 2006 and Cumulative to Date, 2006^In millions of dollars. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) shipments are included in the U. S. total and distributed among individual states^and territories. Separate FTZ total line is for reference only. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. (X) Not applicable. 4^(-) Represents zero or less than 0.05 percent.( ^NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings ^Reexports ^Total ^Manufactured Commodities& ^Non-Manufactured Commodities (1) ^Item ^May ^Cumulative to date ^May ^Cumulative to date ^May ^Cumulative ^May ^Cumulative ^Total ^Percent '  ^Total ^Percent '  ^to date '  ^to date'U.S. Total N@33333@@F @t@@ffffff @#@ fffffի@ fffff@'Foreign Trade Zone L @ @ {@@@@9ªo?@ffffffF@ 333333{ @ Y @' Alabama 3333333@ @}C?@ffffff@Uz姗?@@ ̬@ ) @' Alaska fffffff@333333@V~?@ @em=?@̼@ @ ffffff@' Arizona @$ @ y/?fffffff@@T䉘?@9 @ 333333C @ @' Arkansas ffffff@` @@Q?fffffff@@26g?@@ 333333@  @ ' ' California  @fffff3@ZMׅm@\ @ @r'@333333 @̎ @ @ /@' Colorado @@ @SEa*?@333333@-j>z?@ffffffF@ ٱ@ @' Connecticut ffffffF @ @ h?@̌@[ ?@@ ffffffF @ 4 @' Delaware @ @#?fffffff@̤@ "(-)@3333333@ 333333s@ ffffffֵ @' Florida  @̫ @2|4Ɓ@3333333@ffffff@㸥.@@ @ X @ ffffff~ @' Georgia  @ @;"š@fffffff@̬@+8 ?333333@,@  @ @' Hawaii @@ "(-)3333333@3333333@ "(-)3333333?@ 3333333@ fffffff@' Idaho ffffff&@ffffffV @k[?@@TfFу?@@ ffffff&@ л @' Illinois X @4 @-Cn@@@333333 @uvE@ffffff@333333 @ ffffff @ 333333 @' Indiana \ @̈ @=n@fffffff@3333333@"IP?@@ 333333 @ 333333 @' Iowa @ffffffN @-I"ڜ?3333333@@<^?@3333333@ @ 0 @ ' Kansas  ffffff&@ 333333 @ 9N? 3333333@ ̬@ Yب? ̤@ @ @ @!' Kentucky ! @!ffffffR @!x2@!?!@!@!6K?!@!fffffff@! 333333Ӭ @! 333333 @"' Louisiana "@@"t @"q-?"3333333@"333333 @"ftE;@"@"@" < @" ffffffR @#' Maine #@#@#qn$?#@#@#nGGGb?#3333333@#fffffff@# 333333@# @$' Maryland $,@$̬ @$'.l^?$L@$ٵ@$@):?$@$@$ @$ I @%' Massachusetts %i @%. @%s@%@%fffffff@%J?%@%333333@% 333333 @% ffffffƝ @&' Michigan &ffffff @& @&@&@&@&[C?&fffffff@& @& @& 333333 @'' Minnesota '333333# @'1 @'^?'@', @'(@'@'L@' 333333 @' 333333# @(' Mississippi (@@( @(fG?(fffffff@(@(Ȓ?(̨@(@( ffffff@( ) @)' Missouri )@)A @)?wd?)@)@)pu1\?)̨@)333333@) @) آ @*' Montana *@*@*a"|7?*@*3333333@*Oе?*?*̼@* fffffff@* @@+' Nebraska +333333@+̜ @+^?+3333333@+@+7'tQ?+̼@+fffffff@+ ffffff@+ p @,' Nevada ,@,y @,7}*I?,fffffff@,̇@,:& ?,@,@, 333333@, ffffffv @-' New Hampshire -@-p @-]`HK?-@-3333333@-*,fj?-@-@- @- @.' New Jersey . @.3333331 @.