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DOCLINE® Version 4.5 Release Notes (August 11, 2010)




  • Search: added Odyssey to fields searched in Electronic Delivery Address search option.
  • Update: added support for Odyssey as delivery method, including addition of Odyssey delivery address field, Odyssey as option in Borrowing Preferences as a preferred or alternate delivery method, and in Lending Preferences as supported delivery method.
  • Update: added Borrowing Preferences option to make Patron Name required during Borrow.
  • Update: added Lending Preferences option to determine the initial tab to display in Lend - Batch or Single.
  • Update: added "Do Not Route to" feature that allows borrowers to bypass individual libraries in Library Groups in their Routing Table, among Resource Libraries, or refer on to "All Other Libraries". Maximum of 20 libraries may be entered. See the Do Not Route to FAQ for additional information.
  • View: added Odyssey to delivery address and methods area of the "ILL view".

Loansome Doc

  • Status: Loansome Doc requests available for viewing by patrons continues to be 40 days from date of completion (filled or retired).
  • Messages: added warning message for Loansome Doc requests not processed after 3 days.


  • Modified screens to improve the borrowing, lending and searching of requests.
  • Borrow: added a "FINISH NOW" order feature that allows the borrower to complete a Borrow request immediately, bypassing subsequent screens. For example, a borrower can verify the citation information returned from PubMed, but skip the Routing Instructions and Delivery Address pages by clicking FINISH NOW. DOCLINE uses the default values from the borrower's Institution record Borrowing Preferences for pages skipped by FINISH NOW.
  • Borrow: added ability to limit routing to lenders reporting holding selected format in 3 broad categories: text, e-journal, or "any" physical format. Routing continues to match on volume OR year of lender's holdings, as well as delivery methods and services. For more information about routing, see the FAQ at
  • Borrow: added warning message of possible duplicate order if PMID had been previously ordered over the last 30 days. Warning displays the previous request's status and dates of activity.
  • Borrow: added alert message if PubMed citation indicates article has erratum ("Corrected and republished", "Erratum in", "Retraction in", "Partial Retraction" and "Update in"). When a URL is present in the PubMed record, the alert message will include the link to display the referenced citation in new window for review.
  • Borrow: use new Institution Borrowing Preferences setting to determine if Patron Name is required during Borrow request process.
  • Borrow: added Odyssey as a delivery method.
  • Borrow: added "Do Not Route to" feature that allows borrowers to bypass individual libraries in Library Groups in their Routing Table, among Resource Libraries, or refer on to "All Other Libraries". Borrowers can modify the default list during Borrow to add or remove libraries. Maximum of 20 libraries may be entered.
  • Borrow: added ability to "Clear All" existing M/A/N Map entries to allow faster insertion of libraries to route monographic requests.
  • Lend: added patron name to information displayed for lists of Loansome Doc requests to assist with identification of particular requests.
  • Lend: added LIBID to information displayed for lists of DOCLINE lend requests to assist with identification of particular requests.
  • Receipt: added Odyssey delivery method and address field.
  • Receipt: added "Fill from" holdings format from which the borrower requested the article be filled.
  • Status/Cancel: increased length of time requests will be available for searching and display from 40 days to 150 days from the date of completion (filled or retired).
  • Status/Cancel: added ability to search by individual patron name for DOCLINE and Loansome Doc requests.
  • Status/Cancel: added ability to search by individual Loansome Doc patron's email address.
  • Status/Cancel: added brief citation information to assist with identification of requests.
  • Status/Cancel: added sort options to display: Requests - Oldest, Requests - Newest, Patron Name, Service Level, Action, Institution.
  • Status/Cancel: added ability to print receipts for multiple requests at once.
  • Status/Cancel: added Contact Library feature to easily send question to borrower or lender.

Serial Holdings

  • Search: added ability to limit serial holdings to libraries that deliver via Odyssey.


  • Online Help: Updated online help manual and FAQs for new or modified features.