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Site Migration

AWIPS-II Localization

AWIPS II Documentation

Local Application Migration

Roles and Responsibilities

Local Application Inventory (LDAP link password protected)

National Core Local Application Development Team (NCLADT)--Web Page
(link password protected)

AWIPS II Local Application Governance Plan White Paper
( link password protected)

AWIPS II On-Site TIM (12/04/08)

Coding Standards and Conventions Applied to AWIPS II 

Site Configuration File Migration

WarnGen Template Conversion

WarnGen template conversion to Velocity overview

Reference for the Velocity Template Language(VTL)

Velocity Template User's Guide

Velocity References - Variables available to the Velocity Templates

Velocity Template examples and Level Of Effort for conversion

Archive link to aging Local Application Documentation


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Page last modified: February 24, 2012



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