}^0@.333333@.333333 @.P;ݪ< @.@. @.  @. ~ @/' New Mexico /L@/ffffff6 @/.Atw?/̤@/̜@/q,@3z?/3333333@/@/ @/ fffffff @0' New York 0a @0L @0΄Ɯ@0333333S@0` @0Ox@0333333 @0ؔ @0 333333 @0 333333H @1' North Carolina 1) @1Q @1'Jk@1̢@1@1k?13333333@1,@1 \ @1 ̴ @2' North Dakota 2fffffff@2fffffff@2 "?2fffffff@2fffffff@2F,iW?2@23333333@2 fffffff@2 9@3' Ohio 3 @3ffffff @3\ȁ@33333333@3̌@3j č?3333333@33333333@3 ffffff @3 @4' Oklahoma 4333333s@4P @4YYP(O?4̤@4fffffff@4eN?4̜@43333333@4 @4 333333 @5' Oregon 5 @5 @5^`d&?5@5333333@5ɺg !Qj@5@5@5 fffffff @5 333333k @6' Pennsylvania 6؃ @6333333W @6WYʞu@6@6,@6@6@6@6 ٛ @6  @7' Rhode Island 73333333@7̌@7z¦`6e?7@7@7fY"ax?73333333@7̢@7 @7 @8' South Carolina 8@8< @8\?8̲@8@8J7h?83333333@8ffffff@8 ffffff @8  @9' South Dakota 9@9@@9J \֫?9fffffff@9@ 9"(-)9̬@9@9 @9 333333@:' Tennessee : @:m @:9 KX@:3333333@:ffffff@:yFΛ?:@:333333@: @: 333333 @;' Texas ;P @;333333@;S6*@;̚@; @;L'@;ffffff @; @; @; ɶ@<' Utah <ffffff@< @<NXν?<3333333@<@<4 ?<@<3333333@< @< ȫ @=' Vermont =@=@=W@?=̬@=3333333@ ="(-)=fffffff@=fffffff@= ̌@= ` @>' Virginia >Y@> @>(ko?>@>@>$P^:?>3333333@>@@> Ɍ @> 333333 @?' Washington ?y @? @??dP@?@?ffffff @?kxN>@?fffffff@?ffffff@? \ @? y @@' West Virginia @@@ffffff @@r}5?@̀@@@@ChKg?@3333333@@̒@@ 3333333@@ @A' Wisconsin A333333 @A333333 @Az$rɟ?A@Ǎ@A~q?A@A333333@A 333333 @A  @B' Wyoming B@B@ B"(-)Bfffffff@Bfffffff@B.p`?Bfffffff?B@B 3333333@B 3333333@C' Dist of Columbia C @C @CvР)?C@C3333333@CJDG?C@C@C @C ܛ @D' Puerto Rico Dffffff @D333333 @Dma?D@D3333333@Dpȳig?Dfffffff@D@D ɜ @D 333333 @E' US Virgin Islands E@E@E1Ϣ˚?E?E? E"(-)E?E@E fffffff@E @F'Other Fffffff @FD @F ?F0 @F @F7g-u˲@F3333333@F@F ̌ @F 3333337 @G' Estimated Shipments GG G"(-)Gi @G̈ @G,[z@ G"(-) G"(-)G i @G ̈ @H' Unreported (2) Hffffff @HD @H ?H@H̔ @Hr0TE@H3333333@H@H 333333 @H r @J'Timing Adjustment  J"(X)J J"(-) J"(X) J"(-) J"(-) J"(X) J"(-) J "(-)J L'(1) Includes agricultural, forestry, fishery products, mineral commodities, scrap, waste and used or second-hand merchandise. ?M'(2) Includes prior month's revision to exports to Canada. :W_ ArialArialSWISSArialArialHELVArialHELV      O M4!*X,(@"WFay M Johnson/FTD/HQ/BOC Fay M Johnson/FTD/HQ/BOC  " "Doc Info AuthorDoc Info CommentsDoc Info Creation DateDoc Info Editing TimeDoc Info Last Revision DateDoc Info Last RevisorDoc Info ObjectDoc Info PropertyDoc Info Revisions CountFM3FM3 PropertyLotus:TOOLS:DataRouted RangeRouted Range PropertyWK3WK3 Property  ,FH F F CE E CEEE D E  D E  DED*ED