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Project Management Career Development Program

What is the Project Management Career Development Program (PMCDP)?

In 1998, DOE defined its acquisition workforce to include contract specialists/contacting officers, purchasing agents, financial assistance specialists, property managers, and project managers under DOE’s umbrella directive Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets, DOE O 413.3B, establishing training and certification requirements for the acquisition workforce. In 2001, the Deputy Secretary of Energy directed the DOE Office of Engineering and Construction Management (OECM) to establish the DOE Project Management Career Development Program (PMCDP). The PMCDP requirements are included in DOE O 361.1B, Acquisition Career Development Program (pdf), as a component of the DOE acquisition workforce career development program. The PMCDP Module establishes a well-defined career path that includes certification, minimum training and continuing education (CE) requirements, and project responsibilities commensurate with clearly defined qualifications. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Periodically, the PMCDP will update the list of Frequently Asked Questions. The questions are grouped by topic and are the most commonly asked questions relating to the PMCDP’s training, curriculum and certification process requirements.

The PMCDP team welcomes your questions and encourages your feedback. Please submit your questions to You should receive an answer within 24 to 48 hours of your request.

Importance of the PMCDP

The DOE recognizes the criticality of projects to success, and project management has become a focal point of improvement efforts. Project management centers of excellence (e.g., project management offices), training programs, and organization change programs to improve project management practices are increasingly common parts of Departmental strategic plans to improve organizational effectiveness. 

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