Wednesday, 17 October 2012

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Mourning Continues for Cambodia's 'King Father'

Cambodia >>>

Video Thousands Gather Outside Palace To Mourn Former King

“I loved His Majesty, but now I’ve lost him,” said Chhun Chenda, who lives in Phnom Penh and said she wanted his body returned to Cambodia.

Video In Maryland, Sihanouk Remembered, Mostly Fondly

The temple’s chief layman, Koy Moeun, said he hoped the king would rest and peace and “receive all the merit we have done at the temple for him.”

Audio As Former King Passes, Monarchy Remains

Son Soubert, an adviser to King Sihamoni, told “Hello VOA” that the monarchy remains, giving Cambodians an identity that provides political stability under a kingdom.

Photogallery Mourning Continues for Cambodia's 'King Father'

Condolence messages poured in from around the world for former king Norodom Sihanouk who died of a heart attack Monday at the age of 89.

Cambodian America >>>

Video In Maryland, Sihanouk Remembered, Mostly Fondly

The temple’s chief layman, Koy Moeun, said he hoped the king would rest and peace and “receive all the merit we have done at the temple for him.”

Video Cambodian-Americans Mourn Death of Former King Sihanouk

Mourners in Washington area have been stopping by a Cambodian Buddhist temple to pay respects.

Video In Long Beach, Dance Studio Celebrates 10 Years of Dance

Performers at the Khmer Arts Academy on Tuesday began rehearsing the classic tale of Mony Mekhola.

Video For Volunteers, Voter Registration Means Having a Voice

In Long Beach, Calif., volunteers set up four stations to grab potential voters in hopes of improving the very low voter turnout rate of Cambodian-Americans in Los Angeles County.

Southeast Asia >>>

Video Asean Economic Integration Nothing to Fear, Student Says

Asean nations are moving toward full economic integration that would eliminate trade and labor barriers across the region.

Photogallery HRW Urges Thailand to Reform Refugee Policy

Thailand is refuge for tens of thousands from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, in addition to 140,000 mostly Karen Burmese.

Audio Border Expert Says Old Vietnam Treaties Should Be Nulified

Meanwhile, Cambodia and Vietnam have yet to reach full agreements on border demarcation.

Photogallery Asean Rights Declaration Below Standard, Advocates Say

Supporters of the declaration say it is necessary to help Asean states have a norm for human rights.

More Topics >>>

Photogallery At Tribunal, Nuon Chea Denies Role in Tuol Sleng Mass Killings

Some 16,000 people were tortured and subsequently executed at the prison, known to the Khmer Rouge as S-21,

Photogallery US Judge Set To Begin Tribunal Work as Investigating Judge

Tribunal monitors say they hope Harmon’s arrival will mean the two cases will move forward, especially Case 004, which could be wrapped up before Case 003.

Photogallery Medical Expert To Examine Ieng Sary in the Hospital

Ieng Sary attorneys say he suffers from poor circulation that has made it impossible for him to attend hearings at the UN-backed court.

Video In ‘Lost Loves,’ Life Under the Khmer Rouge Writ Large

Nearly 200 people attended the film’s opening in Philadelphia last week, as the movie begins a US tour.

60 Second US Election Update

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